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BREAKING Bad – plus Critical Updates, Upgrades

Before diving into Breaking Bad,” let’s start with the scheduling and programing updates.

The new version 3.0 of is scheduled to go live – be unveiled – this weekend.  So, the new May issue of featured articles on our home page will be published circa mid-next week.

UnveilingNewWebsiteMHProNewsVer3.0MastheadBlogMHProNewsBy noon Eastern time Monday (+/-),  you should see the new, unveiled home page of MHProNews.

To do a massive switchover on a site as large as this one – thousands upon thousands of pages, of some of the industry’s best news, tips and views content – means the MHProNews site will – for a time – go down.


When the site comes back up, you’ll see a new home page – but don’t be surprised if there are numerous adjustments that have to be made.

While testing has been ongoing, I’d rather set an expectation for plenty of Cyber Dust – adjustments, corrections, glitches – which will be addressed as rapidly as possible.

If you see something please don’t hesitate to email – use – and at least 3 of us will see those messages.  Please use a subject line like –> Cyber Dust on  Then, spell out specifically what you see, on what page.  Use a screen capture and arrows, if you have Jing or a tool like Jing by

If anything changes before the site goes dark, we’ll post an update on the Daily Business News and/or this blog.

Last thought on that before we dive into breaking bad.

It’s possible that the blogs may ‘come back up’ before the home page does.  When that happens, you can always go to the Daily Business News via this address:

or this Masthead blog at:

Kindly say a prayer that this goes as rapidly and smoothly as possible.  The new site will look different in many ways.

Once you get used to it, we think you’re gonna love it.

Breaking Bad

No, this Breaking Bad isn’t a cable show about a chemistry teacher that decides to cook meth to make more money. This ‘breaking bad’ is about getting to the heart of the problematic issues that keeps manufactured housing from doing several hundred thousand new home shipments a year.

Breaking Bad cable show meme, credit – Vulture.

To rephrase, it’s about making the vast majority of businesses in this industry more money – via problem solving.

Let’s tease the latest allegations and look at the latest coming in from MHI insiders since yesterday.

Besides the various ways that pros say “Thank you!” among the amazing messages that have come in during the roughly last 24 hours, are new tips and insights on how the financing, lobbying and ‘games’ are allegedly being played at MHI.

Even today, MHI’s latest Housing Alert proved what the post below said is their pattern.

Failure can be a great teacher, and there’s no shame in it, so long as lessons are learned. Have they been? “We Provide, You Decide.” ©

Thanks, MHI senior staff, for making our point – again! – today! Kindly click the image below to see how Gooch, Jennison and company have proven, and how sources tell us it costs thousands of professionals a ton of money…


You’ll get another report, perhaps as soon as next week.

This week (next 7 days), baring the unforeseen, we’ll do two, perhaps 3 new features on MHLivingNews, all designed to advance the industry’s overall cause.

One will seriously touch on MHI, but — all three will be important for the advancement of the MH industry.

Don’t Misunderstand 

While we have demonstrated – (and may get to the point that we’ll do even more details, on even bigger issues, than we already have) – that MHI senior people, surrogates, etc. are stepping up their efforts to duck, dodge, detract, distract, denigrate, and dissuade us through often behind-the-scenes hassles they strive to generate for us and/or our readers/sponsors, here are some reality checks.

ReformSupplantManufacturedHousingInstituteLogoTimeToChangeMHIpostedMastheadblogMHProNews647aOur goal is to spotlight and thus encourage the reform or supplanting of MHI. The powers-that-be at MHI get to pick which, by their behavior.

We sincerely believe that what we are exposing and working toward ending/changing would be better for all.

But once more, the powers-that-be must want to play nice, fair and square.

That said, while we prefer to make friends, as Abraham Lincoln encouraged, let’s remember honest Abe waged war to win when the hand-of-friendship was rejected.  As we’ve said before, it makes no sense to feed a hand that is biting yours.

No one has an audience like ours in MHVille. Oh, there are some sites with more total traffic – but not more professional traffic seeking precisely what we deliver.


Why does MHProNews dominate?  As one multi-location company owner told us, “Tony, what your team does is RELEVANT.”

Honest efforts at sharing reality has created credibility that others may – or may not – have.

That’s not saying we’re the only credible source, there are others. But for the most part, they don’t have our combination of audience, sources, and insights – and willingness to spotlight controversial issues via reality checks, rather than promote someone’s smoke-driven spin or agenda.

As I shared with some key supporters this morning – and hereby outline with you – the industry, investors, public officials, media, researchers and other professional enthusiasts – this is an industry of approximately 150,000 FTEs – full time equivalents.

Many of those FTEs are doing activities other than managing, owning or investing in business. Perhaps 10% to max 15% are the target audience of this kind of trade media (sorry, MHI spin-meisters – we may have blogs, but we are more than what Gooch likes to call a “blog!”  Proper terminology matters!).

Or as MHI’s Dick Jennison thoughtful said to a meeting room of industry pros, “MHProNews – Great Publication!”  Thanks again, Dick.

Guest Counter – and The Votes of You, the Professionals

When MHI/NCC’s Jenny Hodge spoke about transparency – as cited in the article and image shown – not many in our industry have a guest counter. How many are on the MHProNews site right now?  Go to the bottom of the home page, look below the left hand column, and you’ll know.

Nathan Smith, MHI’s prior chair and leader at SSK Communities colorfully dubbed manufactured housing as a boutique industry. If the total audience potential is say 20,000 owners, executives, managers, and aficionados – then at 8:47 AM ET, we had 34.5% of the total potential readers on our site at that time. Astonishing!

MHI takes their shots behind the scenes, we at MHProNews invite them to respond publicly on our site – and have also invited MHI to debate publicly ISSUES that MATTER to the INDUSTRY and to MILLIONS of Consumers.

Media, investors, public officials are also on our site. While the general public can also surf in, our statistics suggest that the readers are mostly professionals, because third party reports tell us that while the average news site gets 3.3 page views per visit, our average page views per visitor hovers around 8.5 page views each. Relevant. Trusted. Independent. The “Industry News, Tips and Views that Pros Can Use.” ©

Trust is Earned

Because our audience matters, because we’ve documented – not just made claims – our audience trusts us.  Because our audience is the runaway largest of its kind, perhaps some at MHI feel that they must play their games, they may pretend to ignore us, but it’s anything but behind the scenes.

From emails that are forwarded or other reports made verbally, we know there are conversations afoot.

Billions a Year, Trillions in Opportunities

For those who want to keep it simple, we allege that MHI is choking off industry growth – to slow walk growth – for precisely the reasons that Jenny Hodge alluded to; it allows larger players to acquire -“consolidate” – smaller ones at reduced prices. Once they’ve swallowed their goal, watch how magically the industry will rebound then.

The 400 Word Executive Summary and a host of other reading is published to provide serious readers with plenty of food for thought.

The proper approaches are worth millions to a location, and tens of billions (plus) to our industry. Let’s suggest that MHI has hired intelligent people to staff their Arlington office. Some there are no doubt good people. Others, sources tell us, are tasked with carrying out ‘the agenda’ – and its not the one publicized. But think! With the affordable housing crisis raging, are we to believe that Manufactured Housing can’t hit 25% or more of mainstream new construction sales?

But some of the best reports are yet to come.

Let us get through our cyber-dust.  We truly hope that MHI leaders will strive to mend what’s wrong, so that the majority of their members – and the vast majority of the industry – will benefit.


But if that doesn’t happen, there are a variety of ways we can be a part of the solution.  We work for that daily.

Please check back after the cyber dust clears.  Do let us know your thoughts on issues that matter.  And while we make it plain that we don’t speak for sponsors, we thank them for making this platform possible.

Honest Abe wanted peace, and was willing to extend the hand of friendship – a model we like. But one must also note that Lincoln fought to win a bitter war against those who made themselves enemies. A lesson for our times?

Together, Everyone Achieves More = TEAM.

Together, we advance.

Together, we’re Breaking the Bad – in favor of the Good.

For those who would be roadblocks, we’ll keep shining the light of truth. We’re confident it has, is and will ultimately make the difference. Because just as Lincoln played to win, but offered the hand of friendship – we strive to do the same too. ##

(Image credits are as shown above, and when by third parties, are shown under fair use guidelines.)

Tony at an educational session, “Standing Room Only.”

By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
Managing Member
LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC – dba | | Office 863-213-4090 |

Connect on LinkedIn:


Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.” – Henry Ford










