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50 Years in MH and…?

Manufactured Housing Pros, imagine the following. You are part of a business that has been ‘in the MH business’ for 10, 20, 30 or even 50+ years. You clearly are successful! Not many can say their firm has been around that long. That’s an advantage, right?

But is there also a disadvantage to the above scenario?

Is there also a disadvantage for an industry that has been around successfully for 60+ years, and suddenly faces a dizzying array of challenges?

Not long ago, your Masthead scribe was at breakfast with a pair of MH lenders. One was a seasoned veteran, and frankly one of my favorite gents in any aspect of MH. The other had less than 2 years in our industry. This 30 something manager, with a good track record in another field, proceeded to politely blast (perhaps unintentionally) the two of us and the industry as a whole. Paraphrasing, ‘Aging industries often end up in denial over what is causing their fall.’ Ouch.

At the other end of the scale is a comment today from a respected, successful corporate leader. Paraphrasing, ‘A banker called to ask me for some insights about MH, because he read we were on a list of sectors used by investors that projected 25% growth in the next two years.’

We at MHProNews are true believers, proven by the fact that we opened at the very time the industry was sliding to its lowest point in MH history. We are confident in the strong potential for MH. There has been a steady uptick since 2009. But can and should we do much better? Yes.

Now, let’s go back to that successful firm that is making money and have stood the test of time. Does their longevity perhaps suggest possible vulnerabilities? Yes.


The Need for New Eyes

There is a need for ‘new eyes’ for even the most successful professionals. Everyone who has achieved a good measure of financial advancement is vulnerable to the notion that since they are successful, they must be doing everything right. Yet right in front of them may be challenges they simply don’t see because they are used to what they see.

All of us, from time to time, need ‘new eyes.’ We need a fresh perspective. We may need an outsider to come in, look around, and say –

  • Here are the reasons why you have dozens (or hundreds) of vacancies in your MHC(s).

  • Here are the reasons why your MH sales center is stuck in single digits sales monthly.

  • Here are the reasons why your HUD Code MH or MOD builder is not attracting the caliber of consumers their products merit.


When there are MH Communities that are near or at capacity in a market similar to those that have high vacancies, that suggests the other should be full too.’

When a well known HUD Code builder is telling its own people that ‘the best year we’ve ever had saw 11% growth.’ and they use that as a reason why the industry isn’t growing faster, there is something missing. We know a HUD Code builder who has grown much faster, is profitable and has a growing, glowing reputation.

When MH Retailers no longer believe they can do volume, or avoid land/home deals for rather thin reasons, these and other examples are signs of organizations that are in a keen need of new eyes.

For tonight, let’s say the obvious. When the blinders are removed, and professionals are open to positive change, solid, sustainable growth happens. We’ll dive deeply into the issues we are noting in the days ahead. ##

latonykovach-louisiville2015-mhpronews-business-building-seminars-By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

