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2015 Louisville Manufactured Housing Show Flash Report

The final numbers are NOT yet in, and won’t be until Monday at the earliest. But MHProNews  has learned that an estimated:

> 1600 plus total attendees,
> plus over 800 exhibitors
> yields some 2400 total, with an increase in every category of attendee from the official flash report.

Flash Feedback

ignorance-costs-knowledge-pays-cuttingedge-ofmarketing-sales-manufactured-housing-mhpronews-com-With the HUD and MOD builders we spoke to who exhibited at Louisville, all reported good results and solid traffic. All I spoke with told me they planned to increase their homes on display in the 2016 Louisville MH Show.  We also spoke with a non-exhibiting factory-crafted home builder who is now looking to go to Louisville.

MMHF State execs told MHProNews  they heard good things from attendees, exhibitors and manufactured home producers.

Attendance was clearly up in the business building seminars over 2014. Exhibitors and state execs said there was numerous attendees who told them they found value in the various sessions. MHProNews  was informed that attendees were particularly enthused over the marketing and sales seminars yours truly shared.

Post seminar video interviews with attendees will be produced in the coming days will include comments by attendees who will share why they came, the value they found and why.

One of the hot Louisville topics was the discussion of a new-to-MH lender entering our space with a unique program for retailers and communities.

Hopefully the lender in question will at least initially limit their program to ‘select’ retailers an MH communities. Anticipated roll out? Possibly at or around the time of the Tunica Show. We’ll keep you posted.

Until mid-week, please keep your eyes on the Daily Business News  for specific numbers on the 2015 Louisville Show.

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latonykovach-us-supreme-court-washington-dc-posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.

