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Concerns, Sunshine and Cures – David Rand, Spotlighting MHI

One longer, plus a few shorter MH topics today.  Let’s dive in.

Something like half the meals consumed in America are served by restaurants, if their trade association’s stats are accurate. Kitchens in restaurants are normally hidden from customers’ views behind swinging doors, or there is an open doorway you pass through, and turn a corner to actually see what’s happening there.  Good restaurants often do well 90 some-odd-percent-plus of the time. But if you focused on the less than ten percent done wrong, you might never want to go back to that eatery again. No matter how tasty the meal, what stays out-of-sight can be distasteful, ugly, unhealthy or in rare cases, even dangerous.

Good restaurants do amazingly well, over 90% of the time. But if all you focused on was that few percentags of failure…well, you’d likely never eat out again. Photo credit- TheLuLife.

Besides media reports, what’s really happening in restaurant kitchens I’ve seen with my own eyes, having worked in various types of restaurants for many years before my MH days.  When you consider the fraction of errors made, thousands of restaurants of all genres do an amazing job.  But we’re not talking about restaurants today. That’s an analogy to tee up a discussion about common concerns aired about the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI).

Avoiding Fire Bombs

Let me start by saying what we won’t do, which is take the talking points of what others have called the tiny ranks of professional “trouble makers” in our industry. There are those who allegedly stir the pot solely to gain attention, and to collect fees from their constituents. The finger pointing hand always has three digits pointing right back at that person.

But let’s give all those who have a gripe their due, and acknowledge their right to speak out.

Issues and concerns have been raised by those inside and outside the ranks of MHI that have caused their leadership to take a fresh look at themselves and the operation. Sources suggest that elected leadership is listening.

As a result, MHI restructured dues to make membership for ‘mom and pop’ retailers and communities more affordable. I’m still waiting for details from staff, but one source states that the new dues structure includes a registration fee for an MHI event.  The goal, our source explained, was to grow the attendance and the input from the grass roots into the organization.

We’ll let you know details, once we confirm the facts.

Genesis of a Story…

President at Tanglewood Development of NC, prevoiusly with MHI.  MHProNews wishes David well in his future endeavors.

Many of our topics and articles begin when a reader like you raises a subject, or sends us a link with comments to a mainstream media video or report, etc.. In this case, this topic arose from first one, then another inquiry about what happened to David Rand at MHI?

David Rand was hired to drive membership at the Arlington, VA based MHI earlier this year. Having been introduced around at various events, and as recently as June’s DC meeting, Rand is now no longer at MHI.

Let me begin by saying that David has his own thoughts on why he is no longer at the national trade body. At this time, he’s opted not to share those publicly.  His official response to what happened with him at MHI is “no comment.

In the industry trade journal role for MHProNews, I asked several rather pointed questions of MHI’s paid staff.  Part of my concerns has been that there seems to be a pattern of people coming and going at MHI, one that stands in contrast with the high degree of longevity at say MHARR or a number of state MH associations.

Well placed and informed sources gave me some off-the-record feedback on such queries and concerns. “Tony, I think you’re wrong about being concerned with the turnover of new MHI hires within six months.” I was told that it is rather common in business, and that source suggested I do some research on the topic.RevolvingDoorImageCredit=AmericanSpa-posted-MastheadBlog-MHProNews-com-

So I did.  He was correct. Here is what INC Magazine said in a report from last year, quoting:

Forty percent of employees who left their jobs voluntarily in 2013 did so within six months of starting in the position, according to data recorded and processed by the work-force insights arm of credit-reporting agency Equifax.

And another 16 percent of all employees who left on their own choosing did so within 12 months, meaning more than half of voluntary turnover happens within a year of new hires’ start dates.”

Further, another source stated that while it may not apply to this particular case with David Rand, that some hires based in the DC metro were subject to the pressures of the high cost of living in Washington.  Association, advocacy, federal office or Congressional staff work, I’m told, has higher turnover during that first year on the job.

The “real story,” a high level source explained to me, was that there is now this new membership structure at MHI, designed to get more “mom and pop” retailer and community industry members engaged in national level MH association affairs.

One might say that this new move anticipated a concern raised by responses to our MH Industry Survey, which reveals a low level of

It’s still NOT TOO LATE to take the Manufactured Home Industry Survey, see this link. Survey Says Image credit = Healing Hands Equine.

engagement by many in the industry’s rank and file in political or association efforts. More and other topics, near the end of this post.

Sunshine and Manufactured Housing Industry News

There are those who want to hear, see or read no ‘bad news’ at all. So as soon as you publish a story someone doesn’t like, it isn’t the source or root of a problem that is inspected; rather, it’s the messenger who may get blasted.  For myself and those who strive to seriously and fairly publish, I can only say I’m glad we don’t live in an ancient culture where the rulers dispatched those who brought bad news with the words, “off with his head!”

Some don’t want to hear what they might take to be bad news. Image Credit WikiCommons

When I mention Sunshine in this context, I’m not referring to our fine sponsor, Sunshine Homes (please do take a look at their videos and website, and what they and others are making possible to promote the MH lifestyle at  Here “sunshine” means shining the light of day on an issue or topic.

Sunlight has natural disinfectant properties. Homeguides.SFGate says it is a good bleach alternative: “Perhaps the most surprising natural disinfectant is sunlight. Ultraviolet radiation of the sun kills pathogens that cause diarrhea. In fact, scientists have found that exposing a bottle of water to sunlight for 6 hours is an economical way to provide developing countries with safe drinking water...”

Similarly, when we shine the MHProNews sunlight on a topic, we hope it can have disinfecting – or even healing – properties.

Back to David Rand and MHI…

Among the messages here to MHProNews on this issue was one that read, “There is something going on here,” re: the David Rand departure.

Another stated, quoting: “How do you replace a position and it is not posted or no one knows about it?

There were comments gathered that praised David Rand, and others that expressed concerns or reservations. Again, David and I touched base, he knows he is welcomed to comment about this article, and was given a chance to be quoted in this column beyond what was shared above.  We want to represent this topic – or any other – in a balanced, fair fashion.

With that lead in, here is MHI President Richard “Dick” Jennison’s on-the-record statements – confirmed by an elected board member as being official – about growing the association and the matter of David Rand’s role at MHI.

— Quoting from Richard “Dick” Jennison, MHI President and CEO, message to MHProNews —


I understand that you are inquiring about the status of David Rand.  I am sure you can understand, but legally the only information I am able to convey is that David Rand is no longer employed at MHI.  On behalf of myself, along with MHI’s Executive Committee, we wish David the best in his pursuit of other employment opportunities.

Pertaining to your question relating to new members, since January 1st through August 27th MHI has secured 32 new members and with the addition of Mark Bowersox to our team we are on-track to hit the highest number of new members by year-end since 2008.  Additionally, with the Board’s approval of MHI’s new Retailer dues structure at our June meeting, we have secured 350 new retailer members into MHI!!!

Thank you Tony for your continued support of our great industry and I look forward to seeing you at our Annual Meeting in Boca…



— End of quotes from MHI message —

In response to follow up questions from MHProNews, we learned that: “…ninety-five percent of member resignations occur during the first quarter of each year when dues payments are due.  With 32 new members added through August 27th (excluding the 350 new retailers) we are on track to bring in over 40 new members this year.  We have lost only 23 members this year making 2015 the lowest number of resignations since we began keeping digital records…

We may bring you more on these changes at MHI, including Mark Bowersox‘s new role there, in the days ahead.

As a close reading reveals, we’re seeking to provide various viewpoints, so you can consider the facts accordingly.  We Provide, You Decide©

Other MH Issues and Topics

A key job of an association is to move legislation, or to protect or mitigate against the potential or actual harm caused by a regulation or law. This is why involvement by folks like you and me is wise.

We don’t have to agree with everything in an association, in fact, it is precisely to bring a different perspective that you may want to be at an association meeting.  As MHI staff knows, I don’t always agree with their thoughts or strategies. I raise issues readers, clients or myself have, and can do so many times in person,

Image credit, Pinterest and the SIngle Woman.

precisely because I’ve invested the time and resources to go to their functions.

Solutions Involve Embracing the Pain

The solution to a problem always involves embracing the challenge, not running from or avoiding the pain.

With the goal and solution in mind, consider the following tool, the latest thought-piece about Dodd-Frank and MH financing. The articles has been described as:

Exceptional!” “Well done,” adding that it was useful with U.S. Senators and their staffs. Another comment stated: “Excellent article and the results are exactly what I said they would be. I think relief will come if we keep this fight front and center.

While not brief, the article and related weaves facts together that reads briskly while telling a tale that makes a compelling case.  It’s a useful story-telling tool the personalizes the issues for any of you who want to see the Senate pass into law the changes sought in S 682.

Click here to see this hot, new story….

Here is the link.

Renters’ Nation – the Dark Side of Dodd-Frank and its Impact on Affordable Housing

Your feedback on the above is welcome.

We also have this just posted video interview of an MH Home owner, impacted by Dodd-Frank regulations…


With your input in mind, please feel free to sound off on the MH Industry Survey at this link here.

The Real, Red Hot Reads in September are Coming soon…

The timing of the above is interesting, because we will have two features published next week.  One set of comments takes dead aim at MHI and the NCC.  Another strongly supports both.  These are interviews, comments shared by others.  We Provide, You Decide©

Another topic worth digging into will be an emerging plan to better engage Consumers at MHI. Read more, next week, in our Read-Hot September issue. The issue should be live on our home page by Wednesday evening.  Until then, learn from and enjoy our August Featured Articles. ##



By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.

