Wikipedia says that, “Trust in God and keep your powder dry” is a maxim attributed to Oliver Cromwell. The NYTimes says, “The purpose of keeping powder dry is to be able to blaze away at the proper time.”
The nation’s Capitol is inspirational, but it can be sad and frustrating too.
In and around the Capitol area, there are historic monuments and buildings all around you. Each can make you proud to be an American.
At the W Hotel, where the MHI meeting was based, you’re about a block from the White House ‘as the crow flies.’ Yet on the walk to and from 10th to G or F Streets NW – half a mile from the White House – there are amazing numbers of people begging for money.
On 15th between the W Hotel and the 2+2, 10th story condo I rented during my stay in DC, you could periodically see “The Extra Mile” plaques embedded in the sidewalks, like those shown.
Booker T. Washington was right. Education is indeed a critical issue for us all. Navigating the shoals of our industry and the maize that is politically is DC isn’t easy. But one must, as Clara Barton said, “…never think of anything except the need, and how to meet it.”
The Cannon Office building where my congressional representative’s office is, was started in 1905 and completed in 1908. The Washington Times reports the updating of the Cannon would cost $752.7 million dollars. “At 826,465 square feet, the House office building will cost more than $900 per square foot to renovate.” Can you spell the words waste, mismanagement and corruption?
No wonder our federal budget is so bloated, and the federal debt now tops $19 trillion dollars. That federal debt is about $56,716 per man woman and child in America.
To rephrase the debt, for a family of 4, every household in America could get:
- a new multi-sectional home of $76,500,
- two new vehicles totaling $60,000,
- invest $40,000 for the home site’s and related stuff,
- and still have $50,364 left over.
More on DC and our legislative lobbying efforts on behalf of MH in the days ahead.
Holding the Digital Press…
We had this post ready all weekend, and where hoping to have finished a new video that we believe will be very useful for the industry at large. We’ve made numerous revisions, and hope it will be ready by Monday evening, or Tuesday. Check back here for an update, please, that will have that link.
That communications – educational – tool can help do what Booker T and Clara both encouraged – meeting the needs we in MH face. Once posted, please see and share the video that some who have previewed it are saying could be a powerful tools in telling our story in DC, to the mainstream media and beyond.
The promised update is linked above, and the early reviews continue to be strong…
ICYMI – Unrelated at this moment to MH, but hugely important…
The death of Antonin Scalia will or should be big news for some time. At first, his death was described as a heart attack, updated reports say that he was found with a pillow over his head and that he waved off his security detail for this trip to a Texas ranch. May he rest in peace, and may each of us work and pray to make this 2016 election outcome a positive one, because it will shape our Republic for years and years to come. ##