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Cheer Leading vs. Factual Analysis?

The two year uptick in manufactured home shipments shows signs of continuing. The Louisville Show, January manufactured housing shipments and more recently the Tunica Show's reported results have all been positive.

pom_poms_cheer-leading-credit-wikicommons-posted-mhpronews-masthead-blogSome have called my commentary and as "industry cheer leadering." For some, it is meant well, but others mean it as less than a complement. So let's start by saying there is nothing wrong with cheer leading! Good cheer leading can rally fans and can make a difference.

Having said that, there is thoughtful analysis – which is what we strive for here – and ordinary cheer leading. Goal or solution-oriented analysis and cheer leading can complement each other. But they are different.

We have sound reasons for believing that manufactured housing could experience a new boom. Among the indicators are those cited in the opening paragraph, and the potential for more are cited in the kind of information found in recent Industry In Focus Reports.

But the other side of the coin is found in facts like 250,000 to 500,000 vacancies in MHCs. That is an issue, but it is also an opportunity in disguise for pros who know.

That point is underscored in our exclusive interview with Sam Landy, CEO of UMH, who provides his reasons for manufactured housing pros to raise their heads and focus more on solutions. When a firm proves 'it can be done' in spite of all the hurdles, that ought to encourage others. The reality is there are other fine operations who prove daily it can be done in this economic and regulatory environment.

As a related aside, the 'great interview!' comments have already begun coming in praising Sam Landy's interview and keen insights. Yes, we are pleased that a leader like Mr. Landy shared his time with our readers. In addition, we hope it will make more manufactured housing industry pros think, 'yes, we can' even in the face of the current challenges.

If you haven't already read it, find A Cup of Coffee with…Sam Landy, at this link.

More Success Stories

We plan to do more interviews in the months ahead that will underscore manufactured housing success stories, in addition to others we already have shared through our periodic A Cup of Coffee with series. Stay tuned.

Balanced Views, Commentary and Reporting

Some may think our new interview with Marty Lavin is the polar opposite of the invites with Sam Landy. While they are radically different, each brings a very candid perspective to the table and reflects our commitment to balance. We provide, you decide.

I'd encourage a thoughtful read of Marty Lavin, JD's comments. While our styles are different, in my view, at the heart of his sharp witted commentary is an industry veteran who thinks we can do better by making wise adjustments. Those who want only cheer leading may not appreciate Marty's thoughts, but you are welcome to share your views too.

For me, Mr. Lavin's commentary spells opportunities in disguise, so long as we take lemons – like vacancies – and turn them into lemonade, as Mr. Landy's UMH and others have clearly been doing.


We appreciate the opportunity that comes our way to share proven business and profit building experiences via live presentations, as we did during the Tunica Show and will during MHI's upcoming Congress and Expo.

When you read the Featured Articles we publish every month, you see columns by a variety of experts that are designed to provoke thought or benefit the companies where professionals like you work to protect and promote their businesses.

Association efforts (lobbying, PACs, education, etc.) combined with solution oriented trade media and live events are among the ways pros like you advance. Speaking of associations, see Marty's interesting comments on that topic.

Yes, Challenges Remain

We certainly must not lose sight of the challenges that the regulations pending implementation from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau pose if not amended by the regulators, Congress or both. Once we have bill numbers for legislative fixes in the U.S. House and Senate are available, we will share them and encourage you and your associates to give the full court press.

We routinely report on those who attempt to defame our industry through misinformation. The point is that we don't have our heads in the proverbial sand. We simply know and believe that there are real world answers to the challenges we face.

facts-analysis-credit-wiki-commons-posted-mhpronews-com-masthead-blog-Reasons for Optimism

So the fact remains that we are two years of upticks in our Industry's new home shipments. We have numerous opportunities that can be tapped – today! – that can fuel more growth for manufactured housing. Commentator Gary Fleischer is striving to encourage modular builders with similar information to boost that segment of the factory built home industry.

Some leaders – such as DJ Pendleton in TX, Jen Hall in MS, Deanna Fields in OK – are among those execs (and business leaders) who bring a can-do attitude to their activities designed to protect their members.

Cheer leading? Sure. But factual analysis, solid information and real world examples of successes like Sam Landy's at UMH are reasons why business leaders ought to take the steps needed to make the potential of factory home builders, MH Retailing, developing and MH Communities an ever growing reality. ##

PS: Check our many Exclusive and Red Hot Featured Articles for April and see the

other new stories at too.

l-a--tony-kovachL. A. "Tony" Kovach and Spotlighting the MHLifeStyle = Industry News, Tips and Views Pros can Use

Services:B2BandB2CAds, Proven MH Marketing & Sales Systems, Websites other Industry Solutions.

Office –815-270-0500 or connect with me on Linkedin.


Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. – Henry Ford

