Common sense is misnamed, because it has seemingly become far too rare: in daily living as well as politically. There is much to do. We continue to get feedback on the disappointment on MH missing out Dodd-Frank reform plus on chattel lending from the GSEs, per FHFA’s recent ‘no’ on that subject. For fresh and pithy insights, see Marty Lavin’s comments linked here. Click here for Don Glisson Jr., CEO of Triad Financial, take. For other flash feedback are found via my prior, midweek post, linked here.
The above gives a nice cross section of where the industry’s views are on those recent developments.
That said, let’s not cry, let’s look ahead. We will briefly consider common sense, a-politically, and how it impacts MH.
In a common sense world:
If you passed a health care ‘reform bill’ that promised more coverage for less cost to all, but got
- rising premiums,
- higher deductibles for millions,
- failing healthcare exchanges,
- less hours for millions of workers instead,
you’d think the plug would be pulled, or at least the program would be revamped, right?
Apparently not. Dems in their debate last night admitted that ObamaCare is not working as their party advertised. In DC, POTUS doubled down on the ACA/ObamaCare, with Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan and Democratic minority leader Nancy Pelosi teaming up to fund it again. Common sense lost out to political maneuvering, that must be benefiting someone besides the masses. Go figure.
In a common sense world:
Dodd-Frank was supposed to protect against:
- too big to fail,
- it was supposed to benefit consumers,
- and yet ended up harming millions of MH home owners,
- forced some industry lenders and hundreds of community banks out,
- while keeping potential buyers as renters,
you’d end or restructure the law and the CFPB, right?
Apparently not. MHI and the more muscular ABA both got the stiff-arm, while billions flowed to programs the administration wanted. Most people don’t want the southern border open, they don’t want Syrian refugees flooding the U.S.. POTUS (President of the United States) didn’t say, tough, you’re getting it anyway. But that’s the bottom line. The Obama-nibus Ryan-Pelosi budget deal guarantees that most Americans, regardless of party politics, are being ignored.
So MH isn’t alone in being told ‘no’ by the DC types.
Whatever you think of The Donald, or Bernie, they are tapping into the emotions of millions in their respective parties who feel they are being left out. Trump is successfully getting the media talking about issues that millions want to have resolved by someone, be that The Donald or someone else. The anti-establishment Rs are polling far higher than the party’s establishment candidates. That speaks volumes, for those willing to listen.
MH pros must learn from those who are getting past their respective party-line narratives; we must learn how to win
- for ourselves and for
- our current and potential home owners.
Can MH adapt to “no” on Dodd-Frank or on “no” on chattel lending from the GSEs? Sure, we already have, years ago. But we should not accept this ‘new federally forced normal.’ We shouldn’t just roll over and quit. If we do, things will only get worse politically.
FYI – in fact, we’re told of a development that sounds pretty darn good on the HR 650/S 682 front. There are pros still working the system, going for the victory in 2016 that most in MH desire. We’ll dig into that report, and keep you posted. But for now…
We could go down the line on things POTUS and his administration are pushing, that are opposed by the majority of Americans. We the People are getting those unwanted things anyway, with Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi cooperating to fund POTUS’ priorities. Oye vez!
No wonder anti-establishment candidates Trump and Cruz are rising among Republican leaning voters, as Jeb Bush, Lindsey Graham and other establishment types sink.
Attorney Marty Lavin made a very important point in his short and timely OpEd. We got HERA 2008 some 7 years ago, it gave us the Duty To Serve (DTS), and we still don’t have that in practice. Having the law alone didn’t help us. MHARR bulletins routinely points out the ways that the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA 2000) is still ignored or is marginalized by public officials.
In a world where common sense has slipped away, we need to ROUSE OURSELVES and Work with OTHERS to look at things as they are, and then move the needle to where it needs to be – for the good of MH and for “We, the People” at large.
When the sky darkens, that’s when the stars can shine.
The Answer to America ‘s Growing Affordable Housing Crisis
The recent column on:
Local Star Chambers Wage War on Affordable Housing
has drawn praise from MH Industry pros. As of Sunday morning, it has been picked up by over 700 publications and websites, via media releases, RSS feeds and more.
Manufactured Housing has the answers that millions are seeking in the hunt for quality, affordable living. Both parties are talking about helping the poor and middle class. Manufactured Housing Pros have the answer, right now. Programs are welcome, but none are required.
You, your state or community association, your colleagues are the key to advancing MH in your respective market. You have to be the change in your market. You have to be in-the-trenches politically, to get MH and our nation back onto a more common sense path.
There is word that some Republicans are planning to ‘primary’ Paul Ryan, who as Speaker of the House, has led some of his party and Democrats into what we’re calling the Obama-nibus Ryan-Pelosi budget deal that left MH and so many others out in the cold. Sometimes in a fight, one has to get their nose a little bloody before they really wake up and take the fight seriously.
We in MH had our nose and our gut punched last week. But its far from over, so long as MH Pros don’t quit. We have to learn to play a long game. We have to learn to play to win. Don Glisson is correct in saying that MHI and MHARR should be coordinating better.
So its not about crying over split milk. Its about learning from the miss, and adapting to win.
We ought not accept an America where we have to fight so hard to get what was ours as a birth right 50 years ago. More businesses today are closing than opening, that’s a first in many generations. We ought not roll over and accept the fact that politicians and bureaucrats alike can go so far afield.
We’ll have a special report around the New Year that should make those who think we have no power think twice. Please keep the chin up. Check out the latest Inspiration blog – The Power of Boat Burning.
Working together wisely, we can do what’s needed. What the Affordable Housing/Zoning story linked above proves is that when deeply committed industry pros pull together, we can win the battles that move the needle for more MH home owners and buyers – and thus MHIndustry sales.
Knocked down is not knocked out. We can get to 500,000 new manufactured homes shipped a year, but only if we do the smart things. ##