There are those in the civilian world who treat information about people and groups something like military intelligence treats information.
Before elaborating, as a disclosure, this writer has never served in the armed forces. But to shed light on that opening sentence above, from a young age, I read military histories galore. Because my father was a university professor at the time, as a sixth grader I was able through him to check out and spend some of my summer reading the entire official collection of the U.S. military history of the American forces in the WWII European campaign. That historical record was volumes of big, thick, heavy family Bible-sized books.
My respect for the military continued in my college years, despite the fact that the Vietnam War was raging, and anti-war rhetoric and protests were on TV, on campus, and in the news. Norman, OK wasn’t Berkeley, CA. But I recall riding up on my bike one day when a campus police car was surrounded and being rocked by anti-Vietnam War protesting students. The point?
The military at war uses intelligence in part to find weaknesses in their opponents in order to exploit those apparent weaknesses.
Some people in the corporate world, then and now sad to say, do the same. When you reveal something about yourself online or otherwise to others, you have to be aware that numbers of organizations, ‘private’ and ‘public’ are sucking all that data on you up. Information warfare is a reality globally.
Infowars, not the website but rather the term and it’s sobering meaning, are as real as you are.
One is by a black author Mychal Massie who heads a nonprofit organization. He is not shy about his views. Massie can give ‘em hellfire to those on the left and to those on the right who merit it.
Another is by an attorney Andy Schlafly who’s mom was for years a heroic figure in the women’s movement from the right. Phyllis Schlafly was an icon on the right, just as there were women icons on the left in that era. Never underestimate the power of a motivated woman! The hands that rock the cradle can shape the world.
Last and not least, among the three is the publisher and founder of the WND NewsCenter. For years, the Drudge Report and others looked to WND for their independent news take on current events. Paraphrasing what Joseph Farah and his colleague David Kupelian say, they have been under assault by big tech and others for years. They are ‘warriors’ in the digital sense in the battle for information that – teeing up using their tagline – reflect what they believe is needed for We the People to be truly free of oppression of all kinds. As people of faith, they reflect the notion of the importance of “A Free Press for a Free People.”
One of my favorite lines from the best-selling author Stephen Covey’s “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” is this striking phrase. “Good! You see it Differently!” I didn’t get his meaning the first time I read those keen words. But over time, the wisdom of those 5 words by Covery have stuck with me. We all need a reality check by hearing from people who see it differently. Some savvy business leaders pay someone to routinely provide a contrarian view, to help keep them working for the best interests of all.
No two people see all things the same way. That’s life. Free will means even twins, spouses, or partners do not always see eye to eye. Our editorial thoughts are our own. The views of those that follow are their own. But we ought to be able to learn from each other, and give enough respect to at least here out what others have to say…and why.
An astonishing to me as a co-founding publisher for over 12 years is this data point set of granular facts will follow. A news site like CNN, which per Similar Web on 9.15.2022 is one of the top 4 news category websites in the U.S., averages about 2.36 page views per visit. Their web-audience dwarfs their TV audience. Despite their giant size, their pageviews per visit, based on my research using third party sources like SimilarWeb for a news platform, CNN’s pageviews per visitor are rather common. 2 to 3.5 pages per visit is not unusual for news sites.
Per italics and bold added for emphasis, but the text per on 9.4.2022 “Anything more than 4.0 [pageview per visit] would put you [i.e.: your website] in the best 20% of sites we benchmark for pages per session, and more than 5.2 would put you in the best 10%.”
Against that factual background, per third party Webalizer to MHProNews month to date: “Usage Statistics for Summary by Month Generated 15-Sep-2022 07:09 CDT” yields an astonishing 11.607 pageviews per visitor session. That’s rare air, per LittleData and others.
That doesn’t mean that every reader here agrees with everything they find. But what they are finding keeps them coming back and keeps readers like you engaging in the content at a rate that dwarfs far larger and better funded sites. To be sure, CNN or other giant news sites has visitors many times our total traffic. We would be a rounding error in raw numbers of visits. But in engagement levels by our readers as measured by pageviews per visits, years of data reveal that our content might cause larger sites to blush.
The comparison between our platform and mainstream media is in some obvious ways apples and oranges. We are a specialized trade media site. But for years we have provided a bit of mainstream headline news every business day, plus other mainstream topical content periodically.
Why? To set the context and flavor of affordable housing and manufactured home specific topics. Our rivals are not as forthcoming on data as we are, but based on the known evidence, the facts suggest we are the runaway number one in our niche publishing field. No one else comes close, per known facts.
That said, manufactured housing is an artificially far smaller industry today than it was in 1998. This platform opened when the industry hit bottom. Some said they thought we (some specifically saying to me) ‘were crazy to open a new trade media operation during the depths of the so-called Great Recession.’ They had a point, as several had shut down in manufactured housing, some of which had previously published for decades.
Nevertheless, when we launched this platform in mid-October 2009, in months it rapidly became the biggest and most read trade publication in what we lovingly call MHVille. The latest and years of other data continues to tells our management this is true.
But let’s go deeper before turning you over to the three guest columnists.
Anyone who pokes around MHProNews for 30 minutes to two hours knows that our articles tend to be far longer than articles or posts by mainstream media. By putting three op-eds into this one column, this article will be thousands of words, not the several hundred-word length that so many news sources often provide. To get 11.607 page views per visit and millions of visits and pages read annually in our artificially more modest industry than twenty years ago these factoids are not only astonishing.
It is revealing.
Curious minds want to know.
We’ve found out through trial and error that people like you will read longer articles, so long as the length and content make sense. We often have multiple links within or at the end of an article. Our readers apparently are following at least some of those links. That’s doubtlessly part of the high pages per visitor engagement levels.
That is a long tee up. But that is to set the stage for these three guest writers sharing their views on current events that are shaping our world and thus the environment that professionals in our industry are operating in.
You may or may not like the headlines.
You may or may not like their thoughts, reasoning, etc.
But as someone who personally reads almost daily from websites I routinely disagree with, so that I can understand their content and thinking as objectively as possible, let me encourage you to do the same. If I can do it, you can too. Per Dr. Covey: “Good! You See it Differently!”
Without any expressed or implied blanket endorsement of anyone that we quote or republish (the below, all by agreement and with permission) when sharing the views of others, each reflects the statements of those making them.
Discerning readers want to know. This is from their website that reportedly gets millions of readers per month, even after years of attacks by outsiders that the first guest post below will elaborate on.
With no further adieu, and with some closing thoughts from moi after these individual columns organized in sequence — in no particular order of importance — are the three guest columns provided by the WND NewsCenter to MHProNews with their blessings.
I don’t get no respect – do you?
Exclusive: Joseph Farah tells of his latest interaction with a fake-news ‘journalist’
By Joseph Farah
Published September 13, 2022 at 7:31pm
A guy recently called me for an interview. It’s been a long time; most don’t know I’m still trying to recuperate from several strokes I had in 2019.
A little checking up on him revealed he wanted to repeat all of the lies that have ever been told about me for almost 26 years.
Like I was the last man to leave the late great L.A. Herald Examiner. WRONG! I left some two years before Hearst folded it. It was a terrific paper while it lasted. I spent almost 10 years there. But I was gainfully employed at another L.A.-area paper when it died. And it still broke my heart. It was great working for the legendary editor Jim Bellows, the man who discovered talent like Jimmy Breslin, Dick Schaap and Tom Wolfe at the old New York Tribune, and more in Los Angeles like Ben Stein, Tom Plate, James Bacon – and the young Joseph Farah.
Like I was also the last editor to leave the Sacramento Union. WRONG! I think I left there at least several years after it stopped operating as the oldest paper west of the Mississippi. I transformed the Union, getting Rush Limbaugh to write a front-page DAILY column for his adopted hometown. And then I wrote “See, I Told You” with Rush, which became the largest bestseller in 1983-84.
Like I was one of the worst founding editors of WND, a scandal sheet, that everybody there hated me, according to the Washington Post and the L.A. Times. I was a virtual criminal. WRONG! For going on 26 years, it has been an honor to have created the first independent news site on the internet with many of the same editors and reporters who helped me at the beginning. They stuck around because WND is a worthy endeavor. Among them the managing editor David Kupelian, executive news editor Joe Kovacs, commentary editor Ron Strom, and news editors Art Moore, Bob Unruh and Patrice Lewis. There is also my wife of nearly 28 years, Elizabeth Farah, who started the news site with me – as chief operating officer. There’s also Amanda Prevette, who is still us, and has a job for life if she’ll take it – the best all-around administrator we’ve had – and Janet Falkenstein, the best customer service person around. How many years has it been, Janet? We’ve got a new guy, too. Rich Douglas, the financial whiz, for the last three or four years. (I’m not sure because I had a stroke or five. Did I tell you?)
But you get the drift.
“I don’t get no respect,” the late Rodney Dangerfield made a living stating
I feel like Rodney Dangerfield.
I don’t get no respect – from journalists!
I’ve gotten many awards. I’ve had a great career. But journalism has become so political – and not in a good way!
Every so-called “journalist,” besides the aforementioned ones, are out to get me. I was even willing to answer any questions he had for me if we could do the interview in writing. I’m glad I did. Because he proved he was out to get me by his written statements – and assumptions.
I’ve given interviews to the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, the L.A. Times, C-SPAN – you name them and I talked to them – on the record. But not anymore. I don’t get no respect!
For close to 50 years I interviewed people, and I’ve been interviewed – by everyone! I was always candid. I told the truth. I told them the facts. I told them what I believed – honestly!
But not any longer. I don’t get no respect! And I know it.
They’re giving me the silent treatment. And that’s what they do to you.
They have destroyed the First Amendment in its entirety – and I for one am not going to have anything to do with them ever again. They have squandered it. They have instituted new rules, a new ethos, that doesn’t have anything to do with the beautiful dreams of the founders. They hate the America we cherish. They think that free speech and freedom of religion are legacies of haters.
They believe in Cancel Culture – canceling PEOPLE and IDEAS. Why do they do it? They think they have better ideas and know more gifted people. But they do not.
Worse than that, they do not know the One who created us all.
And that’s why I don’t get no respect from them, nor do I want it.
That’s not my strokes talking. That’s my heart. ##
Related to his thoughts are this link.

Next up is attorney Andy Schlafly, his longer bio will follow. Per the WND NewsCenter to MHProNews, the following linked facts and editorial reasoning.
The attack on MAGA: DOJ is adding to those whom Trump will pardon
Andy Schlafly: ‘It is no longer North vs. South, but the D.C. elite vs. the rest of the country’
By Andy Schlafly
Published September 13, 2022 at 7:20pm
home would be career-ending. But President Trump again exceeds expectations by fighting back and winning against the tactics of the Deep State.
A federal judge in Florida dramatically ruled in Trump’s favor last week, granting his request to retrieve the documents taken from his home, and transfer them to an independent special master for review. More significantly, the judge ordered the Justice Department to stop its overzealous investigation of Trump until the document review is completed.
The Deep State is hopping mad, joined by allies in the liberal media. A chorus of unjustified criticism has reverberated from Never-Trumpers, including former Attorney General Bill Barr, against Judge Aileen Cannon’s well-reasoned ruling in favor of Trump.
“As a function of Plaintiff’s former position as President of the United States, the stigma associated with the subject seizure is in a league of its own,” Judge Cannon found. “A future indictment, based to any degree on property that ought to be returned, would result in reputational harm of a decidedly different order of magnitude,” she added.
Instead of accepting the judge’s wise ruling, the Biden administration immediately filed a motion demanding that it be suspended during the appeal that Biden’s Justice Department plans.
On Monday, Trump’s attorneys pushed back hard. “In what at its core is a document storage dispute that has spiraled out of control,” they wrote, “the government wrongfully seeks to criminalize the possession by the 45th President of his own presidential and personal records.”
Trump’s attorneys rightly object to how the Justice Department, which is stocked with diehard political enemies of Trump, seeks to “proceed straight to a preordained conclusion” against him.
The unprecedented FBI raid on Donald Trump’s home (not his “country club” as former AG Barr sneeringly called it) is one of several ways the Deep State is trying to destroy Trump’s reputation. Another way is its relentless harassment of Trump’s supporters.
Stephen Miller, one of Trump’s finest advisers, who was with him for all four years of his presidency, has reportedly been hit with a subpoena to appear before a grand jury. Other top Trump aides have also been required to testify before a grand jury apparently convened to try to indict Trump.
Even Trump’s attorneys have been targeted for retaliation by the Deep State. The sick joke today is that MAGA means “make attorneys get attorneys,” which is what many of Trump’s attorneys have had to do as they get harassed.
Even the federal judge who ruled for Trump has received death threats from someone who apparently hates Trump. Although concealed by the liberal media, a woman who left three voicemails threatening the judge was arrested last week in Houston.
The Biden administration continues to abuse its investigatory powers by conducting a surprise seizure of cellphones belonging to Trump supporters. The cellphones of Boris Epshteyn and Mike Roman, both prominent supporters of Trump, were recently seized by the Justice Department.
It also reportedly issued dozens of broadly worded subpoenas in just the past week demanding information about the activities of Trump and his supporters in late 2020. This is an unprecedented assault against the top contender for the presidency in 2024.
Fortunately, Trump will regain his pardon power when he is reelected to the White House. But some weak Republicans are criticizing his promise to use it generously, including pardoning those prosecuted for joining the political rally at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
These Republican critics of pardoning the victims of the Deep State fail to appreciate where the divide has developed in our country. It is no longer North vs. South, but the D.C. elite vs. the rest of the country.
Federal prosecutors have virtually unlimited resources without accountability, in contrast with local prosecutors. Judge Cannon was right to hold that “the investigation and treatment of a former president is of unique interest to the general public, and the country is served best by an orderly process that promotes the interest and perception of fairness.”
The power brokers in D.C., through misuse of the Justice Department, wrongly attempt to decide for the entire country whether or not Trump will be our next president. The Deep State is going all out to do anything it can to block Trump from the White House and interfere with the Republicans gaining control of the House in less than two months.
Judge Cannon’s splendid ruling in favor of Trump was a flash of light amid this sea of darkness. From there it will go to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which hopefully by now recognizes how dangerous it is when the Justice Department insists on overzealous actions against the presumptive Republican nominee for president. ##
Per WND: Andy Schlafly is general counsel to the Association of American Physicians & Surgeons and founder of He is the son of Phyllis Schlafly (1924-2016) whose 27th book, “The Conservative Case for Trump,” was published posthumously on Sept. 6.
The next writer’s seemingly stark message is by Mychal Massie, who WND says: “is founder and chairman of the Racial Policy Center (, a conservative think tank that advocates for a colorblind society. He was recognized as the 2008 Conservative Man of the Year by the Conservative Party of Suffolk County, New York. He is a nationally recognized political activist, pundit and columnist. Massie has appeared on cable news and talk-radio programming worldwide.”
While his message opens with a big bold headline, as a teaser it takes on specific Republicans too. More on our take on these topics in the following segment. Per the WND NewsCenter to MHProNews the following.
You cannot be a true Christian and a Democrat …
Exclusive: Mychal Massie flays party’s pols for deconstructing ‘the greatest country in the world’
By Mychal Massie
Published September 12, 2022 at 7:12pm
It’s not ipse dixit when I say that you cannot be a true born-again Christian and be a Democrat. The Democratic Party supports everything the Word of God condemns and does so proudly. I would be remiss if I didn’t make the point that it’s become increasingly difficult for true born-again Christians to support what the Republican Party has been transmogrified into by Karl Rove and the Bush family.
That said, Democrats are like feral chickens. Chickens can be expected to leave droppings everywhere they walk. Democrats can be expected to do ostensibly the same thing vis-à-vis their embracing of the worst failed policies history has offered.
They’re an amalgam of the malleable minds, revisionist historical teachings, anti-God neo-Leninism and raw hatred produced in classrooms where the bar of instruction has been lowered to the level of dust on the ground; and they continue to surpass that low standard as though it were advancement in an Olympic sport. They’re a demonic, ecclesiastical cabal formed from the worst humanity has to offer. They’re representative of what Dante witnessed as he journeyed through hell.
I find very little to agree with in the ideas Thomas Paine espoused, beginning with the fact that he was a Deist. But, as the saying goes, even a broken clock is right twice daily.
Thus, when Paine, in his work titled “The American Crisis,” said, “To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture,” I wholeheartedly concur.
Democrats boast not of hiring and/or placing the most qualified in positions that require competence; rather they boast of placing sexual deviants, wholly unqualified females and/or persons recognized as a crayon color.
Sexual perversion isn’t a skill set, nor is melanin alone consistent with intellect. And, even if a person who views being a crayon color as the summum bonum is qualified in one position, it doesn’t make him or her qualified in all positions. Nor does two men engaging in sexual intercourse with one another qualify them for marriage; it qualifies them for disease and mental health treatment, but sexual perversion isn’t a skill set.
Democrats can always be counted upon when they win or, in Biden’s case, steal the presidential election, to immediately shut down and dismantle programs that were working seamlessly to the great benefit of American citizenry and specifically the working class. Joe Biden is the poster child for this.
Biden shut down pipelines, refused to renew drilling leases and in so doing destroyed America’s economy. In destroying the American economy, he took the American workers from income security and pension growth to the typical Democratic standard of government dependence.
Biden and Democrats boast that gas prices have decreased as much as $3 per gallon. What they fail to mention is that the price of gas is still $3 and more higher than it was 20 months ago. And Biden is silent on what will be historic costs for home eating oil this winter. He’s boasting forgiving student loans. What he fails to understand is that most of those with student loans should never have gone to college. They would have benefited from tech school programs and training in a trade.
Those persons identified as black enjoyed the highest rates of employment ever under President Trump. Under Biden, Democrats have relegated them to poverty standards they’ve always experienced under Democrats.
Democrats push for mandatory electric vehicles in states where they experience blackouts and rolling blackouts when people use air conditioners in their homes. States are painting streets yellow to reflect sunlight – and other dipstick stupidity.
Democrats are masters at telling people what they should do, but doing the exact opposite themselves. They’re morally opprobrious, anti-modernity, social-Marxists, reprobate, debaucherous believers that they deserve what we have earned.
Also, they’re rabid destroyers of initiative. They’re Erebusic marplots whose singular skill is deconstruction of the greatest country in the world.
Democrats are walking contradictions: They claim to be for opportunity for all, but they do far more for illegal aliens than they do for Americans. They claim to be about climate, but they engage in the lifestyles they claim are destroying the environment. Politics for them isn’t a job; politics is the ability to reward and indemnify themselves in whatever way and whenever they believe it in their best interest.
And above all, they’re liars. They lie to one another; they lie to We the People; and they lie about the proper social constructs. But, while they believe they’re somehow deceiving God, we who are true believers know the day of their reckoning awaits them.
The Scriptures tell us in Psalm 37:1-2 (KJV): “Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and whither as the green herb.”
The Scriptures tell us to come out from among them and to be separate. I take that seriously. I will never honor or obey Democrats’ wicked laws and mandates. I will do my all to rescue people whose minds are imprisoned by them. ##
Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and Commentary
This writer has worked with and personally encountered in a professional manner untold thousands and thousands of people over the years. I’ve addressed numbers of live audiences in the U.S. and Canada. I’ve met and worked on some level with the organizations of a few billionaires over the years. I’ve also worked professionally with scores of millionaires. Over time, even someone with a thick head begins to pick up on what’s important to wealthy people and bigger organizations. Some help make the world go round. Others are busy trying to figure out how they can exploit you. Recall the opening line?
There are those in the civilian world who treat information about people and groups something like military intelligence treats information.
Later above following that are these words.
The military at war uses intelligence in part to find weaknesses in their opponents in order to exploit those apparent weaknesses.
Those notions are not hyperbole. They are the God’s honest truth. Hold those thoughts. They will help you better understand the reality of our world.
I recall when a well known and reasonably famous person in our industry privately told me the following. ‘Thousands of people wake up in our industry every day thinking about the next home they want to sell. But some in our industry are busily trying to figure out how to put someone in this business out of business.’ That’s a close paraphrase of what he shared. That firm was award winning and widely known, with decades of good customer reviews. How do those trying to figure out how to undermine or buy out independent businesses at as much of a bargain as they think they can do it? Look at the two quotes above for key parts of the answer.
So, I understand the points shared by ground-breaking WND founder Joseph Farah. We (the managing members of the parent company to MHProNews and MHLivingNews) have gone through our own vexing version of Dante’s Inferno, metaphorically ’marching through hell for a heavenly cause.’
Some will mock that song. Not us.
We have been richer. We have been poorer. We have learned in the University of Hard Knocks more and more about the realities of ‘the system’ that politicos like those quoted below have said: “The System is Rigged.”

That rigged system doesn’t mean that America lacks opportunities. Two real life examples.
A wealthy friend of ours emailed this week to say he just scored a lucrative deal. He and his immigrant wife came to America with essentially nothing. Through honest hard work, prayer, and persistence they became wealthy, as they told my wife and I over dinner at our home one day. I had no idea how successful they were when they accepted our invitation. But we learned by listening.
That immigrant couple believes in the American Dream. They have been blessed to have lived it. They left communist nations, dramatically escaping, as we listened in fascination.
They showed us pictures of their previous home. It was custom built, spectacular, and they said some 22,000 square feet. They ride in a luxury vehicle. Not so long ago they ‘downsized’ into a gated community with a guard and security camera at the gates. Their ‘modest’ home today is some 4,000 square feet and overlooks a green on their community’s private golf course.
A short walk will take you to the helicopter pad one way.
Another short walk would take you to an elegant resident-members clubhouse going another direction.
Their current home is lovely, where they cooked a fabulous ethnic meal for our family. They are part of the American saga.
But they recognize that there are “lefties” – his term – that are trying to undermine the American Dream. These are folks with access photo-evidence personal encounters with high-level state or federal level people, up to an including a U.S. President.
That said, I’ve not yet mentioned to those friends another home I was invited to in the Hill Country of Texas.
That sprawling Texas property was almost unbelievable. When someone entered the gates of The Who Knows How Many Acres Estate, my professional guest and I left our ride. We were moved by our host’s guide to jump into a ‘chopped top’ with rollbars customized Suburban. On the back of the Suburban was a 55-gallon barrel of grain. As the Suburban began to drive the private and immaculate paved road through that rural estate toward a home that could not be seen from the road, the grain would fall on the road. An array of exotic elk-type animals imported – we were told from Africa – came to nibble on the grain.
It was impressive.
Later on in that private tour, my buddy and I were taken to a private lake on that estate. They were raising catfish (and who knows what else) there. They demonstrated the feeding. The catfish that came to the surface during that demonstration were enormous.
Then, my colleague and I we were taken to the first of two homes. The first was a guest house, ten thousand square feet, per what our tour guide for our host said. There was a giant garage next to that guest house. It had perhaps a dozen or more bays. There was an array of luxury, classic, and exotic cars, as you can peer in as they thoughtfully left the garage doors open.
My colleague and I were walked into the 10,000 square foot guest house. I hope in hindsight that his jaws (and mine) weren’t open time and again. Our host had in this guest residence what amounted to his professionally prepared and mounted kills from big game hunts that occurred in various parts of the globe. There was more. But that’s sufficient for that ‘smaller’ home for now.
Then, we were guided on a walk through a glorius trellised garden area. The overhead lattice had sprinklers installed that might not be noticed unless activated. Our host’s tour guide turned the system on. It was a hot day in Texas. But the gentle mist over the plants and shrubs that bordered the stone walkway – once that water system was activated – acted like an air conditioner in the Great Outdoors.
The outside temperature dropped almost instantly a good ten degrees. It went from hot to pleasant temperature outside. It was amazing.
Then came the main house. Needly to say, it dwarfed the guest home. That was the home my colleague and I were supposed to go to, not expecting any of what was just described. There was also another residence, we were told in Austin that we didn’t see, but we took their word for it that it was much like this palace we stood in. I’ll save that true story about that main home for the property owner for another time.
The point?
There are people in our nation that live like royalty.
They may or may not have a title like Baron, Duke, Duchess, Prince, Queen or King.
But they own immense homes. They have private planes – some own aircraft in the plural. Props, jets, helicopters. They have fine boats for smaller lakes or sea going vessels that can only be called the type of yacht that billionaires own. They live a life entirely unlike anything that most of us mere mortals can even imagine.
There are not just a few like that. There are hundreds of billionaires in the U.S., thousands globally. By birth and/or clever work, they control wealth unlike some entire countries have on planet Earth.
Some of them may have earned every dime legally and ethically.
But some of those financial elites earned or got much of that wealth through exploitation of the weaknesses of the economic and political system.
Don’t believe it? How about what one of the world’s richest men – Bill Gates – said?
Or how about what Gates’ billionaire buddies Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger said?

Or what about what Warren Buffett himself said? Check out the linked report. Learn the way the world actually works from the linked report, and from what Buffett and others themselves said.

It is nothing for an ultra-billionaire – or a group of them, working in loose concert – to give tens of millions of dollars to an ex-president. Who says? Mainstream media, if you sift out the facts with care. The Obamas were in millionaire terms modest when they entered the White House. But after leaving the White House? They have become fabulously wealthy. Good luck? Accident? Or something else? Follow the money trail to learn more.

It is nothing for a longtime senator, turned Obama’s Vice President, ‘lunch bucket’ Joe Biden to have multiple mansions.
Those two above are modern connected Democrats. What did a former Democratic President say about such wealth lavished on public officials? The late President Harry S. Truman (D) has proven and insightful shift in that party, but corruption is not limited to that one party alone.
There are honest Democrats, trusting Democrats, and dishonest and slimy Democrats. The same is true for Republicans. I recall times in life supporting this or that person from one of the two major parties. I get emails from Democrats and emails from Republicans. My wife and I are independents. We are not registered for either major party nor any minor ones, and that has been true for years.
There are exceptions to every rule. There are some organizations or governments that have corrupt people at the top, but a mix of good, problematic, and aspiring corrupt people on the ladder up. It wasn’t this writer that first said that Warren Buffett was wrecking honest free enterprise. Rather, it was a former admirer who f Buffett’s who came to realize that Buffett was doing much like Bill Gates described him above.
Robin Harding via the Financial Times said this.
More of that in full context helps the as yet uninformed better understand how the system is rigged. Harding’s publication leans left. WND leans right. Watch what is learned by reading from both sides of the political aisles.

Scores of financial and corporate elites ‘get it’ about ‘the moat’ and its methods. For most Americans, the phrase means little or nothing, because it is not a focus for mainstream media reporting.

Those ultra-billionaires routinely lean left. That reality is discerned by the actions and campaign donations discerned from public records from sources such as left-leaning Open Secrets makes available. Go over to Open Secrets some time. Type in a high-level billionaire’s name you know. Or try several. Then, scroll through pages of donations by a given billionaire and see which party and candidates’ names and party affiliations that you see. Some give to certain (often RINO) Establishment Republicans. But more likely, the Zuckerberg, Bezos, Soros, Buffet, Gates, etc. types give to Democrats. They have for years. Who says? Open Secrets which uses official Federal Elections campaign finance records. This is from Google, which Dr. Robert Epstein recently said is effectively rigging elections in favor of Democrats.

Follow the money. The left-leaning billionaires support left-leaning Democrats and perhaps some often RINO, or anti-Trump Republicans.
Deposed President Donald J. Trump did not take a salary while in the White House.
Records reflect Trump’s personal wealth decreased while in the White House.
Trump raised the standard of living for millions, which has slid since Biden took office.
Let’s be clear. Trump is no choir boy. He isn’t some saint. But he demonstrated by word and deed while in the White House that he loves this country and worked to make it better for people of all backgrounds and skin tones. Mean tweets or not, punching back or not, the results ought to count for someone who wants to live by evidence and facts not emotions which others can manipulate. But consider this strong piece of evidence on Trump.
Isn’t it obvious that the billionaire class and Wall Street ganged up against him to have him removed from office? Headlines from mainstream media tell the tale. Per Bing today, part of the Gates’ portfolio of brands.

Once more to draw this to a close.
Recall the opening line?
There are those in the civilian world who treat information about people and groups something like military intelligence treats information.
Later above following that are these words.
The military at war uses intelligence in part to find weaknesses in their opponents in order to exploit those apparent weaknesses.
Those notions are not hyperbole.
The military at war uses intelligence in part to find weaknesses in their opponents to exploit them.
That’s what happened to Mr. Trump.
Trump’s enemies, and there were many and some were ‘Republicans,’ did all they could to put Biden in the White House.
Read Biden’s campaign promises from 20, 30, or 40 years ago. Then read Biden’s more recent campaign promises. After almost half a century in Washington, D.C., try to answer this question objectively. What exactly did all those decades of promises did Biden fix? Go ahead. Write down a list. Then check the factual records against your list. You will find tons of promises and scant delivery — save for the well connected few that helped he and his son Hunter live the life of the elites. Some of the same promises and same lingo from decades ago are still being repeated by Biden today. Astonishing, but true.
Please rent, buy, or get together with some friends or family and carefully watch My Son Hunter in a group. If you’d like, write down the fact claims made by the movie. One after another, with a little satire and humor sprinkled in, the facts are true.
The American Dream is on life support for millions of people today.
Perhaps some jumping the border illegally will do well. Many will not. But every border jumper is competition for some entry level paying job. Honest U.S. Citizens of all skin tones who might take those jobs will include numbers who don’t get one thanks to a border jumper the Biden junta all but invited into the U.S. illegally. The corruption is so deep, that a Texas border congressional district that has voted Democratic for about 150 years flipped to a MAGA Republican Mexican immigrant women last summer in a special election.
There may come another day where a Bush family style ‘Republican’ will need to be tossed out. But right now, it is the ‘Biden crime family’ and their largely Democratic cronies as several brave pundits on the left and right have called them that need to be lawfully tossed out of office. Trump-hating Liz Cheney, daughter of President George W Bush’s Vice President Dick Cheney - a real military industrial intelligence complex guy who’s daughter wants to apparently walk that same walk - Liz Cheney was primaried and tossed out by her fellow Wyoming Republicans. They want an America First for Americans First GOP. They want an aspirational society. Most Americans of all backgrounds, if you scratch deep enough, do too.
It’s time to see the world as it is.
If Democrats win the House and Senate in this midterm, the writers above, moi, or others might be in prison for daring to exercise our God given and Constitutionally protected rights to free speech. No insurrection. No actual crime, but rather for free speech. That's not American. That's not left or right, that's just wrong.
The liars, cheers, and scoundrels in Washington and those who put them with campaign donations into office have a problem. The reality of the last roughly 19 months is very different than the Biden-Harris warm and fuzzy campaign of unity promises, aren’t they? Are you better or worse off than 3 years ago?
Vote the scoundrels and their allies out. If you fail to do so, this may be one of the last real elections in the U.S.A. for years to come. Every 20th and 21st century autocrat comes to power by maki g big promises that they don’t keep. Biden’s word may be good for the donor class. But it sucks big rocks for millions of retirees, millions in the working class, and millions in the middle class too.
Vote. The. Liars. Cheats. Scoundrels. Out. ##

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By L.A. "Tony" Kovach - for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He's a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
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