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America and Manufactured Housing are at a Crossroads – Greenwald: ‘It’s Not Left Vs Right Anymore, It’s Anti-Establishment Versus Pro-Establishment’


Great journalists, pundits, and attorneys often reveal the gift of being able to summarize developments in a manner others might miss. There are forces and conflicts in our nation as well as in our industry and profession that are coming to a head. Cavco’s William “Bill” Boor told Congress last month that the manufactured home industry is at a “crossroads.” Boor has a point, but perhaps what he expressed to Congress and the distinct way he expressed it to investors and analysts merits a closer look. That is a possible parallel to what is occurring nationally in the U.S.A. which attorney turned award winning journalist Glenn Greenwald summed up like this: No matter how you slice it… the polls show that there’s only one person who’s likely to challenge Joe Biden and defeat him for reelection, and that’s the person whom Biden’s DOJ happens to be prosecuting in multiple cases…”


Linked via that X-post (a.k.a. ‘tweet’ on Elon Musk owned Twitter, being rebranded as X), the contrarian and popular alt-financial news site ZeroHedge said the following.

“Glenn Greenwald lays out the hypocrisy, and tyranny, of the ‘establishment’ in a brief but all-encompassing discussion with Russell Brand.” For those who may not know, Brand is followed by millions across the left-right spectrum and has been described by left-leaning Wikipedia as follows: “Russell Edward Brand is an English comedian and actor. He is the host of the Stay Free with Russell Brand podcast. Known for his flamboyant, loquacious style and manner, Brand has received three British Comedy Awards: Best Newcomer, Best Live Stand-Up, and the award for Outstanding Contribution to Comedy.” While in England, Brand is followed by numbers of Americans.

Greenwald’s proverbial view from 40,000 up continues as follows.

QuoteMarksLeftSideNot just cases that have been brought but ones that rely on highly dubious interpretations of the law.” Greenwald is talking here about the growing list of charges by deployed by Democrats via state and federal prosecutors against deposed 45th President Trump. Keep in mind that Greenwald could be described as a classical liberal from the left, while Trump is an anti-establishment conservative from the right. Note too Greenwald is an attorney by training, not just an award-winning journalist and pundit. He continues:

“It’s not like these [charges against Trump] are murder cases, rape cases, bribery cases, or things people traditionally think about when they hear of criminal accusations.

They’re very distant and vague accusations that depend a lot on free speech rights, and they will only worsen perceptions that the DOJ can’t be trusted…”


Greenwald responded on Brand’s platform to the notion that what is occurring looks like a Latin American, third world ‘banana republic’ style of prosecution of a political opponent.  He then lays out his contention that it recalls that what is occurring in FJB-Bidenomics land (D) has a parallel to what took place during the presidency of George W. Bush (R).  Note that the legal term Greenwald uses below of “rendition” means: “the practice of sending a foreign criminal or terrorist suspect covertly to be interrogated in a country with less rigorous regulations for the humane treatment of prisoners” per Oxford Languages.


QuoteMarksLeftSideThe first book I wrote in 2005 was an argument that the Bush and Cheney administration had committed obvious war crimes like torture, rendition, and warrantless spying on Americans…

The entire DC class agreed with Obama saying only banana republics prosecute their political opposition, and that was for real crimes like torture, kidnapping, killing people, and spying without warrants. Not these kinds of attenuated theories of criminality on which the Biden DOJ is now relying on to prosecute Trump, their primary political opposition…

At exactly the same time the Biden administration is prosecuting Donald Trump, they are also shielding Hunter Biden, who is guilty of far more blatant and obvious criminality, just blatant political corruption, tax evasion, and hiding assets in a way that most people go to jail for many years.

And Hunter Biden gets this incredibly generous deal that was so shocking to the judge because she couldn’t believe that the DOJ was really offering him full-scale immunity, given how many other crimes are pending.

And given how he was allowed to plead guilty to misdemeanors for what she has seen treated as serious felonies…” 


Note for those who don’t follow these matters closely, the judge in the Hunter Biden case did not allow that plea deal to go through; it was federal prosecutors who apparently were ready to give a sweetheart deal to White House Resident Joe Biden’s son Hunter.  ZeroHedge’s “Tyler Durden,” a pen name that recalls the movie Fight Club, then lays out the balance of the Greenwald thesis to Brand.


QuoteMarksLeftSideHaving opened listeners’ eyes and ears to the ugly reality of the ‘two-sided’ system in America today. But it’s not as clear-cut as it used to be, as Greenwald concludes:

“The relevant metric now isn’t left versus right. It’s anti-establishment versus pro-establishment.

Namely, do you think the loss of trust that these institutions of authority have suffered is valid or not? Do you think that they deserve the contempt in which they are held by a large portion of the population? I believe it’s absolutely justified to hold them in contempt…

That’s the fundamental distinction that defines our political spectrum more than old definitions of left versus right.


Watch the full discussion below [MHProNews note: the transcript that follows from Greenwald in this X-post is arguably imperfect, but close enough]:


Brad Pitt playing character Tyler Durden still from the hit movie Fight Club.


Tyler Durden still from the hit movie Fight Club.


Brad Pitt playing character Tyler Durden still from the hit movie Fight Club.


According to various surveys, some 70 percent of Americans are not happy with the direction of the country. When someone looks at the disenchantment reflected in the remarks, ratings and reviews by several ‘top’ Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) member firms busily consolidating the industry, it is apparent that a large swath of the industry’s pros are uneasy about their corporate leadership too.


To Greenwald’s point about ‘anti-establishment vs. pro-establishment,’ that report linked above rocketed to #4 on the countdown chart linked below, even though it was then a fresh post. Meaning that industry readers essentially confirmed the concerns by coming and reading about what they have seen or experienced themselves.


Sometimes the best way to deal with a topic in FJB-Bidenomics land and MHVille is via satire, because the reality is so bizarre that it appears to be surreal.  The powers that be in MHVille are behaving with a ‘heads we win, tails you lose’ mentality.  Bad behavior in MHVille’s largest national trade group doesn’t get you kicked out or reprimanded by MHI, despite their so-called Code of Ethical conduct.


Rest of Story-Residents, Media Complain-RHP Properties on Evictions, ‘Discrimination,’ Stiff $ Hikes-Havenpark Communities Named-Where is Manufactured Housing Institute’s Code of Ethical Conduct?


Indeed, despite bad behavior, MHI may just get your poorly rated by the Better Business Bureau (BBB) an ‘MHI excellence’ award.  And mainstream media either is too busy to pay sufficient attention to what is occurring in manufactured housing, or they recognize the markers from other aspects of American society, and they see that the insiders – the two tiered and ‘rigged system’ is operating in MHVille much as it does in America as a whole.


As this Masthead editorial is being prepared, there are a growing number of reports about various types of articles of impeachment are being prepared against Joe Biden. American Insider via one of William “Bill” Gates III financial interests’ brand, MSN, listed 4 articles as follows on 8.13.2023. While those articles didn’t mention the source, MHProNews tracked it down as having been filed by Congressman Greg Stubbe (Fl-17-R) on 8.11.2023. Per Stubbe’s press release is the following.


QuoteMarksLeftSideWASHINGTON —  U.S. Representative Greg Steube (R-Fla.) today filed articles of impeachment against Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors. 

“It’s long past time to impeach Joe Biden,” said Rep. Steube. “He has undermined the integrity of his office, brought disrepute on the Presidency, betrayed his trust as President, and acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice at the expense of America’s citizens. The evidence continues to mount by the day – the Biden Crime Family has personally profited off Joe’s government positions through bribery, threats, and fraud. Joe Biden must not be allowed to continue to sit in the White House, selling out our country.”

The articles of impeachment include:

Robert Hunter Biden (Hunter Biden) and James Biden sold access to then Vice President Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. (Joe Biden) while he was in office from 2009 to 2017 and sold promised access to a future Biden Presidential Administration while he was out of office from 2017 to 2021. Hunter and James appear to have promised official actions by Joe Biden in return for payments and business opportunities from foreign and domestic business partners. Joe Biden assisted by making appearances, phone calls, meeting with the “business partners,” and knowingly allowing his family members to promise access to him and actions by him in furtherance of these schemes. Hunter Biden threatened business partners that official actions could be taken against them if they did not meet terms or make payments. In at least one instance, Hunter implied that Joe Biden was aware of these threats and willing to assist in enforcing the threats, potentially through official actions. Hunter Biden attempted to enrich himself and the Biden family by threatening official actions from his father, who he claims was willing to assist in the scheme. 

These acts are abuses of power as well as the following federal crimes or conspiracy to commit the following federal crimes: Bribery of Public Officials, 18 USC § 201; Hobbs Act Extortion “Under Color of Official Right,” 18 USC § 1951; Honest Services Fraud relating to use of official position, 18 USC § 1346.

According to testimony from IRS whistleblowers, members of the Biden campaign improperly colluded with Justice Department (DOJ) officials to improperly interfere with investigations into tax crimes alleged to have been committed by Hunter Biden. 

These acts constitute an abuse of power as well as Obstruction of Justice, 18 USC §§ 1505, 1510, 1512.

James Biden recruited “investors” for business ventures that ultimately failed. There is evidence to suggest that these investment opportunities were sold to investors based on false and fraudulent pretenses and promises. Access to Joe Biden and indications that Joe Biden supported these schemes were used to lure investors into the schemes. 

These acts constitute fraud or conspiracy to commit fraud in violation of 18 USC §§ 1943, 1949.

Joe Biden and Hunter Biden have a long history of comingled and intertwined finances. Between 2010 and 2019 thousands of dollars of Biden family money was spent on illegal drug transactions and prostitution.

These acts constitute violations of or conspiracy to violate federal drug laws at 21 USC §§  841, 842, 843, 846 and federal prostitution laws at 18 USC §§  2421, 2421A, 2422. ##


In ‘a rules for thee, but not for we‘ mentality for those connected and on the inside in FJB-Bidenomics land, one can grasp the cheers being heard in support of the obvious for those who follow the facts, evidence, and news with a discerning eye. For those who can’t, don’t, or won’t invest that time in sifting through mainstream news in search of reality, there is always MHProNews – and reports like this one.

To Greenwald’s key point about anti-establishment vs establishment. MHProNews has been monitoring that growing trend of anti-establishment sentiments and reporting to industry readers for years. It is arguably what put President Trump in office in the 2016 election. It is also what the left-leaning New York Times and other surveys pointed out was developing in America, as we reported in depth below on 1.23.2023.


For a range of readers, they recognize that others in MHVille routinely posture as if everything is ‘business as usual.’ It is not. It has not been so for years, but now that things are getting ‘really bad,’ people are waking up to reality and are looking for understanding and solutions.


Oh, MAMA – Epic! 4.1.2023 MHVille Notice – New Assoc Touts Trillion $ Manufactured Home Growth Plan-Boost Sale$, Pay, Include Legal Team for Suits vs Specific Agencies, Industry Trade Groups, Corp$


Perhaps for those on the inside who believe that they benefit from the growing chaos on the streets in American cities, this idea of a ‘new normal’ is acceptable.

Perhaps this abnormal ‘new normal’ is okay for those who see nothing wrong with migrants who jumped the border illegally living in costly hotels while that city’s Democratic mayor is asking for billions of dollars to pay for those costs that may keen citizens from traveling to New York because there are too few rooms to be had and it is getting to dangerous to go to the Big Apple anyway.  As Americans are told in brazen gaslighting fashion that Bidenomics is working, fresh reports based in part of the surge of inflationary costs at the gas station remind Americans across the political, social, and economic spectrums that the Establishment’s happy talk just isn’t true.

Repeating a half truth or lie over and over again doesn’t make it real. It only makes the half-truth or lie seem more plausible. That’s how gaslighting works. That’s regrettably apparent to those who follow MHProNews, who may not always like what we have to say, but they recognize it as a far more authentic version of reality than what those telling the Big Lie are feeding industry pros.


A special report is being prepared, hopefully for later this week. Stay tuned. But in the meantime, check out the exclusive Q&A with Mark Weiss, J.D., President and CEO of Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR).




See what a facts- and evidence-based truth-teller has to say about what is going on in MHVille.

National issues influence our industry. The lack of affordable housing – what our industry is supposed to be all about – is harming America to the tune of some $2 trillion dollars a year in lost GDP. Who says? Cavco Industries (CVCO).

If only Cavco had said so years before, when MHProNews previously reported that every same data point cited by two NBER researchers, and if only Cavco had said so by backing MHARR with dues from each and every one of their dozens of production centers.  The days may be coming when who is, or isn’t, on the production side of the industry in MHARR will speak volumes to those in the trenches who get the difference between reality and clever fables.

Because Greenwald’s point, however imperfect it may seem to be to some, is still apt. It is now no longer simply about ‘left vs right,’ it is more about the anti-establishment vs. the establishment. That’s true in MHVille, and its true in the U.S.A. too. ##


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Stay tuned for more of what is ‘behind the curtains’ as well as what is obvious and in your face reporting that are not found anywhere else in MHVille. It is all here, which may explain why this is the runaway largest and most-read source for authentic manufactured home “News through the lens of manufactured homes and factory-built housing” © where “We Provide, You Decide.” © ## (Affordable housing, manufactured homes, reports, fact-checks, analysis, and commentary. Third-party images or content are provided under fair use guidelines for media.) (See Related Reports, further below. Text/image boxes often are hot-linked to other reports that can be access by clicking on them.)

Our son has grown quite a bit since this photo above was taken. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested with the discussion of manufactured housing related issues on our trip and 12.3.2019 meetings. But Texas Congressman Al Green’s (D) office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States and other goodies. As political independents, MHProNews has worked with people and politicos across the left-right divide.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.

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Related References:

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