Let’s start in reverse order from our headline. After well over two decades with Zeman Homes, Dee Pizer is stepping away from the CEO role, which will be assumed by Jeff Fannon. Zeman is one of the industry’s largest MHC operations, and our sources tell us they are now looking to expand beyond their upper Midwest region.
The Daily Business News brief on the change is linked here, and A Cup of Coffee with…Dee Pizer interview is linked here.
A personal observation; Dee’s story at Zeman is a little like Carly Fiorina’s stump speech – from secretary to CEO! The big differences? There was arguably less tumultuous drama, a happier ending and more success for Dee at Zeman than Carly’s time at HP.
Our best wishes to all there.
MHI Chairman…Next…
As we reported last week from Boca Raton, FL – the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) has a new Chairman and Executive Committee. Nathan Smith’s work as Chair was widely praised during the meeting. Smith will continue to be heavily engaged in Government Relations (GR) and the MHI PAC.
Nathan’s time as Chairman was not without controversy, which the recently published comments by Frank Rolfe – linked here – is an example. Others also made thinly veiled, private or public slams on Smith for his staying on in his role as MHI Chairman, while facing various law suits and regulatory actions related to SSK Communities. As if in reply, Smith and company routinely stated they’re confident in the outcome, are improving communities, so why shouldn’t he continue on?
Nathan is a colorful character, highly likable and well suited for local, state or national politics. In his own words, he often acknowledged “sharing the love” (campaign donations) with the Democratic candidates he often felt more personally aligned with, while still sharing that same kind of “love” with Republican candidates too.
Publicly and privately, the other MHI Executive Committee members seemed unconcerned wth the periodic local news flaps Smith/SSK encountered, valuing the many hours and resources that Smith donated to MHI’s causes.
Controversies aside, there is no doubt that MHI is in a better place today than during the bottom of the Great Recession of 2008. While that wasn’t any one person’s doing, Smith no doubt worked to do his part. Our A Cup of Coffee with…Nathan Smith, is linked here.
Tim Williams, 21st Mortgage, new MHI Chairman
Politically and in terms of their personalities, it’s hard to imagine two more diverse leaders than the outgoing Smith and the new MHI Chairman, Tim Williams. While Williams is not shy, he is soft spoken compared to the boisterous Smith. Each is confident and successful, but in dramatically different ways.
There are already quiet rumblings and concerns among some – and quiet enthusiasm found with others – over the new MHI Chairman.
In his talk to members in Boca, Tim Williams outlined a strong fact-based case for MH Industry growth, and why it should happen. Certainly that should be music to the ears of thousands of pros from coast-to-coast who are feeling that the worst is behind us from the triple whammy that hit MH from the peak in 1998 to the third hit that struck MHVille in the crash of 2008.
There are still some in the industry who doubt MH will return to 100,000 shipments any time soon.
Others believe that – the ramp up period needed to increase a given plant’s production aside – MH could hit new highs in the coming years, for reasons like those Williams outlined in his talk to MHI members.
Your Masthead scribe has long sided with that second, upward, forward looking group, as the links further below will reflect.
For a better understanding of the capabilities and experience of MHI’s new Chairman, please see A Cup of Coffee with…Tim Williams, linked here. For a quick sense of the practical need for bipartisan approaches in MH lobbying, click here.
Another Old/New Threat
We touched base with industry players in NY Friday, to see what-if-anything has transpired since our last report about the “rogue” state field rep for the NY SAA.
The word heard is that Nancy Geer is working to rapidly assemble the industry faces who will represent the association’s members in talks with the NY SAA to resolve potentially costly issues revolving around foundations and installations.
And the Good News is…
Shipments continue to rise, as does the overall confidence of many industry members. Williams’ talking points could have been a summary of reports we published this past summer (June’s reports linked here and July’s reports are found here), that outline step-by-step why MH is poised for serious growth.
But that growth will not come without effort. The easy-lending money of the go-go 90’s years are finis. The challenges we face are real, as DJ’s guest column linked here made clear that a threat arose, but was rapidly met.
How was their risks to MHVille met?
In DJ Pendelton’s case in TX, association leaders advised members of a pending threat. Those members, armed with data from the association, quickly made their presence felt with local officials. The MH speakers were “competitors!” But by working together, they beat back a regulatory change that would have damaged businesses in that jurisdiction.
Again, DJ’s take is linked here, our Daily Business News report, was linked here.
Could one business have accomplished that victory in TX solo? Not nearly as likely as when others from the same segment of the industry come riding in together, facts in hand, to save the day. The same is going to be the case in NY or elsewhere.
That’s what success in MHVille looks like.
We are close on HR 650/S 682. By itself, the bill won’t cure all in MH, but it will be a big relief from regulations that harm MH home owners and businesses alike. It is such joint efforts that pay off.
For those you know who haven’t yet picked up the phone, consider this. Local ‘testers’ who are de facto stringers for government could be calling your sales center or MHC. They could then turn you into CFPB and/or a state agency; for example, merely for advising a consumer on their best lending options, if the person giving a simple suggestion is not an MLO. Some in MH are reporting exactly that taking place in various parts of the U.S., and while no cases are yet known to flow from such activities, that doesn’t mean they aren’t coming.
HR 650/S 682 can fix that threat, and make loans below 20k and others now restricted above that level available again. The Preserving Access to Manufactured Housing Act will cut lenders costs and regulations, without harming consumer safeguards. It will bring more capital – more loans, and thus more sales – into MHVille.
Find and Contact your Congressman or Senator via this link here. You can keep it super simple, call and just ask that they support/continue to support HR 650/S 682. Or, if you want to give them reasons why they ought to support passage, you can email them the links below.
Even if your Congressman or Senators are on the bill (see Senate co-sponsors here, Congressional reps, here), call and say thanks, please keep up your support when the budget hits, as the Senate version is currently attached to the funding bill.
TEAM. Together Everyone Achieves More!
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Popular HR 650/S 682 Resources
The Hill Congress Blog – Manufactured Home Financing Regulations
Doug Ryan, CFED, Manufactured Housing and Financing – What’s Wrong, What’s Right
Renters’ Nation: The Dark Side of Dodd-Frank and its Impact on Affordable Housing