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America First – Memorial Day – Arlington National Cemetery

Starting in childhood and for years beyond, one hears about, see photos or video from Arlington National Cemetery. Being there in person is very different than all that you see or hear.

Row after row of tombstones speak silently about the willingness of some of America’s fittest and finest to lay down their lives, so others can be free. For those who dare to experience it deeply, Arlington National Cemetary is emotionally moving. 

Watching the ceremonies, like the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers, the precision steps and salutes…it’s all so inspiring and compelling.

Photos from Arlington National Cemetary, MHProNews.

Sailors, soldiers, airman, marines and other special service personnel risked and lost, so that you, I and hundreds of millions of others could be free. While those service personel fought for America First, their heroism kept large parts of Europe and Asia free. The stark contrast of North and South Korea – the cruel poverty of communistic north vs. the relative freedom and robust economy of the south – should tell any thinking soul why freedom and free enterprise are vastly superior to a socialistic dictatorship.  That’s made possible thanks to the sacrifice of their people, who fought along side our brave servicemen. Americans – then and now – can make a big difference.

Directly and indirectly, the world is a better place due to America’s military service personnel. One would be remiss in not mentioning this weekend the important role first responders play in our security, safety and well being too.  They all deserve a salute and heartfelt thanks.

Let’s bow our heads and say a prayer for all those men and women who sacrificed so much, along with their families and loved ones. 

Now the time has come for they and millions of Americans to politically take back our nation from those who would squander our natural resources, the wealth our freedom makes possible, our independence by ignoring or even fostering border insecurity. 

God bless America. Land that I Love! May God bless our profession, and the struggles we face to foster our service to this great nation.

Mindful of the sacrifices eloquently revealed in Arlington, and under the shelter and inspiration of those men and women we protect our freedom, we honor them by focusing next on the issues that keep or nation and our industry from being all they can be. ##

l.a.'tony'kovach-us-supreme-court-washington-dc-mhpronews-com-By L. A. “Tony” Kovach,
Office 863-213-4090.
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