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A future without a past? New Lenders and Finance programs, but can Manufactured Housing History be Lost?

“Those who do not know the past are condemned to re-live it.”

– George Santayana

Let’s jump into four topics today.

1. & 2.

Where have all the philanthropists gone?  Warren?  Sam?  Kevin?  Joe?  Where are you when the RV/MH Hall of Fame needs you now?  Or are you waiting for the dramatic last moment, when the banks come knocking on the door of Manufactured Housing History?

A call came in yesterday from a regular reader who has been so busy he didn’t read the news we posted some two weeks ago.  The RV/MH Hall of Fame is in trouble.  They need you now, because by the end of the month, it could be too late.

We have tips that new lenders are looming on the sidelines. They could be visible in weeks/months.

We have word as well about how current lenders are working on new programs.

More lending is good news!

But can we ignore our past?  If we don’t defend it, who will?  If we do not learn from our past, how are we to avoid past errors?  How are we to learn from past glories?

We watched ‘Louisville’ die, and with a super effort by many, this year that show retuned in phoenix-like fashion.  But we must protect and promote our associations, our events, and our trade shows such as Tulsa, OK and York, PA!

But if we want to create a good Image with the home buying public, we should protect and promote a resource such as the RV/MH Hall of Fame!

Need to enhance or create a legacy?  The RV/MH Hall of Fame could be your ticket.

Need a tax break?  I bet your accountant can make the RV MH Hall of Fame work for you in some form or fashion.

Maybe we need a fast fundraiser for manufactured housing industry history!  The clock is ticking…


Manufactured housing news.  Modular homes news.  Panelized or Prefab home building news.  Stock market and business reports.  Governmental, associations and other news items that impact your business.  Events and trade shows that should be on your calendar. You will find all that and more right here every business weekday on our Daily Business News Blog.  There is no other known single resource or site where you get as much news, views and inspirational items as you get right here at

You will find MHARR news and MHI news reported uncensored here.   You will find state and other Associations news here, too. The Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform – MHARR – is routinely active in releasing manufactured housing news items, as is MHI – the Manufactured Housing Institute – both based in/near Washington, DC.

It is surprising how often rank and file employees in our industry do not know the names of these groups, much less the RV/MH Hall of Fame.  Almost everyone knows Car and Driver Magazine, but how many know that  our Manufactured Housing Trade Journal  ( for short) is now about double or more the size of readership of any other Industry publisher, print or electronic?


While there are estimates by one trade group that our MH industry has 100,000 people employed in it, we believe that number is closer to five times that size in MH alone.  Half a million people is small by some industry standards.  But that is still a lot of votes!  That can still swing an election.

Each of those 500,000 individuals ideally ought to be a true believer in this Industry!  If you are not encouraging your team to read or listen to news and views, like our News at Noon podcasts, it is like turning them over to be trained by often hostile forces, and hoping for the best.

Invest in your people!  Invest in your business and industry!  Have your staff sign up for our free news, inspirational and training items and podcasts.

Have your team read or listen here.  37,044 did in January.  Well over 200,000 page views take place here at monthly.  That means a lot of eyes and ears for advertisers or those seeking sponsorships.  But being the largest trade media resource that we are also means we could easily be five times bigger in readership!  In fact, we are more than double the size of where we were a year ago.  Where will we be next year?

That is up to you and other Industry Pros like you.  You need to read or listen – and do not keep it a secret.  Your staff needs to read and listen here, too.  Invest in 10-15 minutes a day of reading and discussion on news items, featured articles or inspirational posts, and you will not believe how much stronger your team will be in 90 days!


News tips.

We get our news often right from the source.  Sometimes it is official and from inside a press or media office.  Sometimes it is from a competitor or a tip.  If a source wants to be credited, we provide that credit.  But more often with news tips, a source wants to share news without their name being shared.

Either way is fine with us at

When you see news happen, you can shoot a video and email it to us or send a link.

You can email us a message about the information.

Every true news organization or trade publication has to have tips and sources.  We do.  That source can be you.

Finally, we are seeing more posted comments again, and welcome them.  We get a steady stream of messages and calls that never see print, on questions, comments or suggestions.  We welcome them.  We also welcome guest writers for feature articles or Industry Voices Guest Blog posts.

Thank you for being a reader here at  Thank you for caring about the RV/MH Hall of Fame.  # #

