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About Manufactured Housing Industry Leadership – It Needed to be said and Written

We won’t run all of the comments on the weekend Masthead about MH industry and MHI leadership. This was one from ‘Steve‘ was one of the funnier ones, so let’s share it:

My 2 cents.

It needed to be said and written. Most responses are like a “Stockbroker” quote, “Past Performance is NOT indicative of future results”

It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.” –

Mark Twain

We’ve proven in word and deed to be pro-MHIndustry. After all, Factory-Built housing “news, tips and views pros can use” is why we exist. Our relationship has always been cordial to good with the leadership, with MHI CEO Dick Jennison or others too.

That said, there’s been a palpable frustration with many in manufactured housing circles, as Steve put it “It needed to be said and written.”

The comment linked here from publisher Boe Davis is another example of frustration. While Boe kinda blasts away one some points, he too seems to strive at a balanced statement, quoting his humorous ‘tongue in cheek’ comment here.

masthead-graphicSecond, to want good leadership one has to want to be led. I don’t know how many industry related associations there are but there are too many. Unhappy with the group you belong to? Start another association.Boe Davis

Besides comments like those above and below, the single best indicator of how people react to this topic is that at the current pace, this article could be the top new article on MHProNews, perhaps by Monday.

So Why is the MHI Executive Committee Happy?

The above and original column paints only part of the picture. One question we are asked is, why is there ‘happiness‘ reported by the Executive Committee and/or MHI’s leadership? Source inside MHI tell us that part of the reason is that the association is on a sound financial footing. Not too many years ago, that statement wouldn’t have been true.

Being stable and improving financially is a valid measure of association success. But so are results! Almost everyone I know in MH wants to see Dodd-Frank reformed, and progress on that front is being made. A list of the ‘advances on regulatory issues,’ outlined by Marc Lifeset, JD, are in the article linked below.


So let no one be confused that we want to treat this sensitive issue in a fair and balanced fashion.

There are specific comments that so heated – for “the good of the order” and the industry – we can’t publish them. The state association exec show shared comments on the issue in this fashion. This too has drawn a number of comments ranging the spectrum.

Poised for Greatness

Let’s be clear. MH is poised for greatness once more. The NYTimes and a chorus of others suggest as much. A trillion dollar annual housing market and a growing affordable housing shortage are among the reasons why.

Whatever your view on the association/leadership topic, the solution is informed, active engagement. Isn’t everything else moot?


Will MH Catch a break? Elections looming…

Stories we are tracking for publication in the next 48 hours, some election related, on the Daily Business News may signal quite a set of gifts to MH. Sources suggest that the institution most at risk if Republicans pick up control of the Senate isn’t ObamaCare/ACA, but rather the CFPB itself. A pipe dream?

Please stay tuned, and of course, plan to vote on November 4th. Thanks too for your positive, strong response to the tweaks the Daily Business News’ format. “We provide, you decide.” (c) ##

la-tony-kovach-latonykovach-com-By L. A. “Tony” Kovach

