Company Announces ‘Tiny Tiny Houses’ ‘Mini-Mobile Homes on Bike’ to Benefit Homeless ‘Unhoused’ Working Poor; Implications-Importance to Inherently Affordable Mainstream Manufactured Housing
Top and U.S. Housing Markets for 2025 Interactive Graphic on Buying Power Based on Tax Foundation Studied Data by U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis–Manufactured Housing Opportunities-MHVille FEA
Donald Trump’s Election Victory Speech–Full Transcript plus CNN-Kamala Harris and Kevin Roberts-Transition Insights with Vichy USA Commentary and Analysis
Yardi-Linked Multi-Housing News Manufactured Housing Institute CEO Lesli Gooch Interview vs Mark Weiss Interview Responses Compared on Key Manufactured Home Industry Issues with Revelations
HUD Admits Decades of Delay as Election Approach-Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) say HUD Took 10YRs to OK Multi-Family Manufactured Homes After They Raised Issue
Housing Affordability Ranks High Among Voters-‘Forever Renters,’ Rising Homelessness, Out of Reach Housing Costs, and Most Proven Solution to Affordable Housing Crisis; Facts-Analysis
Patrick Waite – Equity LifeStyle Properties EVP COO and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Executive Committee Member – Dumps over $1.4 Million in Shares of ELS; William Lutz on Doublespeak
Loper Bright’s Light on FHFA-Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac-Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing and ‘a Pimple on an Elephant’s Ass’ – Eye-Opening Warren Buffett-DTS for Manufactured Homes with Analysis
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SECO-Linked Community Operator David Roden Questions Manufactured Housing Institute Leaders ‘Where is National Manufactured Home Marketing Program Like GoRVing or Got Milk?’ Emails-Facts-Analysis
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Up and Coming in MH – new builder, new lender – more Teasers and Industry Survey Topics

1) I reviewed pages of plans this morning that are in motion for a new factory-home builder operation that targets a Ohio River Valley and Rust Belt state. The builder plans to focus on a residential market, using developments and a new production facility geared for the purpose. These are projected to save home buyers 1/3 over conventional construction.  Time line? This could be in place in 2016. Tens of millions are in play. We’ll watch for this, and you should too.

A new factory home builder is poised to enter the market in a serious way. Graphic credit – SFGate.

2) Our friends at AIA are celebrating their 15th anniversary! The American Insurance Alliance has been serving manufactured home retailers and communities through independent agents who know our industry well. Hats off for achieving this milestone in their work!

3) Survey responses are coming in on the new Manufactured Home Industry Survey, August 2015. Here are sample comments from MH Pros like you:

  • Image is our biggest problem and these stories are the foundation of that problem.” (From West Coast, off the record)
  • Do you think there are some lost sales directly related to the new Appraisal Rule? Yes
  • On a scale of 1 to 10; with 1 being the lowest harm, and ten being the highest harm, how would you rate the impact of negative news on MH? 10- It does have an impact on consumers, but I see more of an impact on officials who want to use the media to zone out our homes because the media says we are an inferior product or introduce unneeded legislation because the media doesn’t share the complete story. (These 2 are from Deanna Fields)
  • On a scale of 1 to 10 – with a 1 being the lowest, and 10 being the highest – how would you rate the engagement of the typical manufactured home professional on industry related political issues?(Written commentary, beyond a 1 to 10 score is welcomed). Zero. They don’t know anything, just like most other Americans; often make erroneous, broad-based assumptions based on what they hear on TV; and rarely, if ever, engage on politics at the critical point: the local level (or in our case the state Legislature)… (From Eastern U.S., off the record).
Image credit – hersheyk12.instructure.

These are just a sampling of some of the juicy comments coming in from pros like YOU. Please take 5 and sound off on the Manufactured Home Industry Survey. Your comments, as you can see from the above or from the article linked here, can be on or off the record.

  1. We have a new A Cup of Coffee with… interview in the works, which should be ready for the big new September issue. This is in addition to a video interview with Marty Lavin and others set for September release.
  2. There are some MHI related tidbits we are gathering information on and mulling through. We’ll make a decision soon if this should be run up the flag pole, or pushed back into a drawer…there are some saying, of course publish this, because it is a lingering issue that needs to be addressed. Others are telling us, leave it well enough alone. We’ll let you know, soon.
  3. We also have another interview in process that is focused on the latest in the Frank Rolfe media saga.
  4. There was a follow-up meeting with a lender yesterday, who is still keen to get into the MH space, but for a variety of reasons, his firm has not yet pulled the trigger. Their program is…unique. I’m sure it would open up a market segment that is undeserved. To rephrase, it could bring more thousands of more new home sales to the industry, and I think it would have no adverse impact on other MH lenders. They are radically different.
  5. It seems like there are routinely those contacting us looking to get investors, or those who want to buy/sell/1031 their MHC (or whatever), reaching out for insights, tips and information.

9) We’re keeping an eye out for that PBS News special and will of course let you know once it’s available.

The new MHProNews September issue hits next week! New videos on!

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Let’s catch up here this weekend, and of course, make sure you spend 15 minutes a day on the Industry’s first and still only Daily Business News, plus the most read Featured Articles and other blogs in all of MH. Thanks for making us #1. ##

My thanks for the kind thoughts shared by the MMHF Chairman, please click the image above or this link here.

By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

