Company Announces ‘Tiny Tiny Houses’ ‘Mini-Mobile Homes on Bike’ to Benefit Homeless ‘Unhoused’ Working Poor; Implications-Importance to Inherently Affordable Mainstream Manufactured Housing
Top and U.S. Housing Markets for 2025 Interactive Graphic on Buying Power Based on Tax Foundation Studied Data by U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis–Manufactured Housing Opportunities-MHVille FEA
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Patrick Waite – Equity LifeStyle Properties EVP COO and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Executive Committee Member – Dumps over $1.4 Million in Shares of ELS; William Lutz on Doublespeak
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Confidence in Insecurity

We will move 'rapid fire rundown' mode through a series of 7 topics that average 145 words each, which touch your world and professional interests.


1) What Interests Manufactured Housing Professionals?

In a previous Masthead column, we explored what was on the minds of industry professionals based upon what they were reading the most. If we accept the premise that readership reflects interest, then the super-heated reading of the article: Sam Zell says “Our Way of Life is Very Much Threatened” may suggest that:

  • Industry Pros want to know what a big gun like Sam Zell of ELS fame is thinking, and why.
  • Many also believe our way of life is “threatened,” and want to know why ELS Chairman Sam Zell thinks so too.
  • Some want to know more about the ultra-success of the 4 Billion Dollar Man, Sam Zell and…
  • We can be confident that insecurity and uncertainty are alive and well in America today.

2) “Consumer confidence”

Would it be a surprise if the ObamaCare rollout continues on its current course, that Consumer Confidence might fall, due to:

  • 29 hour work week,
  • dropped insurance policies,
  • rising insurance rates and deductibles, which means less disposable income?

U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu, D-LA and U.S. Representative Fred Upton, R-Mich., have each filed bills that would make good on President Obama's oft-stated promise, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it, period” promise.

This should not be focus on political “gotcha” or “I told you so.” Too much is riding on this issue. Frankly changes to ObamaCare needs to go well beyond keeping your current insurance and doctor, or we will still suffer significant economic impact. The Titanic hit the iceberg – even if the Captain doesn't want to admit it – but he is more likely to listen and change course if members of both parties in the House and Senate jointly say, this has got to be fixed, pronto. Healthcare and the economy are suffering.

With some using the word “impeachment” on the basis of false statements made to support the passage of the horribly misnamed “Affordable Care Act,” perhaps all can agree to overhaul what is now so broken that it makes what we had before in health care look terrific.

3) Rising MH Shipments

We are three years into a steady if modest climb up from our industry's lowest point. September 2013 new manufactured home shipment numbers are better than anticipated. If the 4 billion dollar man, Sam Zell, is correct (and he wants to be wrong about the concern voiced in the headline and article above), then manufactured home sales may rise, while the rest of the economy tanks.

People may not care about 'image issues' as much if they can only afford to buy our homes.

4) Either way Sam Zell's alarm shakes out, we still need this…

Regardless, we still have to be able to finance low cost homes, and personal property lending (chattel loans) are the method of choice today about 3 times out of 4. So if your Congressman's name is not yet on this list, please start HOUNDING them, until they are! Call, email, fax. For tips and a template, you can check out Mark Bowersox's article, linked here. Don't wait for someone else to do it, your voice may be the one that makes the difference in your district!

We applaud all engaged on this issue, but have to wonder out loud why one association and a small handful of publishers are not pushing support for HR 1779?

If you don't see another publisher or association pushing this, please ask them WHY. Ask them, “Do You Care if we can Finance the Homes We Want to Sell?” Ask, “Do you care if manufactured home owners may get trapped in their homes, and home values go down?” Short term thinkers may think that sounds good, but short term thinking is one factor that got us into this mess in the first place.

Whisper to your Congressman, “Please Support HR 1779.” Get your U.S. Senators ready to back the companion bill to be filed. You can find your Congressman or Senators at this link here, and/or call the United States Capitol switchboard at (202) 224-3121.


5) Louisville!

At the, we will feature business building seminars that will include ALL of your then current options from our industry's top lenders!

We will also have other seminars – including marketing, sales and community related – you will want to attend, not to mention the latest homes – including Community Series Homes – that will fill sites or can fit those privately owned lots your customers want to enjoy with their loved ones. This was the best attended industry event in 2013! Don't be surprised if the attendance goes higher, as there are more homes, more exhibitors and more reasons to “Go Louisville!

Registration is free for most industry pros, see the website for details and to register.

6) Let Dr. Harold Hunt help you sell more homes!arrow-road-man--free-digital-photos-net-.jpg

Do something common sense to help foster positive image changing! Show your prospects the following – copyrighted – article, linked below. Realtors, public officials and the home buying public all ought to find this to be an interesting read, from the Real Estate Center's resident expert!


7) Enjoy A Cup of Coffee with…

  • Terry Decio, of Skyline Homes fame, you may find the Time Magazine cover and other elements to be as interesting as thousands of others already have! And Speaking of MH Lending and related topics…
  • Barry Noffsinger with CU Factory Built Lending. Barry is another class act in our industry, don't miss this, because thousands of your peers have already have!

Both are read hot reads, along with 15 more Featured Articles you will want to read and share to grow your results.

Thank you for checking in. Let's regroup here at the Masthead blog this weekend. I should have something pretty cool to tell you about by then. Let's turn insecurity into an asset that can make your operation achieve more sales and bottom line results. Remember, you can see more when you are perched on the Masthead.##

PS: Check our many Exclusive and Red Hot Featured Articles for November and see the other new stories at too.

L. A. "Tony" KovachL. A. 'Tony' Kovach | |
Business and Public Marketing & Ads: B2B | B2C
Websites, Contract Marketing & Sales Training, Consulting, Speaking: | | Office 863-213-4090

Connect on LinkedIN: 

