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Bold! New! The Dawn of a New Day.

A friend of mine called from California today (I am writing this on Saturday) who was telling me, ‘I’ve been looking at the history of change in business and politics. Most of the time, positive new ideas comes not from the current leaders – the insiders – but from those who aren’t yet part of the inside group.’

This echoes a similar thought shared in A Cup of Coffee with…Don Westphal interview.

Here is part of what Don said:

“Each of us should start the day asking ourselves: “Is what I have done in the past working for me today??????????????? If the answer is “no,” then commit to change or step aside and pass the torch to a new generation.”

I looked at some comments about a candidate for the MHI interim/permanent replacement for Thayer Long that will be posted early Monday morning in our Daily Business News. This mover and shaker is relatively new to the Industry, but has brought much positive energy and has earned the respect of his peers. These are among the reasons for confidence in our Industry’s future.

That doesn’t mean that a good candidate has to be a new comer.

What it means is what it says, much positive change comes from those who begin from outside of the ‘inner circle.’ That may not please some, but think about Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs or others in business. Or the Herman Cain types in politics, who is bringing a positive energy with him, even if not everyone agrees with him.

Younger, older or in-between, the ‘non-insiders’ tend to bring the energy and positive changes. Experience also has its clear role.  The is much to be said for combing the zest of new idea pros with the wisdom and experience of those who have weathered past storms, mindful of Don Westphal’s point above.

Let me give a specific example that is pretty non-threating to most of the Industry.

There are publishers in factory built housing who have been around for a decade, two or three. They may have learned to use a blog or they built a website years ago. But they didn’t bring in the online industry Information Revolution that has. This takes nothing away from those who have gone before us, in fact, there is much to be said about there years of work. It simply makes the point that positive change often comes from ‘outsiders’ as opposed to ‘insiders.’

With the advent of = =, tens of thousands of Industry pros have come to rely on us for much of the news, tips and views they can use. We did not do this alone, our writers, clients and sponsors have made it possible, and your ‘votes of time and web browsers’ tells us that most of you like what we are bringing to the table and tell your friends and colleagues.

By the way, all of those web addresses work and take you to the same place!  Please keep it simple for yourself. Think Dan Rinzema said it well, ‘That name says it all.’

This is our first Masthead blog post using our new website format. You will find dozens of new features.

  • The Daily Business News ‘latest stories’ scrolls past in sequence on the bold, new home page.  You can scan a headline or its graphic/photo and see if you want to read it all.
  • The Daily Business News also has the most recent dozen or so articles with headlines hot linked just in the right center column.
  • We are introducing a services directory along with state and provincial blogs, which are being phased to help provide a platform for more local news. We need and appreciate your help with local news tips, using the email address.
  • We want to provide a specific space where associations on the state or provincial level can sound off on manufactured, modular, prefab and panelized news.  Services like this will be free to associations, who deserve our support and yours too!
  • The new business services directory will feature local business locations in the state or province they are based in, and can include YOURS. For as little as 15¢ a day annualized, you can let your peers and business-to-business target markets know about your business in this place. Increase your Search Engine results and more! We expect the state and provincial blogs, which will be phased in as noted above, to become a very popular feature.

Please “Take 5” to surf our new home page.

  • Notice that the feature articles are now on a slider/carousel too.
  • You can move the introductions to the Feature articles  manually using the next and previous keys.
  • You can now more easily find all new content on the home page with drop down menus and easier ways to navigate.
  • We will give you more formal info later.
  • There will be a few bugs to work out, and more will be phased in, so your patience with our cyber dust is appreciated.


For a bit more insight, starting from the top of the home page:

  • You can get your local weather.
  • News feeds to headlines from CNN and Fox news.
  • The latest headlines from
  • We have provided more ways to address local advertising that can save you money at getting the word put about your product or service in select states or provinces. For less than an average of $13 a month, you can upload ads that target the state or province of your choice! We are evolving to serve OUR industry.

To borrow the wonderful tag line from ROC USA, we are ‘better together.’

Together, we can keep each other informed and inspired.

Together, we can look the big issues of the day in the eye, and solve them.

Together, we can build the future of Manufactured, Modular and Prefab homes that will make us the preferred choice of millions.

Together, at MHProNews is Where Industry Business get Done ©.

There are always nay sayers.  Naysayers are grand at tearing down, but are rarely as good at building up!  Building always takes more work. While the naysayers are saying whatever they want, together we forward thinkers and committed professionals will build a brighter future.

Knowledge is potential power.  Remember:

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

– Edmund Burke

Together, with News, Tips and Views you can use, we will build a brighter future, one positive idea at a time.

So there are no misunderstanding, we are not ‘anti-establishment.’ What we are saying is that here, various view points can be shared and considered from a variety of sources. Insiders. The ‘up and comers.’ Owners, managers, executives, rank and file, agents for positive change who do not fear sharing a new idea.  Let’s use the best and the brightest, from whatever source, to advance our common cause.

Together, let us build the brighter future of factory built housing.

My personal thanks to your, our lead IT/WebTech pro Joe Geller, our entire staff, featured writers, supporters, sponsors and readers like you. Each of you in your own way have made this continuing evolution of the Manufactured Housing Revolution possible.

You, the Industry and MHProNews. We can each be better Together! # #

Post written by
L A ‘Tony’ Kovach
Publisher and Marketing Director

See my profile above or connect with me on LinkedIn.

