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Rocky Mountain Highs, Viva Las Vegas, 9/11 and Manufactured Housing

Only the patient folks with open minds and eyes to see – those committed to improve their results – will get the WIIFM (what’s in it for me) in this weekend’s blog post. I hope you’re one of them!

If you want to grow your business, if you want to see REAL Industry growth, please use the powerful resources known as passion and patience, then carefully clear your mind and then line by line, check this out…

Think road trip.

Think comfy and spacious SUV (environmentalists, what can I say…) with the leather and luxuries you’d like.

Think multi-night get-away stay in a resort area with your dear owner/friends in their avant-garde, magazine-stylish home and manicured acreage with all the goodies.

Think the all-natural high that family, friends, stunning sights and stunning company yields. Think shop talk mixed with delightful small talk. John Denver’s song, “Rocky Mountain High” came to life from a soul now long passed…

Then leave the life and love of the majestic mountains to travel through the dry deserts and sometimes lunar-like landscapes…

Think…Jersey Boys. Blue Man Group. Cirque de Soleil… Phantom of the Opera.

Think living legends like Willie Nelson or Cher.

Think World Class shopping and New York City style Fashion Night Out.

Think restaurants to delight the senses to be discovered in every resort and seemingly on every corner.

Think the energy of the Fremont Street Experience:

[flv: 568 320]

Vital energy, technology, lights and life coming together to create good times in challenging times!

Think more Elvis wanna-be types than most any place on the planet. Imagine The Strip. The Lights. The Sounds. “Viva Las Vegas” is more than a tag line; it seems to be a statement of reality, for indeed this once hot and dusty spot in the desert has become a palm-tree-lined magnet for people all over the world!

This is what the past week has been for me and mine. From the Colorado Rockies to Vegas, what a grand time as we slowly work our way toward The 19th Annual International Networking Roundtable in Phoenix this week! But back to last night in Vegas…

Magyars in Las VegasAs we walked, talked and gawked (isn’t that what we secretly do?) hand in hand watching performances and people from around the planet, my lovely lady and I bumped into a few Hungarians. It would have been a good night for a bet on 00 in roulette, because even in Vegas the odds are like a gazillion-to-one against that. So the son of immigrant parents (c’est moi) and the lady who studied at a noteworthy school there (my wife) are speaking with visiting Magyars in their own tongue. They were shocked and delighted, and of course we were, too.

So what does the rushing white water streams of the Rockies, the desert and the dazzle of Vegas have to do with factory built housing? With your future and that of the Industry? Potentially, plenty!

Visionaries took a look at a spot near the world famous Hoover Dam, a mere day trip (or quick copter ride) from the Grand Canyon, and said,

‘We can create a magnet here that will draw millions of people! We can create casinos, shows, shops, stores, churches (an amazing number of religious people in this city, especially by European standards) and eateries galore, all designed to serve and separate people from their plastic and paychecks.’

And so Las Vegas came to be! And so it has steadily grown for decades, in spite of the ups and downs of the economy!

We have that type of opportunity in our Industry, too! Not someday, but every day. Not in just a good economy, but in THIS economy!

Or think…

What does 9/11 mean to manufactured housing and you? How about how a single event can rock your world, can send shock waves of tremendous loss, fear and paralysis, until the Sleeping Giant is awakened and action is taken? 9/11 has tons of lessons for the Republic and our great Industry, if we will just stop and think clearly about it!

What do the Rocky Mountains, the Western Slopes, resorts, the desert and more mean to modular and manufactured housing? It is hard to travel through such areas without seeing old pre-HUD Code mobile homes and more modern manufactured housing. It is easy to see the many uses, applications and needs for modular, pre-fab, panelized and manufactured homes in resorts and remote areas alike.

There are many areas in America where conventional construction simply doesn’t make good sense, or is flatly not available without premium pricing. You don’t see this by flying overhead, but it is a fact that can’t be missed while you are traveling in your SUV with your iPhone and iPad close at hand. While the signal failed in parts of the Rockies, notes, photos and videos can still be made until the 3G signal returns and you can push Send!

The recent dip in stats from MHI, the recent report and analysis from MHARR, both remind us that we are still in the doldrums as an industry.

The exclusive we did with Congressman Joe Donnelley reminds us that we have tons of work to do collectively to move us to health as an Industry.

But in the past few days, I also spoke with and emailed with owners who are profitable! Right now. There are winners and losers in every economy! Which group are you in? Which group do you want to be in? What are you willing to do to achieve positive change? Wishing and wanting are meaningless, until we work with wisdom and will towards the wonderful world that can be! If developers and promoters can create a whole successful city in the desert, one step at a time, can’t we do the same with our wealth of opportunities from sea to shining sea?!!!

I spoke with and emailed with Execs this past week who are sick and tired of being sick and tired! Some of them are getting ready or are seriously exploring how to market/sell/manage their way back to good health with a little help from new friends (in some cases, that means us)!

Las Vegas is a Dream Come True because people saw not the dry desert that it was, but the oasis and modern man-made Paradise that it could be! Those visionaries didn’t focus on the obstacles and let those stop them. Rather they asked and answered,

‘How can we overcome this scenario and make this one of the all-time money makers?!’

We need such visionaries leading in our Industry today.

The Manufactured Housing Revolution spells out the ways and reasons why factory built homes can become the dominant or a main stream form of housing in America.

My presentation on “How to Get 150 Inbound Customer Sales Calls a Week at YOUR Location!” at The International Networking Roundtable in Phoenix in a few days will demonstrate real world scenarios that can drive business for YOU – TODAY. In YOUR market! I will share real world examples where we teamed up with Community Owners, MHC Operators and home retailers who had struggled with sales, and moved them from nearly dead to well-fed!

There are Industry writers and publishers like George Allen or Ken Rishel or myself who have real world seasoning in this Industry. We three are among many who have personally, in their own locations, managed the home sales and filled the sites and provided or created the financing for their incoming residents and buyers of manufactured homes. Their insights and experiences, plus those gained by consulting and working with many firms from coast to coast, has power that a publisher who has never had such powerful and useful experiences simply can’t match.

When writers like those whom we feature here every day speak from real world experiences that worked, versus mere theory, there is a power to that which can’t be matched.

When you have filled hundreds of vacant sites at a community, like Ken Rishel has; when you have driven thousands of calls that lead to hundreds of sales at properties and locations that previously struggled, like I have for clients and companies – this has potential value and importance for YOU! You will want to read Ken’s amazing white paper on Hispanic Marketing, which will be an exclusive right here at Manufactured Home Marketing Sales Management (aka trade journal ezine in a few days!

I think the Industry has plenty of fine publications and many useful resources. At the end of the day, leaders have to do their jobs and tap the resources needed to move the Industry from where it is to where it wants to be!

Your business, your market, may seem like a desert. But it can come to life again and flourish – with the right attitude, resources, people, plan and execution! From desert to money-making oasis, Vegas has ridden the waves and keeps coming up a winner! From the fruitful fields of Nebraska or Kansas into the Rockies of Colorado, we can climb from the valley of the shadow of death to new and exhilarating mountain top experiences!

This isn’t mere daydreaming or cheerleading. If you are a struggling pro, this is YOUR wake-up call!

From Pearl Harbor to Iwo Jima seemed like a long way. But American drive and determination made that a reality!

From the post 9/11 days with skies without airplanes, to 9 years without a successful terrorist strike in the U.S., we can go from fear to facing reality with courage and will.

I could have made this short and sweet and just said with our friends at Nike,

Just do it.

No excuses. This is America. You can do it, because where there is a will, there is a way.

Catch a Vision. Fire up and inspire yourself and your troops. If you try an excuse or some finger pointing at someone else, just remember you have three pointing back at you…

Learn or hire the skills you need from resources the Industry offers at, or beyond. You have had successes in the past. With the will and resources, you can again.

So just do it. # #

