Telling lies is nothing new. Examples of deception and misdirection date back to the Garden of Eden, when Satan tempted Adam and Eve to violate the one and only command that God originally gave the first man and woman. In explaining to others in our profession and beyond the obvious, the famous line from the classic movie Charade is useful. Charade character Reggie Lampert, played by actress Audrey Hepburn, asks: “Why do people have to tell lies?” Peter Joshua, played by Cary Grant, wisely replies: “Usually it’s because they want something. They are afraid the truth won’t get it for them.” That sums up what has gone wrong in manufactured housing, but it also sheds light on what is amiss in other parts of American business, society, and politics too.
In Why We Fight, this MHProNews Masthead writer makes the Manifesto case for our motivations for fighting for the truth about affordable manufactured housing.
Frankly, there is more that could or should have been said.
For instance, I could have said that we didn’t initially get into publishing thinking that we would be doing what several manufactured home industry members have recently referred to as “investigative reporting.” While we have shared “News, Tips, and Views That Pros Can Use” © following our launch in October 2009. That role of investigating and reporting on why manufactured housing was underperforming developed slowly, over time. It occurred after most of those roughly 7 years of our firm being a Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member, with this writer being elected by my peers to sit on an MHI board. MHProNews did not launch by having an axe to grind against any trade group, nonprofit, company, etc. Our concerns about specific nonprofits and ‘black hat brands’ developed later, based upon evidence, tips, investigating, and experience.
Let me state anew that in consulting for and working with other companies in manufactured housing – decades before joining MHI – I’ve personally stumbled onto clear examples of lies, deception, fraud, theft, corruption, and more. So, it wasn’t like I didn’t know what deception, misdirection, and various forms of corrupt, dishonest or illegal activities and their motivations looked like.
Nevertheless, it did not occur or dawn on me for some time (my bad) time that what MHI was engaged in could fit the Lampert- Joshua Q&A. Per Charade, “Why do people have to tell lies?” the answer is “Usually it’s because they want something. They are afraid the truth won’t get it for them.”
Why We Fight Manifesto
Common sense ought to have told me what in hindsight is now obvious. Not to be too hard on myself, but thousands of other manufactured home pros have been taken in too, but also in fairness, numbers of them told me what they saw. At first, I was skeptical and doubted their concerns and allegations. Rephrased, I had to be won over by the evidence. This is clear by looking back at articles from a decade ago, 5 years ago, 3 years ago, or this year. As the evidence has mounted, so have our evidence-based and sources-accurately cited reporting and analysis.
What was going wrong in our industry has been a charade of various sorts. While the classic movie is cute, this manufactured housing industry charade is serious, costly, and harmful to tens of millions.
Why is it obvious that something has gone seriously wrong in our profession?
- The evidence in favor of manufactured housing is too compelling.
- The challenges that manufactured housing faces are in several instances internal ones.
- The legal issues that need to be addressed for manufactured housing to advance are well known.
- Plus, the laws needed to move the industry forward were passed some 13, 21, and more years ago.
- There is an undisputed affordable housing crisis.
- The manufactured home industry is demonstrably underperforming. MHI members ironically supply the evidence for that claim.
- While manufactured housing (MH) is only performing at some 30 percent of its last high of 1998 (about 372,000 HUD Code manufactured homes), RVs by contrast are projected this year to achieve some 575,000 units produced and shipped. So said Sun Communities. To show the dramatic shift, some 23 years ago, MH outsold RVs by some 3 to 2. Today, RVs are outselling MH by some 4 to 1. Facts like these have been sidestepped by pro-MHI mouthpieces, but not here on MHProNews.
- How MHI or any of their defenders can seriously grasp these facts and then try to claim with a straight face that MHI are doing a good job is either head-in-the sand thinking, OR it is deception and misdirection. The evidence is overwhelming, when MHI backers try to defend it they are unable to do so in a public debate. Which is perhaps why MHI – which used to respond to our requests for comments promptly, now ducks directly giving comments. It is also perhaps why MHI has on numerous occasions publicly ducked discussion of their performance or several vexing topics. As recently as last week, MHI and their corporate masters ducked out on a documented inquiry that used evidence and facts to directly challenge their honesty, integrity, and the legality of several of their actions. It isn’t the first or last time that Berkshire Hathaway, Clayton Homes, 21st Mortgage Corp, or their inside/outside attorneys have ducked our documented and evidence-based allegations and inquiries.

Of course, manufactured homes should have surged years ago. Investigators ask a simple question. Who benefits from a situation?
The only possible explanation for who benefits from underperformance is that a corrupt, agenda-driven motivation exists. “Why do people have to tell lies?” the answer is “Usually it’s because they want something. They are afraid the truth won’t get it for them.”
What is it that certain “people” in manufactured housing have to palter or lie about in order for them to get what they want?
The answer is found based in our current evidence-based realities.
- If the manufactured home industry is to be consolidated, the industry’s overall performance must first be hobbled.
- Sales must be artificially limited.
- Why? Because logically if manufactured housing were roaring, and sales, the development of new home sites and communities were soaring, then consolidating the industry would be financially impractical and thus would not be rewarding.
Roaring sales and soaring numbers of developments and sites must go hand in hand.
That includes the need for more affordable lending.
With inflation rising, it is the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) that aptly said that every $1000 in higher costs eliminates about 127,560 possible buyers that would have qualified for a home financing at that lower price point.

Our industry is not unique in that it is being hobbled in order for it to be consolidated. America is largely going through a castle and moat scheme in several industries. Former Washington Post reporter and academic Joel Kotkin said as much. Kotkin and his research colleagues have documented the vexing facts here in the U.S. and set them in the context of how this has happened in Germany, Italy and Japan under 20th century fascist regimes in those nations.

So, there are apparently liars and corrupt deceivers well beyond manufactured housing.
In the affordable housing field, the latest research reveals that decades of federal and other third-party studies kept pointing to the same causes for the affordable housing crisis. The research, facts, and evidence was similar during Democratic as well as Republican Administrations. Why is it that this has not been previously, clearly and routinely pointed out by the mainstream media? The evidence is there in federal as well as third-party research. The troubling truth is hiding in plain sight.

But what makes it particularly troubling is that it isn’t MHI that pointed this out! MHARR, the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), while not a post-production trade group, nevertheless pointed toward that insight in one of several statements and comments. One of them is shown in the quote below.

MHI and COVID 19
Among the various issues that have impacted our industry in the last 18 months is the onslaught of the COVID19 pandemic. This is a topic that our rivals in publishing have largely ignored or dealt with in a superficial way. MHI has for well over a year made COVID information from the government a centerpiece on their website. That’s okay as far as it goes. But what if that federal information is itself misleading or agenda driven? Is MHI helping as well as harming the industry by proving only federal data that is often being questioned by medical, health care, and science professionals?

Why is MHProNews providing more information on these issues than MHI? Who says so?
Per Google, it wasn’t MHI, or one of our rivals that ranked #1 or #2 on the following search topics. In both cases, it was MHProNews.

The purpose of education and information is to think critically and analytically. Humans are not supposed to be mere robots that follow some pre-programmed command. The federal narrative, backed by much of the mainstream media and big tech, is that COVID19 is the deadliest plague in a long time. While it is potentially deadly, there have been far worse. That is why thousands of medical professionals, including MDs, scientists, and front-line health workers made the Great Barrington Declaration in the first place.

Now, we have an advantage here at MHProNews, with an MD among those that we call family. But MHProNews on intellectual curiosity alone brought up herd immunity and other concerns Wuhan coronavirus related issues, weeks, months or a year before many in mainstream media began to grudgingly embrace what they previously dismissed. Our reporting has proven to be correct on several of these issues and controversies.
With that in mind, two more articles by controversial, but evidence-based Dr. Joseph Mercola are shared below with expressed permission. One is about data out of Israel and other nations that reveal troubling facts about COVID19 the vaccinated and the “unvaxed.” As a teaser, “Data Reveal the Truth About COVID Countermeasures” uses “fact checked” facts to demonstrate that the infection rate among the unvaxed and the those who have had the COVID19 jab are about the same. Yes, you read the correctly, and there are more facts in that report. Then, to frame that discussion, is “How the Plague of Corruption is Killing Mankind.”
What the Capital Research Center (CRC) has called Deception and Misdirection, apparently, only MHProNews has reported on in our industry. Certainly, we have done so enough that we are page 1 of Google for that source-credited topic. CRC is number 1, and depending on how the search is phrased, MHProNews is page 1.

In order to solve a problem it must first be understood.
When propaganda is part of the problem – i.e.: deception, misdirection and lies – then that propaganda has to be routinely counteracted. No one else in MHVille is even making that effort in trade publishing other than MHProNews. In terms of advocacy, while they stay laser focused on manufactured housing specifically – no one else comes close to MHARR on key production and several post-production concerns.
With that foundation, let’s press on to two new items from controversial, but evidence-based good health advocate Dr. Joseph Mercola and his colleagues’ work. Because, as noted above, there are few if any issues ‘outside’ of manufactured housing per se that has had such a significant impact on our industry, its homeowners, and the nation at large.
Note that while controversial, Mercola and his colleagues routinely cite their sources and/or link up the evidence that backs up their claims too. So this is not a tin-hat looking for little green men on the head of a pin. He’s a proven professional that thoughtfully presents his evidence in a way that allows his readers to compare his research and findings to more mainstream sources so that individuals are empowered to make more prudential healthcare judgements.
How the Plague of Corruption Is Killing Mankind
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked August 08, 2021
- The scientific discoveries made by Judy Mikovits and Frank Ruscetti showed the blood supply and vaccines have been tainted with disease-causing retroviruses for more than three decades, and the U.S. government has been hiding it the entire time
- The leading cause of death among child-bearing women in the world is HIV/AIDS. Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which primarily affects women, is basically AIDS without the HIV but with XMRVs and other co-infections like borrelia, babesia, mycoplasma and mold. It’s an acquired endocannabinoid immune dysfunction, and can be traced back to contaminated vaccines, biologicals and blood products that have been used for decades
- According to Mikovits, SARS-CoV-2 is a cloned virus manufactured in a monkey cell line and it is therefore a monkey virus. It’s the result of a bat coronavirus being grown in a Vero monkey kidney cell line known to be contaminated with retroviruses including XMRVs
- Mikovits believes “long-haul COVID” is the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activating endogenous HERVW and recombining with XMRVs, — introduced via vaccinations. Similar recombination occurs with monkey SIVS in HIV-infected individuals
- Those most susceptible to dying from the COVID shots are those who are already coinfected with XMRV, HIV, Borrelia, Babesia and other pathogens commonly acquired from contaminated viral vaccines
In this interview, Judy Mikovits, Ph.D., Frank Ruscetti, Ph.D., and Kent Heckenlively, a lawyer and science teacher, discuss “Ending Plague: A Scholar’s Obligation in an Age of Corruption,” which they co-wrote.
This is the third book in a trilogy that began with “Plague: One Scientist’s Intrepid Search for the Truth About Human Retroviruses and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Autism, and Other Diseases” and “Plague of Corruption: Restoring Faith in the Promise of Science.”
The first two were co-written by Mikovits and Heckenlively. The inspiration for the third book came from Ruscetti, who has been Mikovits’ mentor and professional collaborator for 38 years. As indicated in the subtitle, we won’t be able to end these plagues of scientific and academic corruption unless or until scholars and scientists honor their professional obligations and responsibilities.
“That’s the point of the book, and we wouldn’t have this mess if people like Tony [Anthony] Fauci and Bob [Robert] Gallo didn’t get away with this thin playbook for things like Ebola, Zika and the autism epidemic, all the way back to HIV/AIDS,” Mikovits says.
Selling Out Public Health for Profit
“Plague” and “Plague of Corruption” detail the scientific discoveries made by Mikovits and Ruscetti, which include the scandalous findings that the blood supply and vaccines are tainted with disease-causing retroviruses, and the U.S. government has been hiding it for decades. The books read like fast-paced thrillers and offer a view into the halls of scientific inquiry, to which few people ever are privy.
Book No. 3, “Ending Plague,” is primarily Ruscetti’s story. By 1983, when Ruscetti hired Mikovits as a lab tech at Fort Detrick, he’d recently discovered T cell growth factor, later renamed interleukin 2. He’d also discovered the first disease-causing human retrovirus, called human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-11) or human T cell leukemia virus, back in 1980. The book starts with Ruscetti’s story and perspective.
“The motivation for writing the book is not something new,” Ruscetti says, “and unless we change the fortunes of every man, it’s just going to get worse. [During] the AIDS epidemic, we were at an impasse. What most people don’t realize is that it shouldn’t have been at an impasse then, because if you look at the rest of the world, the No. 1 cause of death among women of child bearing age is HIV.2”
That’s a rather extraordinary statement. The leading cause of death among child-bearing women in the world is HIV/AIDS, but do you ever hear anything about that?3 If not, why do you think that is? In short, health agencies have done a terrible job over the last several decades, selling out public health for profit. As noted by Heckenlively:
“Public health has not been serving us well for the past 40 or 50 years. What I think is really extraordinary about Frank’s story is he really details how science has gone wrong. We like to think of science as this democracy of experts: top people in their field discussing how the science should move forward. But public health is not like that.
Starting in the 1970s with Nixon’s war on cancer, which accelerated under Reagan, these ‘czars’ of science were created. Tony Fauci is one of them. And then they demoted the other scientists to be like serfs. We don’t really have that many ‘government scientists.’ We have a lot of scientists under contract with the federal government, and this has really set up a system where people like Tony Fauci essentially control public health.
I think if people understood that the system itself is set up so that relatively few people are in charge, then all of this makes more sense. So, when they talk about in the media ‘science is deciding this,’ ‘science is deciding that,’ it’s really not.
It’s just a relatively small handful of people, almost like a holy bureau of science, and that’s what we’re attacking. What we’re trying to do is, we’re trying to move science back to its original roots in which everybody who is qualified has a voice and can contribute to the discussion.”
Too Much Power in Too Few Hands
Fauci has been the head of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) since 1984. In the 37 years since, he’s been responsible for doling out research funding that amounts to nearly $1 trillion. Who has received those taxpayer dollars? Primarily those who are aligned with the drug industry. It’s become an incestuous relationship that revolves around the creation of profit, while the public receives virtually no benefit.
In fact, in many cases, public health has suffered tremendously, and people have no concept of what has happened, or how their ill health is the outgrowth of corrupted policies and conflicts of interest. Heckenlively says:
“The comparison I make is that Fauci has been head of National Institute for Allergy and infectious Diseases longer than J. Edgar Hoover was head of the FBI. [Editor’s note: Actually, Hoover was head of the FBI for 48 years, from 1924 to 19724] Whether you’re right, left or middle, nobody believes that anybody should hold that kind of power for that long.
In fact, having that kind of power in and of itself is a really bad idea. I think [Fauci] really is a terrible person because not only has he been in charge of this system, he helped design this system. We need to get rid of Fauci and keep the next Fauci from taking power.”
Importantly, Fauci and Big Pharma not only control the funding of research, they also control what gets published and what’s buried. Fauci is the reason you’ve not heard about HIV/AIDS being a leading cause of death among women of childbearing age, worldwide. This statistic is censored, just like facts about COVID-19 treatment and COVID shots are censored.
As explained by Mikovits, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), which primarily affects women, is basically AIDS without the HIV. It’s an immune dysfunction, and it can be traced back to contaminated vaccines, biologics and blood supply that have been used for decades.
As detailed in “Plague,” Fauci was a key figure in covering up the true cause of AIDS, which was incorrectly blamed on homosexuals and drug addicts. By fraudulently changing the definition of the disease and denying the presence of exogenous viruses, so-called xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related viruses or XMRVs, they prevented women from getting correct care. Mikovits explains:
“The definition was ‘Only HIV can cause AIDS,’ and we’re looking at the same thing right now. There never was a SARS-CoV-2 monkey virus in hundreds of millions of people. They’re being transmitted through the [COVID] vaccine, and through recombinants it can happen in only two weeks.”
SARS-CoV-2 Is a Cloned Monkey Virus
New York-based physician Dr. Andy Kaufman claims the SARS-CoV-2 virus has never been identified. According to Mikovits, he is dead-wrong. SARS-CoV-2 is a cloned monkey virus, manufactured in the Vero monkey kidney cell line and isolated only from that cell line, not from humans with COVID, she says.
The original bat coronavirus was grown in a Vero monkey kidney cell line known to be contaminated with retroviruses and coronaviruses that easily recombine every time the vaccines are manufactured in 100-liter productions.
Mikovits conducted experiments on bat tissue Ebola cultures in the same line of cells in the mid ‘90s, trying to understand how these viruses cause disease. What she discovered was that it’s not the infection that kills. It’s the inflammatory side effects and the dysregulation of the innate immune response that end up being lethal, and the virus causes this in part by shutting down the interferon pathways. Heckenlively explains:
“What Judy is saying is that when you mix these viruses in different cultures, you will get genetic sequences from the culture cells. The thing that our books really talk about is how dangerous this common practice is — taking, for example, a human virus that you isolate, and then grow it in animal cultures.
What a lot of people don’t realize is that viruses are not like other living organisms. They’re very promiscuous in their swapping of genetic codes. In April or May of 2020, [people said] ‘This bat virus seems to have some HIV spike proteins and sequence.’ How is it that you got monkey sequences in a bat virus?
Our contention is that this common practice of growing viruses in different animal cultures, including human cultures, is creating these Frankenstein viruses which will have genetic sequences from the mediums in which they’re grown …
The belief in the ‘80s was that the HIV virus is hiding out in the T cells, which made absolutely no sense. It is true that as the disease progresses, the T cells would absolutely be taken out. That was an indicator of the infection, but what Judy and Frank were saying is that the HIV virus can’t be hiding out in the T cells, especially because you got the development of AIDS dementia, and the T cells, are not [found] in the brain.
Judy’s seminal work with Frank was finding the actual reservoir in which the HIV virus lived, which was the mono site macrophages. If I understand Andy Kaufman’s claims, I think he’s throwing out the baby with the bath water. Judy is showing how the virus cause damage and how the establishment is wrong, and how some of these alternative people are missing part of the argument as well.”
SARS-CoV-2 Was Spread by Injection
Mikovits makes a number of shocking assertions in this interview. Among them, that SARS-CoV-2 was spread through the regular use of vaccines that had been contaminated with the SARS-CoV-2 virus because of manufacturing practices.
The monkey kidney cell lines that were used to manufacture many vaccines were contaminated with bat coronavirus and shipped around the world. Those vaccines were then injected into humans, called transfection. Their cells then began replicating what we now understand as the SARS-CoV-2 virus.
“They absolutely isolated a SARS-CoV-2 virus,” Mikovits says. “But there is not definitive-anything showing [that it] satisfies either Koch’s postulates or Hill criteria, which we did with the XMRVs, meaning the virus, in my opinion, is still a monkey virus that was spread via injection.”
In other words, while there is a virus named SARS-CoV-2, no one has proven that this viral isolate actually ever transmitted between humans or causes COVID-19. Her assertion is that SARS-CoV-2 is a monkey virus that is an artifact of culturing a bat coronavirus in Vero monkey kidney cell cultures that, for years, have been contaminated with XMRVs.
To prove SARS-CoV-2 causes COVID-19, you have to extract the virus from a person who has COVID-19, and infect another person with that virus. If the exposed individual gets COVID-19, then the virus would be the causative factor.
We know most individuals have been exposed to people with COVID-19, yet they do not develop COVID-19. This suggests that SARS-Co-V-2 is not the sole causative factor.
How the COVID Shots Produce Variants
Mikovits also believes the COVID jabs add to the pandemic by producing variants through a process called transfection. When a clone of an infectious viral sequence is injected in a synthetic viral particle called a lipid nanoparticle, it is not an infectious transmissible virus particle. Instead, the host cells’ machinery starts replicating the inoculated sequences or expressing the spike proteins.
In the case of the COVID jabs, your cells are producing the spike protein of the virus only, which is actually the pathogenic part of the virus. The spike protein is what’s causing the disease. Put another way, COVID-19 is not a viral infection. It’s caused by a metabolic toxin, namely the spike protein. This viral particle, in and of itself, functions like a synthetic virus.
The spike protein is synthetic because the mRNA injected has been genetically modified. The mRNA is not infectious or transmissible, but when injected, your body starts to make this synthetic spike protein that operates like a virus, and can be transmitted to other people. Heckenlively explains:
“Virologists say you need a complete virus to do harm. What Judy has [found] is that defective viruses can cause harm as well. If you think of a virus as a code, like a computer program, if you have a couple bad lines of code, that can still cause problems in your computer as well.
What Judy is saying is that viruses are dangerous in ways that are not fully appreciated by science. You don’t have to have a complete virus in order to do harm. You can do sequences of the virus that they would call defective or garbage pieces, and it can still cause enormous harm, because those parts of the virus, such as the envelope, are affecting the function of your immune system.”
According to Mikovits, 8% of the human genome consists of endogenous viruses that include retroviral envelopes that are critical to the regulation of our innate immune responses, our critical type 1 interferon. Some perform very important functions, including regulatory roles.
However, you cannot express animal or other human endogenous viruses without risking recombinants and new viruses. Hence, when vaccines are contaminated with animal retroviruses, you risk creating brand new viruses that can cause all sorts of harm.
What Is the Hidden Agenda?
In summary, Mikovits and Ruscetti’s work demonstrates an important principle, which is that viruses do not travel alone. They travel in groups, and while one may affect one part of the immune system, another type will produce other immune responses. The end result is what we diagnose as the acquired immune dysfunction or deficiency.
For example, HIV alone does not cause AIDS. To develop AIDS, you need multiple environmental toxins like glyphosate, aluminum or a coinfection of HIV and XMRVs. Again, XMRVs are found in vaccines that have been grown in animal tissue.
The XMRVs cripple your innate immune system, including your natural killer (NK) cells. This then allows the HIV to take out your adaptive immune system, the T and B cells, resulting in disease progression and if left untreated, death. In CFS, the primary coinfection is that of XMRVs and herpes viruses.
Mikovits believes those who are most susceptible to dying from the COVID shots are those who are already coinfected with XMRV, HIV, Borrelia, Babesia and other pathogens commonly acquired from contaminated vaccines.
Mikovits is convinced that what is now being called “long-haul COVID” is the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activating and recombining with XMRVs — introduced via vaccinations — and the HIV virus. She also believes those who are most susceptible to dying from the COVID shots are those who are already coinfected with XMRV, HIV, Borrelia, Babesia and other pathogens commonly acquired from contaminated vaccines.
What this all means, then, is that in order to protect yourself against the disease, you cannot focus on protecting yourself against a single virus. The answer is to make sure your immune system is strong enough to take on whatever it encounters. Absolutely never get another inoculation of any vaccines until all of the appropriate testing is done and the contaminants removed, as they should have been decades ago.
That’s why the pandemic measures have been so detrimental. Mask wearing, sheltering indoors and staying in a state of perpetual fear all dampen your immune function. The question is, why did those in charge make sure they did everything to lower our immune defenses?
“For me personally, it is the best evidence that this was not simply a series of mistakes by those in charge,” Heckenlively says. “There had to be some other agenda. I’m trained as an attorney. I have people lie to me all the time. I’m always questioning people and I look at what’s done. Can I prove it? No, but it seems like an amazing pattern of mistakes to just be the result of stupidity or politics.”
Profiling COVID-19
What do we know about the people who have died from COVID-19? We know they’re elderly. We know that they have 2.6 comorbidities. What Mikovits, Ruscetti and Heckenlively are saying is that for the past 60 years, we’ve been injecting animal viruses into human beings, and the assertion made in “Plague of Corruption” is that this practice has caused many of these chronic diseases in people.
This reality has been covered up, however, which is why many are now hearing about this for the very first time. Along comes SARS-CoV-2, triggering terrible immune system reactions in those who are already infected with these animal viruses.
The coinfections are ultimately what’s killing them. Essentially, SARS-CoV-2 is acting like the executioner of people who are already sick with chronic diseases caused by animal retroviruses, other pathogens and toxins introduced through vaccinations.
Add to this the COVID shots. These injections make your cells produce a synthetic spike protein (a synthetic virus envelope) that has pathological effects. The reason why the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein is so dangerous is because it contains the envelope proteins of three of the most harmful viruses: the HIV family, the XMRV family and the SARS family of viruses.
All of them are now rolled into one, and the instructions to produce this synthetic pathogen are now being injected into hundreds of millions of people. What can go wrong? As explained by Mikovits, the XMRVs and HIV were incorporated by growing the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the Vero E6 cell line.
Related to HIV is the simian immune deficiency virus (SIV), and it too is found in the Vero monkey cell line, part of the endogenous viral genome of monkeys. SIV and HIV have overlapping envelope proteins, so they produce the same inflammatory immune response.
Ending Plague
“Ending Plague” goes deep into the history of all this and provides a framework for understanding how something so devastating and disruptive could happen now, in 2021. The basis of this has a lot to do with the actions of Fauci and Robert Gallo, Ph.D. Fauci, for example, was responsible for discrediting all AIDS treatments other than AZT — the drug that he sponsored.
He kept insisting that more randomized controlled trials were needed, yet he held the purse strings and refused to fund the very studies he claimed were required to prove these other treatments. AZT meanwhile, cost $5 to make and was sold for $10,000 per dose. AZT wound up killing some 330,000 people due to its toxicity.
The very same pattern is playing out today with COVID-19, and Fauci is again playing a lead role. Is that really a coincidence? He’s been warning against the use of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, and he’s downplayed the importance of vitamin D sufficiency and any number of other things. According to Fauci, the COVID “vaccine” is the only way forward, and now we’re seeing thousands of people around the world dying within weeks of their injections.
In “Ending Plague,” the three coauthors review how we can reform public health to get us out of this mess, once and for all. “I think that the scholar’s obligation in an age of corruption is to tell the truth and make the world a better place,” Heckenlively says, adding:
“These books that I helped Judy, Frank and others put together, these are really stories of defectors from science. In them we see the destruction of the old order and the creation of something new and wonderful.
We’re not just saying things are terrible. We are talking about how to bring about change. That’s why it’s so important that people buy these books because, I hate to say it, sales are power for people like Judy, Frank and me, to continue our message.”

The National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) recently posted more than 50 video presentations from the pay-for-view Fifth International Public Conference on Vaccination held online October 16 to 18, 2020, and made them available to everyone for free.
The conference’s theme was “Protecting Health and Autonomy in the 21st Century” and it featured physicians, scientists and other health professionals, human rights activists, faith community leaders, constitutional and civil rights attorneys, authors and parents of vaccine injured children talking about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics and infectious diseases, including coronavirus and COVID-19 vaccines.
In December 2020, a U.K. company published false and misleading information about NVIC and its conference, which prompted NVIC to open up the whole conference for free viewing. The conference has everything you need to educate yourself and protect your personal freedoms and liberties with respect to your health.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity. I was a speaker at this empowering conference and urge you to watch these video presentations before they’re censored and taken away by the technocratic elite.
Data Reveal the Truth About COVID Countermeasures
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Fact Checked
August 08, 2021
- Data from Israel, where the vast majority of the population has been injected with the Pfizer mRNA concoction, show those “vaccinated” against COVID-19 and unvaccinated have the same infection rate, regardless of age. Empirical data from other countries also reveal the injections have no effect on transmission
- Ivor Cummins suspects the obsession with COVID-19 injections has to do with profiteering and with justifying vaccine passports. The enormous emphasis on getting nearly everyone the COVID injection may also be related to elimination of the control group, which will effectively hide the real damage the injection is doing
- Moderna and Pfizer have eliminated the original control groups by giving controls the real injection. This was done even though the trials are officially ongoing for another two years. So, there are no official control groups against which to assess the effectiveness and safety of these injections
- Side effects of the COVID shots are vastly under-reported, so it’s very difficult to get a grasp on the real-world magnitude of the risks. According to a CDC whistleblower, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) under-reports deaths by a factor of five or more
- In sworn testimony, the whistleblower claims 45,000 Americans had died within three days of their COVID shots as of July 9, 2021. The numbers get even higher when looking at deaths occurring within a week or two of the injections
In this interview, Ivor Cummins shares his insights about the ineffectiveness of COVID countermeasures, and how to stay healthy in this time of COVID-19. While he does not have formal medical training, he’s well-trained in the scientific method and has a very analytical and logical mind. As common sense has become all too uncommon, we need people like Cummins to remind us what the obvious common-sense conclusions are, and how to logically interpret data.
He has a biochemical engineering degree, and has spent the last eight or nine years researching metabolic health. In March 2020, his wife became concerned about SARS-CoV-2, which led him start analyzing the data surrounding COVID-19.
“I did a quick check and found the Diamond Princess data,” Cummins says. “So, I put a ceiling on the infection fatality rate, maybe around 0.2%, massively stacked towards people who were elderly and infirm, and I told her, ‘No, this has nothing to do with us effectively. It’s going to be the equivalent of a bad flu, or severe flu season.’
And then I watched the lockdowns come in, which came straight from China. I watched as the seasonal problem in Europe collapsed as expected in April. And they didn’t want to take the lockdowns out.
Then they wanted more restrictions, and then they starting whooping about a vaccine … They then brought in masks in Northern Europe in the summer, and that’s when I knew we were in serious trouble because in Northern Europe, there was nothing going on.
The hospitals were empty. The ICUs were empty. We were in the seasonal kind of trough. Yet they brought in mandatory masks and everyone started wearing them. I stayed on it after that.”
What’s Behind the COVID Jab Narrative?
Cummins’ primary concern with the COVID-19 injections is that the benefit is basically nonexistent for healthy people under the age of 60. He cites data from Israel, where the vast majority of the population has been injected with the Pfizer mRNA concoction, that unvaccinated and “vaccinated” have the same infection rate, regardless of age. Empirical data from other countries also reveal the injections have no effect on transmission.
“The pharma companies did acknowledge it may not affect transmission,” he says. “Mechanistically, it shouldn’t really affect transmission. And the real-world data say it doesn’t. So, the push to vaccinate is not based on any science, really, at all. It’s just based on a desire. And you’ve got to question that desire.
What is the obsession with trying to get everyone vaccinated? I feel that part of it has to do with profiteering and pharma influence, obviously. Part of it has to do with justifying a vaccine passport or permits.
And part of it, I think, is that there’s a fear that having a substantial control group, say 20%, 30% of people who are not vaccinated, will clearly show that the unvaccinated, unless they’ve got particular medical conditions, really are no worse off and are not causing transmission. So, I think there is a desire now to eliminate the control group.
A control group shows that your medication or your lockdown isn’t so hot. So, I think that’s another driver. A bit of desperation is coming in to get rid of the control group and just get everyone vaccinated, and then you can’t see the signal anymore.”
Official Control Groups Have Been Eliminated
This is in fact precisely what Moderna and Pfizer have done: Both have eliminated the original control groups in their initial COVID injection trials by giving controls the real mRNA shot. This was done even though the trials are officially ongoing for another two years. So, they have already eliminated the control groups in the trials against which to assess the effectiveness and safety of these injections. Cummins comments:
“The whole thing is kind of a sham, and you don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to say it’s a sham. Basically, elementary science has been inverted, turned upside down, macerated, flushed down the urinal. And that’s without even getting into complicated stuff. It’s crazy.
I mean, most people don’t even realize it’s under emergency use authorization (EUA). A guy in Ireland went to seven pharmacies and asked them the question, ‘What’s the risk to my 20-year-old daughter from COVID? And what’s the risk of side effects from the medication?’ And they couldn’t really answer.
Pretty much all of them said emphatically, ‘This is fully tested.’ He showed them the documentation, that it’s emergency use only. It’s not fully [approved]. And they were kind of surprised. So even all the people administering [the COVID injections] are just not aware of any of the facts, it appears.
The pharmacists in question thought side effects were 1 in hundreds of thousands. But the Johnson & Johnson leaflet that this guy brought in showed up to 1 in 10,000 chance of a serious clot in brain, lymph or spleen, et cetera.
So, they weren’t even really aware of the contents of the leaflet … So, there’s no informed consent because the person administering [the injection] doesn’t understand the [risks], and certainly the person getting it doesn’t.”
Side Effects and Deaths Are Vastly Underreported
Unfortunately, many countries simply aren’t reporting side effects, so it’s very difficult to get a grasp on the real-world magnitude of the risks involved with these injections. As noted by Cummins:
“In Ireland, I have people on the inside of the medical system, and overwhelmingly, nothing’s getting recorded. When people have a reaction, they send them to the emergency room. The emergency room just deals with it. No one picks up a pencil or a pen. I mean, that’s just across the board. So, I’ve heard the estimate that on average, the recorded issues, you might be able to multiply by 5 to 10 to get the actual number.”
July 19, 2021, America’s Frontline Doctors filed a motion to stop the emergency use authorization of COVID injections for children under 18, anyone with natural immunity and anyone who has not been given proper informed consent.1,2,3
In their motion, the group included a sworn statement by a CDC whistleblower, a computer programmer with expertise in health care data analytics who has access to Medicare and Medicaid data maintained by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Over the last 20 years, she has developed more than 100 health care fraud detection algorithms for use in the public and private sectors.
According to this whistleblower, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) indeed under-reports deaths by a factor of five or more. In her sworn testimony, she claims 45,000 Americans had died within three days of their COVID shots as of July 9, 2021. The numbers get even higher when looking at deaths occurring within a week or two of the injections.
According to the official narrative, there’s no solid evidence to prove the COVID shots actually caused these deaths, but as noted by Cummins, the data does show clear correlation, as reactions are occurring primarily in the first week or two after the injection. After that, reports of reactions drop significantly. This is evidence of association, as otherwise, you’d see a flat curve of reactions over four or six weeks.
Brainwashing Effort Without Equal
As noted by Cummins, studies have revealed that it only takes a couple of months to brainwash people, at which point their reasoning ability has been effectively destroyed. “They just can’t see reason after that because their brain has been [re]formed,” he says. We’ve now been under a constant 24/7 barrage of misleading propaganda for a year and a half.
“I compare it to 1930s Germany,” Cummins says, “and I’m very specific. Some people get very angry about referring back to that period. But I’m not referring to the Holocaust. I’m not referring to the ‘40s. I refer back to 1930s Germany, when Goebbels and the rest of them, they put a radio in every house, free of charge, I believe.
They knew, ‘Once we’ve got a conduit, or a channel into every house, and we feed them what we want to feed them, we’ve got them.’ I think there was a quote from one of the Nazi party [who said], ‘Give me control of the media, and I will turn any nation into a nation of pigs.’ They had contempt for the people. But they were very smart, and they pulled off, obviously, an absolute horror.
People get really angry if you compare it to that period but it’s a perfect analogy. Take over the media, mass propaganda for sustained periods, and then you can almost do what you want. I mean, the nonsense that they’ve come out with, so many times in the last year, people should just laugh at it. It should be a farce, a comedy.
But people are not laughing. They’ve just gotten used to being fed umbilically from the media and the professors and experts. And no matter what nonsense they say, they just take it on board.”
In the 80 years since then, there’s been an exponential increase in technology, which correspondingly exponentially increases the ability and effectiveness of propaganda. People are more effectively brainwashed these days, and there’s no doubt this has been the most effective propaganda campaign in the history of the world.
It’s not about science. It was never about science. It’s about economics, profiteering, control, getting in ID cards. Probably, digital currency will be coming in. They want the ID card to get everyone’s metrics locked in for access. All of these bad things, they’re all ideologies. None of them are scientific. ~ Ivor Cummins
Medicine has been turned on its head, as has science. Many are seemingly bereft of logic and capacity to reason. So, no doubt, the propagandists have succeeded. They’ve won. At this point, it seems almost hopeless to convince anyone that the official narrative is incorrect or false. It doesn’t matter what data you show them.
People aren’t even swayed by family members dying within days of getting their COVID shots. They still insist it’s the best way forward and agree that everyone ought to get the injections, including themselves, and off they rush to get their booster.
How to Improve Your Immune System
Anyone familiar with natural health will probably agree that having a robust immune system is your best bet against any and all infections. Cummins’ specialty is metabolic flexibility, which is also a foundational component of immune function. He explains:
“Metabolic health is the center of everything, and immune health is inextricably linked to it. I interviewed Dr. Ron Rosedale … April 4, 2020 … when the [COVID pandemic] was starting. Leptin is a cytokine. It’s intimately involved in the immune system response.
If you are leptin or insulin resistant, then your immune system will overreact in one sense, [causing a] cytokine storm, and you will under-react in other parts of the immune system.
He made the point, and I agreed with him, that if you knew SARS-CoV-2 was coming, you don’t need to spend four or five months getting fit. You don’t need to lose all the weight. Within days, your insulin and leptin levels will collapse if you just suddenly switch to meat, fish and eggs, no processed food, [plus] vitamins and minerals.
Literally within the first day your leptin and insulin will be falling fast, and in a few weeks, you’re going to be utterly more capable of changing a serious illness into a mild course of illness, or even of changing a death into just a nasty round.
And that was in early April 2020. I honestly thought this would be an opportunity to show people this. But of course, the thing got so insane, no one cared about the virus except vaccines. Propaganda took over. And it’s almost poignant now to have those lectures. Back in April, we were bang on the money.
If you drop your insulin and leptin, and you raise your vitamin D — which will rise anyway as you lower insulin resistance, automatically — if you do all the stuff that we’ve talked about for years about cholesterol, insulin, fat, keto, low carb, all the stuff for longevity and health, you just apply essentially the same stuff rapidly, you’re going to collapse your risk from this virus.
But no one was allowed to see that. In fact, the FDA last summer put in an injunction against a natural health website that was just talking about vitamin D importance. They told them, ‘You’re not allowed to do that. It’s not approved.’”
I was one of the sites the FDA issued that warning to. Like others, I was told I could not state that vitamin D’s ability to improve health and immune function might have any influence on getting SARS-CoV-2 infection or surviving the infection.
“I know it’s associational,” Cummins says. “I did three short talks with slides, again in early April, on the emerging data from Philippines and elsewhere. It was clear as day that people [with vitamin D levels] over 40 ng/mL, or 100 nmol/L, who are metabolically healthy had massively lower chance of severe illness or mortality, even when correcting for age.
So, it was clear as day that if you eat nutrient-dense food, drop your insulin and leptin, get healthy sun exposure, and maybe supplements, and you get your vitamin D status up, you’re going to go into that group that has vastly lower risk, and even sub-flu risk.”
Why Avoid Processed Seed Oils?
If you’re doing keto, be aware that not all fats are made equal. I suspect omega-6 linoleic acid (LA) may actually be more harmful to your metabolism and overall health than processed carbs. When asked to opine on this topic, Cummins responds:
“It’s a tricky one because I’m finding it hard to come to a definite answer. Refined carbs and processed carbs are really bad. We know that from all the science. We know from huge amounts of science that seed oils are a major problem … All the stuff associated with excessive LA, a massive body of knowledge, was suppressed.
There were studies in the ‘90s showing mammary cancers in rats, a whole load of animal studies. Then they stopped being done, and the reason was because they were saying these were heart-healthy vegetable oils. The system didn’t want people finding problems. So, I’d agree there’s a huge amount of data to say don’t touch them. They’re a serious problem.
There’s obesity studies in mice and rats that are dramatic in terms of adipogenesis, or fat creation … I often say the Devil’s triad is refined carbohydrates, sugars and seed oils. And those three make up most ultra-processed food. So, you have to hit the triad.
If a person gives up the seed oils but eats loads of refined carbs and drinks Coca-Cola for 30 years, they’re going to end up in trouble probably. If they have seed oils at a few percent of diet, not huge, and they eliminate the refined carbs, I wonder how badly would they end up? It’s a tricky one.”
I’ve taken a more hardcore position against seed oils and LA, as pre-1850, when industrialized food processing first began, the amount of LA found in human fat tissue was around 1% to 2%. Today, it’s between 20% and 30%.
I believe anything above 2% is excessive and radically increases oxidative stress that can decimate your cell membranes, mitochondria, protein, stem cells and DNA. And it takes up to seven years to eliminate the LA buildup from your body as it is stored in your cell membranes.
I also now believe that once you’re metabolically flexible, excluding healthy carbohydrates (not processed ones, of course) can be detrimental. I’m metabolically flexible and will personally not go lower than 50 grams of healthy carbs a day, largely because I exercise three to four hours a day. On many days, I eat 150 to 200 grams of carbs, typically from fruit. Despite that, I’m still in ketosis and have very low visceral body fat.
When I tried going low-carb, under 50 grams, for extended period of times, my health declined. So, provided you’re metabolically flexible, I believe carbs are healthy. This is why I believe LA is far more dangerous than carbs. You also don’t need to detox from excess carbs. Just stop eating them and your insulin resistance will immediately drop.
Ideology, Not Science, Rules the Day
While governments lean on the precautionary principle to justify lockdowns and mask mandates, the precautionary principle is not followed when it comes to the COVID injections.
“It just shows that this is an ideology,” Cummins says. “It’s not about science. It was never about science. It’s about economics, profiteering, control, getting in ID cards. Probably, digital currency will be coming in. They want the ID card to get everyone’s metrics locked in for access. All of these bad things, they’re all ideologies. None of them are scientific.
Now they’re coming after the kids. I mean, you don’t have to be anti-vax, you just have to be rational, to look at the impact of SARS-CoV-2, look at the vaccine data and the real-world empirical data of the country comparisons that show the vaccine’s not doing much. And then look at what they’re actually trying to do — vaccinate all the children — and you just know it’s completely perverse…
But we have to accept reality. I often say to people who are getting despondent … you have to be stoical. I fight the misinformation seven days a week. But if it turns out that the bad guys are getting dreadful things implemented, I refuse to let myself become despondent, or miserable, or give up.
I just hardened myself that I will not be brought down by this, no matter how bad it gets. Even if they get ID cards and you’re jabbed, and tracked, and traced, you’ve still got to be the resistance. You’ve still got to live. And you’ve still got to oppose it and stay healthy. Stay around to oppose it.
Look at the French resistance in World War II. Dreadful conditions. Dreadful. They had to sleep with the enemy, literally. If they were caught, they were tortured and murdered. For around a year or two, things looked absolutely grim, that they were not going to win. But they kept at it.”
More Information
To keep up on Cummins’ data analyses, follow him on Twitter, YouTube, Odysee, Bitchute, Apple podcasts, or subscribe to his blog on ##
Closing MHProNews Comments
MHProNews has also referenced mainstream medical views on coronavirus related issues. Our point about MHI in general, or other parts of our media/tech/government/business nexus is not to cast doubt that this is a potentially lethal virus. It is. We know people impacted or ‘killed’ by COVID. The point is that if someone or some organization advances information on a serious subject, they should provide more than one point of view. MHI has apparently failed at that, as this report demonstrates. But as or more important, they have failed to address the hurdles that are often found among MHI members that are harming thousands of independents and millions of manufactured homeowners.
If they want to debate any of these evidence based claims publicly, bring it on. Until then, the prima facie case for MHI’s charade stands publicly unchallenged.

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Notice to MHI members. Follow up emails to several MHI linked attorneys – not one disputed the claim by the law firm cited in the report below. MHI has demonstrably created an ‘amen corner,’ an echo chamber that parrots their talking points. MHI and those involved have not denied that evidence-based allegation.
But as, or perhaps more important, is this below. For those MHI members who are aware of what is occurring, but who fail to stand up or speak up in some form or fashion, legal experts cited below say that it could make those members vulnerable to legal action, just as MHI is. To learn more, see the related report linked below.

The evidence routinely points one way. No wonder why MHI, their major brands, and even their outside attorneys all went silent when it comes to engaging with MHProNews on these troubling trends and growing evidence.

Stay tuned for more of what is ‘behind the curtains’ as well as what is obvious and in your face reports. It is all here, at the runaway largest and most-read source for authentic manufactured home “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.
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