Top and U.S. Housing Markets for 2025 Interactive Graphic on Buying Power Based on Tax Foundation Studied Data by U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis–Manufactured Housing Opportunities-MHVille FEA
Donald Trump’s Election Victory Speech–Full Transcript plus CNN-Kamala Harris and Kevin Roberts-Transition Insights with Vichy USA Commentary and Analysis
Yardi-Linked Multi-Housing News Manufactured Housing Institute CEO Lesli Gooch Interview vs Mark Weiss Interview Responses Compared on Key Manufactured Home Industry Issues with Revelations
HUD Admits Decades of Delay as Election Approach-Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) say HUD Took 10YRs to OK Multi-Family Manufactured Homes After They Raised Issue
Housing Affordability Ranks High Among Voters-‘Forever Renters,’ Rising Homelessness, Out of Reach Housing Costs, and Most Proven Solution to Affordable Housing Crisis; Facts-Analysis
Patrick Waite – Equity LifeStyle Properties EVP COO and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Executive Committee Member – Dumps over $1.4 Million in Shares of ELS; William Lutz on Doublespeak
Loper Bright’s Light on FHFA-Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac-Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing and ‘a Pimple on an Elephant’s Ass’ – Eye-Opening Warren Buffett-DTS for Manufactured Homes with Analysis
Rebeka Zeljko – ‘Wall Street Worried Trump Election Victory Will Benefit Citizens by Increasing Earnings for Americans thus Cutting Corporate Profits’ U.S. plus MHVille Facts with Analysis
SECO-Linked Community Operator David Roden Questions Manufactured Housing Institute Leaders ‘Where is National Manufactured Home Marketing Program Like GoRVing or Got Milk?’ Emails-Facts-Analysis
Cat’s Out-Manufactured Housing Institute-Housing Coalition Letter to Congress Fact Check-Analysis Reveals What MHI, NAR, NAHB, MBA, Others Did-Didn’t Request-AI Affordable Housing Surprises Await
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A Smorgasbord of Topics for Manufactured Housing Solutions and Growth

We have a lot of topics to cover, but please let me start with something positive and fun:

“OMG your site is unbelievably informative! Just listened to your pod cast while sitting in the doctors office! Loved it! I’ll be sure to spread the news to our members to get on board if they are not already! Appreciate all you do!” Deanna Fields, Executive Director, MHAO 

It is always, always a pleasure to hear from industry leaders, business owners and executives, middle managers and the rank and file. Comments like this make our work load seem lighter, and I always share these with our team here at that makes this work on the Industry’s behalf possible! By the way, we get other comments, but we use ones like the above only with permission. Thank you, Deanna, for spreading the word, and to all like you who are working for the advancement of our great industry!

If you want to see what other leaders and readers say, please click on this link:

I take a few moments to mention this because Deanna and others have it right! If you and your team are reading and listening daily to what we offer, you and your team will have an edge in business that those who don’t plug in won’t have. Sports teams train and they ‘watch tape,’ video and replays of what they and their competitors do. That makes them BETTER in the big game. You and your team WILL DO BETTER because if you learn more, you will earn more.

It seems that the November elections are among the reasons why Chief Executives around the country are more confident than before.

CEO COnfidence Graph

CEO Confidence Index, chart courtesy of CEO Magazine

When executives see a reason to invest in the future, maybe it is wise for us to think the same, too.

Friday brought us a tip on a recent development that will do more than raise an eyebrow or two in the Industry. Our Industry in Focus Reporter Eric Miller is on the trail of that story and others that will get the water cooler, phone and email conversations humming. Check in to our Daily Business News blog and please watch for more in-depth reports to follow.

The Louisville Manufactured Housing Show is – according to our research – THE single hottest topic in the Industry, period. Not only is this reflected in our Google Analytics report, but another key indicator is that the early sign-ups for attendance is strong. Joe Kelly, the Executive Director of Iowa’s fine state association has given us a thoughtful message on the subject for the Industry Voices Guest Blog. Please read it. Then book yourself and your key team members to go if you haven’t already. Why?

There are already more people signed up for attending than went to MHI’s annual meeting and the International Networking Roundtable in Phoenix combined!  Dozens are signing up daily; at this rate, the show will do VERY well. 

There is great info along with many seminars and services available at the show to help you grow your business, PLUS you can see dozens of new homes that would be great for your MH Community or Retail Center. Well-known Industry author, speaker and communities and development expert Eddie Hicks will be among those sharing insights in and near the Kentucky Exposition Center (KEC). Where else can you go and rub shoulders and shake hands with some of the biggest names in the Industry? “Go, Louisville!”

Are you an exhibitor or planning to exhibit? Then please click on this link.

More on Louisville later, including the fact that more industry leaders have emailed me to say that they will share their reasons why YOU SHOULD BE THERE. “Those who KNOW will Go Louisville!” If some of the brightest lights in the Industry say you should go, then take a page from Nike’s ad, and just do it.

Our team members will be in Louisville, including your wordy blogger, me. I hope to meet you in person. If you have one of our Manufactured Housing REVOLUTION books, bring it by for an autograph. If you don’t have a book, come by, pick one up and it will be autographed! Many of those who helped pen the Manufactured Housing REVOLUTION will be there – you should get their autographs, too!  

We have word that a well-known Industry personality will be sharing their A Cup of Coffee with Interview with us, likely in time for the new issue that comes out next week. We all want to know more about this person, and YOU can ‘read all about it!’ right here, exclusively. Click here to see other personalities who have done A Cup of Coffee with… exclusive interviews.

Manufactured and modular housing Industry growth won’t happen by magic. There are reasons why Cavco and Clayton still find it wise to buy up chunks of this industry. They see a bright future, or they wouldn’t be doing it. There are reasons why people are still investing in MH Communities, why people are making deals to acquire more. There are reasons why some are making a profit – yes, in this economy – why, as one leader told me a few days ago, they are making more money than they ever have. They are working SMARTER, and see ‘challenges’ as opportunities in disguise. We at are realistic; we know there are problems, but we see the opportunities, too.  

Circling back to Deanna’s comment, if you are not already signed up to access our FREE podcasts of feature articles and daily Factory Built Housing News at Noon and Manufactured Housing Marketing Reports, please click here. It is worth sharing that one of our top 1% of all our pages accessed is the registration page! If you aren’t registered, if you don’t get our twice weekly email updates, you are missing out on key information, much of which you will find ONLY here at

When we talk about learning, I want you to know, that we invest in our own learning, we practice what we preach. For example, our fine IT and Production Manager, Bob Stovall, is attending a weekend seminar to keep up-to-date with the latest in his online world skills. To his credit, Bob is routinely researching, routinely going to meetings and seminars. This is why you or your marketing manager needs to be reading his “Cutting Edge” blog, or using his part of our online services if you don’t want to mess with the work yourself. Be sure to attend the presentation we will do in Louisville, How to Dominate Your Local Market!

Last week, in our daily news, you read – or could have! – news stories on our Industry you didn’t find anywhere else but right here at (aka So, please check in tomorrow and every week day to the daily news blog or do what Deanna Fields and so many others are doing every day, downloading podcasts of industry news and great feature articles. I want to take a moment to say thank you for coming, and thank you to all the Featured Writers who make us the most-read trade journal and news resource in the Industry today.

Thank you for reading, and thanks for passing the word on to your friends and associates to listen to our podcasts and/or read the News and Views You Can Use right here at


