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Congress, GAO PLus Working Hard for your Success

We started the adventure of and with the idea that properly used, Knowledge is Power.

You and thousands of Industry Pros like you responded:


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When we made the transition a little over a month ago to our new MHProNews format, your response was so positive, it even surprised us.

In November, we exceeded our previous record number of page views by well over 50%. We will share the details in the new December Issue.

We have made it easy for you to email, call or post comments. We try to challenge and support you to be the best you can be. At the same time suggestions and input from you have been a part of our evolution, and we thank you for those news tips, ideas thoughtful and sincere feedback.

Knowledge is power, but only if we – you, us – get it and put it to work.  We are as an industry in pain, but these are the pains like child-birth! We can yield to something new, and by doing so enter a new era for our great Industry.  It is only if we resist change – only then, like a child birth – might our pain result in death rather than new life.

Embrace the change, and new life will come back to our Industry.


In the wake of last week's Congressional field hearings on the State of the Manufactured Housing Industry, Congresspersons Bachus and Biggert have asked the General Accounting Office (GAO) to do an audit of the HUD Code program. This could be significant. To compare, Congressman – turned presidential candidate – Ron Paul has asked for an audit of the Fed for years; no luck. Thanks to Industry efforts in DC, this requested GAO audit could lead over time to positive steps by regulators of our Manufactured Housing Industry.

But let's face the facts. While this is good, important news, we need more.

You need more.

Sometimes I read critiques of associations, words like, 'all they do is collect our dues, what do we get for them?' was a recent example.

But an Association veteran sent me a message recently that asked for a comparison between what manufactured housing associations has to work with vs. what the NAR lobby has. We did an article in the Daily Business News that showcased that very fact: the National Association of Realtors spends more lobbying in DC in a single quarter than our industry invests in lobbying in a year.

We are currently outgunned. The answer is NOT to quit, or fail to try. We have to use creative ways to become more effective. We need more people like you engaged with their associations, not less. Being a part of the solution, pushing for solutions and by enhanced involvement and support of state and national associations. We sink or swim together.

On a parallel note: every Industry is made up of people and companies.  The better you do, the better your firm does, the more companies that prosper, the better the Industry gets.

We do that with well understood and wisely applied information. So tap daily into our factory built housing's Daily Business News, as thousands already do!

Read and apply the lessons and tips from our Feature Articles or Cutting Edge Blog.

Be challenged and inspired by the Words of Wisdom or INspirations blog any time you or a team mate of yours needs it.

Most Important, be a part of the Solution. Your success is ours, and we want our success to support yours. As the image above suggests, we are in this together. We are working hard for your success. You feed us, we feed you. Together, we advance farther and faster than we can apart. ##

post by

L. A. “Tony” Kovach, MHM or
Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals

Office – 815-270-0500 or


