Diversity. Beyond Phyllis Knight at Champion Enterprises, quickly name three C-Suite level-national corporate players who are women.
There are certainly plenty of ladies among the association executives. Mom and pop operations also have, as the name implies, plenty of females in their mix. So why do we lack an equally strong representation among women in C-Suites roles at the regional/national level in our Industry? I can quickly think of three good ones. But why not more?
A similar observation could be made about African Americans in our industry. Think about it.
This entire topic might be an interesting dinner topic at your next industry meeting or event. But more than a topic of conversation, it should be a cause for concern, because diversity combined with working unity brings a unique set of strengths.
For example.
As we consider the impact of women in our industry, ponder this point. Among association executives, it was Jennifer Hall from MS and Deanna Fields from OK who – working with their members – garnered 100% participation among their Congressman last year for HR 3849. No one else even came close to that achievement last year. Hats off to them! Let's hope they – and others – will achieve that same outcome this year too.
Diversity – On the ByLaws Controversy
Speaking of diversity, it would be difficult at best for MHI to function effectively without the grass roots level support the state and MHC associations bring to the table. The reverse is also true, as the state associations need a national industry presence in DC to work with regulators and members of the House and Senate in Congress.
MHProNews has purposefully not reported on this bylaws controversy topic until today, hoping it would get worked out behind the scenes. We hinted at it in this pre-MHI Legislative Session column as a nod to those who knew, but left it at the hint level, hoping for resolution that has not yet come.
You can see our write up on this topic in the Daily Business News brief that is linked here. Frankly, we've left out tons of details which would only complicate the matter and that is something that no thinking person involved or interested in the matter should want.
Our hope is simple. That the parties involved resolve this favorably, soon and move ahead. We need the diversity that each of these groups brings to the Industry's table! We need to focus on the larger issues.
Diversity In Leadership
I'm thinking about some of the talented women and minority groups (or as they are dubbed by some today, 'emerging majorities') that I've had the privilege of working with or observing their fine handiwork. Without wanting to sound sexist, at times I see anecdotal evidence that women – or minorities – may be better in a practical sense at bringing diverse skills together successfully in a corporate setting. If that is true, it may be because they know what it is like to be “left out,” and so they make that extra effort to be inclusive.
For sensitive souls, merely being aware of the topic is helpful in moving it ahead.
Yes, You still Can. Bring Your Photo ID and Business Card!
Online registration has closed for the Tunica Show, with a sizable bump up noted in every category, including retailers. Manufactured Home Community attendee pre-registration, along with builder-developers, more than double what it was last year! For those who haven't pre-registered, you can register at the Show in person with a photo ID and business card. Last year 310 did so! That suggests that we could see 1100 to 1200 total attendees this year, and well over 2000 professionals gathering at Tunica next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The latest Tunica Show brochure can be found here.
While our Matthew J. Silver's fine handiwork in the Daily Business News will roll on, I will likely keep my blogging light next week, as we will be at the Tunica Show and traveling. Please check out the UPDATED version of Attracting More Customers with Cash or Good Credit in Tunica. Stop by our booth to say hi or to pick up a copy of our book. We will be set up right next to the seminar room.
Don't miss out on the profitable business building, networking and educational opportunities found in Tunica next week! Be a part of the biggest event of its kind in the Industry. ##
PS: Check our many Exclusive and Red Hot Featured Articles for March and see the
other new stories at MHLivingNews.com too.
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Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. – Henry Ford