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MH’s Amazing April 2015 – Navigating Threats, Growing Opportunities

We are getting details ‘out there’ about the recent Tunica MH Show, and they reflect a growing trend of improvements for our factory-built home industry. We’ll share a video interview that has snippets from the new location for the Tunica Show below, along with a link to facts and figures that are important to all segments of our industry. 

Part of what our seminars and panel discussions covered in Tunica was ‘the future of manufactured housing.’  The topic covered both threats and opportunities. It will be one of the videos you should look for later in April.

It is our custom on the first Masthead post of the month to share the links to the new Featured Articles, in this case, for April 2015.  Those are below…

For example, you’ll see an article on Fair Housing by attorney Nadeen Green that ought to be an eye opener. In fact, it should be required reading for all who are managing or front line with the general public in selling or leasing homes.


Image credit – HousingWire.

Lenny Kopowski brings out a topic that is critical for our industry, zoning and pre-emption. This has national importance for HUD Code and modular builders, retailers and others.

Maureen McMullan joins us for the first time, with an article on housing booms, the Marcellus and how an MH firm is tackling that opportunity. It’s a good read!

Bob Vahsholtz continues a theme in his column that is near to many of our hearts. How do we get the MH industry back onto a historically improving and innovative track?

Kathleen Bianculli hits on National Playground Safety Week, and what that can mean for MHC owners. Timely reading!

Zig Ziglar and Tim Connor have each provided their valued insights into motivation, management and inspiration that can support healthier bottom lines. Don’t miss their wisdom.

I’m providing you an article with a snapshot of the Tunica Show in the last 4 years, “by the numbers.” This will include quotable quotes from the MH Industry veteran who knows the show the best! The Louisville and Tunica events are more important to the industry than many realize. So the report plus the video above are helpful to all from coast-to-coast.


How many in the media or public realize that the above is a mobile home?
We have our work cut out for us, but that is an opportunity in disguise!

Your scribe has also shared an article – loaded with videos! And graphics! – that is focused on the theme of “Growing Manufactured Housing via Compelling Words, Images and Savvy Education.” Want sustainable, positive growth? Then please do read, watch and pass them along to your circle of influence.


We will be bringing you a host of videos from Tunica in the weeks ahead. If you haven’t been on lately, here are some published items below – most with videos! – you may have missed. In no particular order – because each has its own powerful points – useful for our industry. Here are the red on white with blue links to the latest in consumer and general public focused information…

Your team should know these videos, sharing them wisely, so they can sell more homes. They should spread the word via social media, blog posts, with links, etc..

With no further adieu, here are the titles, authors and links for the Featured Articles for April 2015.

Featured Articles and Reports for Vol. 6, No. 7, 2015

Alphabetically by Category


• Are You Ready for National Playground Safety Week?

by Kathleen M. Bianculli, CIC

kathleen-bianculli-manufactured-housing-american-insurance-alliance-aia-posted--mhpronews-com-50x50-revisedNational Playground Safety Week is April 20 – 24, 2015! This is a great time to review your manufactured home community’s playground area and equipment.

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What if Someone Turns Me Into HUD on a Fair Housing Complaint?

by Nadeen Green, JD

 nadeen-green-mhpronews-comDear Fair Housing Lady, I fully intend to “do it right” and have never be involved in a HUD fair housing investigation. But I was wondering, what is involved if someone does call up HUD and “reports” me. Am I doomed?

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• White Paper on Manufactured Housing and Modular Home Zoning Issues

by Lenny Kopowski

Lenny-Kopowski-Louisiana-manufactured-housing_association-posted-mhpronews-com-50x50-Last month made 18 years that I have worked for the Louisiana Manufactured Housing Association. During which my objectives have been varied, but the core mission has been fair zoning for factory built housing.

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• Tunica Manufactured Housing Show Wrap-Up Report

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony- kovachWe spoke Tuesday, 3.31.2015 with Dennis Hill at Show Ways Unlimited, who was still in Tunica doing post-show wrap up details. We asked Dennis for some comments on the 2015 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show.

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Taking a swing at fixing the affordable housing shortage in the Marcellus

by Maureen McMullen

maureen-mcmullen-shale-plays-media=credit-posted-mhpronews-com-50x50pixels-An energy boom can do a lot for a state; oil and gas development can create jobs and bolster the state’s economy. Unfortunately, another common aspect attributed to a booming oil and gas industry is housing shortage, and Pennsylvania has been no exception.

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• The Rules for Housing Innovation – Tying Innovator’s Hands

 by Bob Vahsholtz

bob-vahsholtz-author-dueling-curves-battle-for-housing-posted-industry-voices-guest-blog-mhpronews-com-manufatured-housing-professional-news-50x50-A century of housing innovation! Let us make a list of all the breakthroughs! All the new ideas that have made America the most efficient producer of housing in the world! Here’s the list:

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• Growing Manufactured Housing via Compelling Words, Images and Savvy Educational Deeds

 by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony- kovachWe’re big believers in the power of telling the truth in compelling ways. Messages on any topic can be shared via a combination of compelling graphics, words, photos and videos.

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• Yes or No . . . That is the dilemma!

by Tim Connor, CSP

tim-connor-mhmsm-comEver said no and later wished you had said Yes? How about the reverse – said yes and later wished you had said no? Come on – we all do both frequently and some of us more often that we should and why?

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ZigOn Saying Thank You

by Zig Ziglar

zig-ziglarUS President Theodore Roosevelt has been described as founder of the Bull Moose Party, the man who led his troops up San Juan Hill in the Spanish-American War, a big game hunter, family man, civic servant and a host of other things.

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latonykovach-louisiville2015-mhpronews-business-building-seminars-By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.

