When a matter is in controversy, intelligent people look at each side of the issue objectively. When something as important as the upcoming election is at stake, which both major parties have deemed to be a ‘critical’ election that will define the course of the nation, casting a prudent, objective, fact-based, informed ballot is what the wise do. This report will begin with the headline focus of Obama-administration era-Vice President Joe Biden. It will also explore similar controversies surrounding President Donald J. Trump, which will be dealt with further below.
The turning point in the 2020 nomination contests was the South Carolina primary. It was black House Majority Whip James Clyburn who gave VP Biden’s floundering campaign a lifeline via his endorsement. Clyburn is correct in saying the following about history, which will be useful for understanding this key topic about “lunch bucket Joe” and his supposed support for minorities.
History is important, said Clyburn, himself a historian. So a brief survey of several controversial issues will be explored.
FLASHBACK: 10 years ago Joe Biden delivered a eulogy for Senate segregationist and former KKK “Exalted Cyclops” leader Robert Byrd.
The next video was uploaded by someone with a Vietnamese name. It shows among other things Robert Byrd, a former leader the Klu Klux Klan (KKK), a man that Biden considered a friend and praised.
In 1985 Senate Hearing Joe Biden Says N-Word [“N-ger”] Out Loud Twice. Pay attention to the context and the notes he is reading from.
The video below includes CSPAN of then Senator Joe Biden making his plea for the 1994 Crime Bill, which he claims to have authored and is clearly supporting. Biden calls a portion of the black population “predators” and says that the nation has no choice but to take them out of society. Note that there is some campaign items edited into this video, but those items are accurately cited.
This video from Australia makes a point that many in U.S. media have failed to make about Obama-era VP Biden.
Note that while there is some overlap, the videos above and below often include clips from CSPAN plus from various media, on both the political left and right.
There are thousands of such videos, per YouTube. In this next clip of then Vice President Biden eulogizing Klan leader Robert Byrd, he speaks of buildings, roadways, and the bridge named after Byrd. He calls him courageous. Where is the mention of Byrd’s Klan and racist history?
Note the above was while he was President Obama’s VP.
It was Senator Kamala Harris (CA-D) who issued a tough takedown on Biden, while she was still in the hunt for the Democratic Presidential nomination herself. Note that Biden’s reply to Harris at the debate is flatly contradicted by the videos posted above.

Additional Information, MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
At a minimum, there is a strong case – routinely using Biden’s own words – that former Delaware U.S. Senator and former POTUS Obama-era Vice President Biden is posturing support for blacks and minorities. But in fact, he has behaved in ways that are arguably thinly cloaked bigotry. The tone and statements above underscore that point.
How can Biden claim to be stepping forward now to help black Americans or other minorities, when after some 47 years in public life he has failed to deliver on his numerous promises to those same minorities?

Then, consider the new uproar over how his son has enriched himself in a pay to play scheme that favored Biden’s son, Hunter. There is also a troubling report with video and details in the report linked below.

VP Biden has become wealthy in public office. Objectively and in fairness, this happens on both sides of the political aisle. That said, Democratic leaders like Biden – or House Speaker Nancy Pelosi – are living large in mansions while they claim to be working for the common woman and man. If so, then why are rivers of money and support for Biden coming from Hollywood, Silicon Valley (Big Tech), multinational corporations that are doing business with Communist China, and numerous billionaires?

The question of media bias must enter into this equation. It is an exaggeration – perhaps to make the point – to think that all news is fake news. That’s simply not so, as MHProNews has emphasized for years by sourcing news from both sides of the left-right media divide in every business nightly report, using CNN Business as well as Fox Business headlines. That said, one of CNN’s own television personalities – CNN’s Fareed Zakaria GPS – is among those who signed onto a statement with 150 media and academics that while taking a clear shot at President Trump – also then pivoted to their main contention. That many facts and political views were being effectively limited or censored by media.
There has been left-of-center MSNBC producer and former a New York Times editor that has ripped the mainstream media agenda-news driven bias. Read those accounts in their own words in the report below

If Americans were being objectively told by all major news media – meaning, no spin at all for either the left or right – about the history of dirty politics that the Biden family is being credibly accused of, at times by members of his own Democratic Party, would there be any contest between Biden and President Trump?
Secret Empires
From the brief on Amazon of the book above is this summary. Peter Schweizer is president of the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) and a multiple best-selling author.
“For over a decade, the work of five-time New York Times bestselling investigative reporter Peter Schweizer has sent shockwaves through the political universe.
Clinton Cash revealed the Clintons’ international money flow, exposed global corruption, and sparked an FBI investigation. Secret Empires exposed bipartisan corruption and launched congressional investigations. And Throw Them All Out and Extortion prompted passage of the STOCK Act. Indeed, Schweizer’s “follow the money” bombshell revelations have been featured on the front pages of the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, and regularly appear on national news programs, including 60 Minutes.
Now Schweizer and his team of seasoned investigators turn their focus to the nation’s top progressives—politicians who strive to acquire more government power to achieve their political ends.
Can they be trusted with more power?
In Profiles in Corruption, Schweizer offers a deep-dive investigation into the private finances, and secrets deals of some of America’s top political leaders. And, as usual, he doesn’t disappoint, with never-before-reported revelations that uncover corruption and abuse of power—all backed up by a mountain of corporate documents and legal filings from around the globe. Learn about how they are making sweetheart deals, generating side income, bending the law to their own benefits, using legislation to advance their own interests, and much more…”
Schweizer has carefully documented the Bidens’ apparently corrupt practices with Communist China in the video that follows below.
Note that MHProNews cited Schweizer’s investigative work in 2016, when his Clinton Cash book and documentary played a part in exposing purported corruption by Secretary Hillary Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation, as being an international pay-for-play scheme.
Note the still in the video above reflects Hillary standing in front of a huge cheering crowd. President Trump goes somewhere, and there are huge cheering crowds. By contrast, even the local news media outlet below asked, why are so few people showing up when former VP Biden and Senator Harris come to their own campaign event?
While the Biden-Harris campaign have said that they are trying to keep crowd sizes down due to the COVID19 pandemic, in an ironic twist of fate, the left-of-center Boston Globe reported on 10.15.2020 that “Joe Biden’s presidential campaign said Thursday that vice presidential nominee Kamala Harris will suspend in-person events until Monday after two people associated with the campaign tested positive for coronavirus.”
The campaign said Biden had no exposure, though he and Harris spent several hours campaigning together in Arizona on Oct. 8.” That event the Boston Globe referenced is the one in the local news video posted above.
Conservative media sources have periodically mocked the Biden-Harris campaign as being unable to attract a crowd. Images of socially distant attendees standing in circles are shown to illustrate their point.
Be that as it may, there is still something odd about that, why? Because Democrats, pro-Democratic PACs, and various nonprofits that align with them have at times paid people to attend events. They have brought in Hollywood performers to boost attendance. Why are those efforts to build the Biden image being ignored, when it is clear that people in both major parties and various leaders around the world have contracted COVID19?
Furthermore, while many have made a lot about wearing ‘masks’ as a defense against COVID19, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) has just released a study that may upend some of that thinking.
“The [CDC] study found 74.2% reported wearing masks “always” while 14.5% wore masks “often,” or 85% almost always wore masks,” said the California Globe. And that is after Pew Research reported in August that “More than eight-in-ten U.S. adults (85%)” are “are regularly wearing masks in stores and other” places.
Dueling VP Biden – President Trump Townhalls Tonight, 10.15.2020.
Both townhalls start at 8 PM ET, with the plan for VP Biden to be on ABC while President Trump will be on NBC. It will be interesting to see if Biden keeps that planned event, in the light of two Harris staffers testing positive for COVID19.
President Trump, “Racism,” “Lies,” and Various Controversies
Let’s keep this one simple and link several prior reports for more. President Trump has been accused repeatedly of racism. But those claims are missing from his public life pre-2015-2016 election cycle. When he toyed with running for president almost 2 decades ago, he mentioned the idea of running with Oprah Winfrey as his vice-presidential running mate. Long before the allegations of racism dogged him – arguably stoked by political opponents.
The video is fuzzy, but it is on NBC where then citizen, real estate and entertainment mogul Donald Trump denounced white supremacist David Duke in the year 2000.
There have been routine statements made by candidate and President Trump denouncing all forms of discrimination, including racism. The CBS video below is from August 5, 2019.
This video is from August 14, 2017, following the Charlottesville statements.
The left-of-center CNBC new video comments in a post-Charlottesville news conference include the often-cited “very fine people” ‘in both groups’ statement by President Trump. In its full context, President Trump plainly denounced all neo-Nazi, white supremacists, and other hate groups. But he noted that there were peaceful protestors in both groups, which was factually accurate. There were violent and peaceful people on both sides of the statue issue. Note too that President Trump foreshadowed that statues of George Washington or Thomas Jefferson would have to come down too if the incident that occurred there were to continue. He proved correct, as leftist groups have tried to or have defaced and attacked statues of Washington, Jefferson, and even Abraham Lincoln, who is credited with freeing the black slaves.
But by carefully editing out the full context in that video above, and by repeatedly asking the racist related question, anti-Trump voices use mainstream media to arguably create an illusion that he is a racist. There are two decades of history on video by Donald Trump as citizen, candidate, and as president that demonstrate otherwise.
Furthermore, President Trump’s policies have done more for lifting blacks, minorities, and women out of poverty by far than prior Democratic or Republican administrations. Who says? Data as reported by both CNN and Fox.
Stop and think. It is stupid in this era to take a racist position. Neither ex-VP Biden nor President Trump want to be thought of as a racist.
So, the question then becomes, what does a careful look at the facts and behavior reveal?
There is polling that indicates that a rising percentage of African Americans are pondering or planning on voting for President Trump, even more than 2016. That added number of blacks voting for Trump vs. Clinton arguably made the difference in the victory for candidate Trump in 2016.
Polling today falls into several categories, and it is both art and science. Some polling is no doubt revealing, other surveys however are arguably crafted to form public opinion instead of measure public opinion.
Programing Note, Post Script:
Today marks the start of our 12th year of publishing. Our thanks to all who sent congratulation and kudos statements in via email, LinkedIn, etc. The fact that millions of visits occurs here on MHProNews with individual articles that have views that dwarf the entirely monthly content of others who publish or blog in MHVille suggests that thoughtful reports that lay out facts, examines them, and then provides reports and analysis is appreciated. Our readership ranges from thousands of rank-and-file managers, staff, independents in our industry, plus some of the biggest names in our industry, public officials, academics, nonprofits, researchers, media, and others. Our thanks to our sponsors, sources, and supporters who make this possible.
Then ponder this video from the 2016 campaign of then candidate Donald J. Trump.
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By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for MHProNews.com.
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and MHLivingNews.com.
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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