A mix of nervous anticipation and professional motivation is internalized and moves me to go to Washington this Sunday through Tuesday for the annual Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Winter Meeting and Legislative Session. We need to move S 1828 ahead, which is my personal/professional goal with Florida's U.S. Senators Marco Rubio and Bill Nelson. Our district congressman is already on board with HR 1779 as is my former congressman in IL.
So when your Masthead blogger looks you in the digital eyes, and ask you to do your part, keep in mind that I'm putting my time and money where my mouth is. When enough of us do the same in our districts, it is like pulling together, then we will get this done.
Until we do get this done, crying in your beer – or other favorite beverage – will get you exactly nowhere.
Want relief from Dodd-Frank and CFPB regs? Better pick up the phone, send that email and/or fax and go to your district office, or even DC!
Then get others you know to do the same. Each one, reach one, and we'll get it done.
Mail from The Dark Side
Sometimes it is fun or interesting to share 'mail from the mail bag,' which these days is email, social media or texts!
There are those who plainly say, they are not going to (or at least, have not yet) picked up the phone and made their call, sent their emails, etc. in support of HR 1779 or S 1828.
One that wrote tossed a reminder of what the writer referred to as the corruption of our previous state, IL.
The comment (paraphrasing to hide identify) was that the writer's state was like my former one. Why bother going to a legislator when you don't have tons of money you can hand them to buy the congressman's vote?
This person is SUFFERING from the impact of the CFPB's regs. Yet, this pro still said they wouldn't act.
My reply was the same as I gave to Nathan Smith in our wildly popular video interview with him. Nathan lives and breathes politics, he is a number of pay grades above me in that realm. I'm engaged, but Smith does it all. But I explained to the writer that I got my congressman in IL on board without giving them a dime.
When I shared that tale with the person from 'another corrupt state,' that other industry pro was shocked!
But it is true, voters contacting their U.S. Congressman or Senators still count.
In fact, because fewer act today, your voice may be the only one needed to get something done.
Lighter, Brighter side email
We get a periodic comments from nay sayers and complainers. But far more of the messages are kudos, thank yous, and of the please keep it up variety. Some take the extra step of connecting with me on LinkedIn. They then do one of those endorsements for leadership, marketing, or other kind comments about things we do. My thanks for such word's of encouragement, and as we say routinely, others make what we do here possible.
FYI, I accept almost every invite on LinkedIn from an industry pro, www.linkedin.com/in/latonykovach/
the only recent exception I can think of that I didn't reply to was a pair of fellows, one of whom went to jail for fraud. Not too interested in connecting professionally on that level, sorry.
But we don't have to see eye to eye on everything to professionally connect.
Anyway, I got side tracked! The story I wanted to share from the big bright side of the mail bag went like this. The quote is verbatim, but we edited out the end, which would have given away the writer's identity.
“Once again Tony, you are dead on!!! I think so many people like myself have become apathetic to what we can do against the Government. That's right, I said against the Government. It doesn't matter if it is at the City, State or Federal level, our biggest nemesis is our own Government. And as far as affordability is concerned, I am beginning to questions whether I offer affordable housing anymore. The reason is…my prices have to be so high just to make money because of Government fees. Taxes (property, payroll, income, etc), and dealer license, MLO, registered creditor, bonds, and permits (every thing you can imagine) are so incredulous, we have to continue to pass along these costs to the people who cannot afford it…”
The above is in response to the subject of “I Am Affordable Housing.” Please check it out, your feedback on it is welcome.
Another piece of feedback on that same column was for publication, you'll see that business owner's take linked here.
Beyond the Masthead
We welcome comments on anything of general industry interest, as well as tips on news items that you think we may have missed. Our platform is growing rapidly, and has since the start, because we make YOU a part of what we do!
We also share the stage broadly, as we did this month and last on the ROC topic. That link takes you to all of the others we've posted on the subject recently. Let me note that these are other's people's thoughts, not my words. The minority of the content on MHProNews is from me, the vast majority is from other industry pros from coast to coast!
The point is YOUR thoughts on a topic are welcome!
If you see something that no one is writing about, please send me a message with the words “Guest Article,” or “Letter to the Editor” or “OpEd” in the subject line.
For comments you want to share with me privately, we get tons of that, so don't be bashful. latonyk@gmail.com is the email. Or if you want the comments to go to our news team, office as well as me, please send it to iReportMHNewsTips@mhmsm.com.
More great EVENTS!
The afterglow from 2014 Louisville Manufactured Housing Show continues to pour in. Those shared for publication are these six:
Dynamic! WV
Kudos! GA
MHC owner's view. WI
Do you see that pros came from coast to coast to this event? Do you hear the common themes being voiced?
Which I hope will whet your whistle for why YOU should come to the Tunica Show and to MHI's Congress and Expo! Of course, it should also motivate you to plan NOW to attend the 2015 Louisville Manufactured Housing Show as well.
Let's wrap up by saying that we each have to be personally engaged. Our unique ivory tower doesn't have to be ivory, or a tower. We can't afford to be stuck in our truck, stuck in our office or home and hope to get a broader view of our professional world.
I posted a brief comment on the Inspiration blog – It's Unbelievable! – please check it out. Let's do what we must, learn as much as possible and we will profit while benefiting consumers! That's my story, and I'm sticking with it.
See you in DC, Tunica or Vegas? ##
L. A. 'Tony' Kovach
ManufacturedHomeLivingNews.com | MHProNews.com |
Business and Public Marketing & Ads: B2B | B2C
Websites, Contract Marketing & Sales Training, Consulting, Speaking:
MHC-MD.com | LATonyKovach.com | Office 863-213-4090
Connect on LinkedIN: