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Don of December

This is our fourth December issue (where you reading here in December 2009?) and for those who have been around a while – thanks! – and you know that occasion word play becomes part of the fun that grabs the mind and eases or shocks a reader into a topic or two.

The title “Don of December” is no exception. With a little effort, my voice can sound Midwestern, but it does't take long in the company of a Southerner to sound like I was raised in some long forgotten hills. So the name 'Don' can sound like 'dawn' to the Southern ear. The dawn…

Morning has indeed come! But the Don we are speaking about is Don Glisson, Jr, CEO at Triad Financial Services and the Manufactured Housing Institute's new Chairman. He is one of those dedicated – as you will read in our exclusivity interview with him this month – and daring souls who took some time out with us for A Cup of Coffee withDon Glisson, Jr. and you, our readers! There are a number of keen insights from Don's “Cuppa” interview, so please enjoy the read. Here is a sample of just one gem from the interview:

The frustrating part is that none of these so called “consumer protection” rules help protect anyone. The only thing they prevent is buyers getting an affordable home without a hassle.” – Don Glisson, Jr.

Wow! Most of you are saying amen.

You can read the entire interview from the link below, along with 16 other articles to fuel your information, inspiration and innovation needs. Be among the thousands of leading pros who read 'em all and then turn to the Daily Business News, MHI and MHARR News modules and other MHProNews blogs and for even more.

Walk softly…

It was Teddy Roosevelt who said "Walk softly, but carry a big stick." We have quite a bit of new leadership at MHI, as you know. Part of me wonders if there is in that new mix some of Teddy Roosevelt thinking? If so, it could prove refreshing for our industry.

Time will tell.


We also have a fare-well article to Zig Ziglar, loaded with quotes. If you read enough of Zig's pearls of wisdom, you will see why he can inspire us even after he has gone on to his eternal reward. Zig, I and countless others miss you. Let me thank Zig publicly for sharing in advance some 4 years of articles – so we have about 2 years to go – that we may publish, thanks to his generosity to readers like you in the factory-built housing world.

All aboard!

Without going all mushy, the loss of Zig has enhanced my already high appreciation for our fine team of writers. Information – Knowledge – is potential power. Each one offers something unique! Please find the December line up, below. Merry Christmas!

Featured Articles and Reports for Vol. 4, No. 3, 2012

Alphabetically by Category


• Fair Housing Factoids

by Nadeen Green, JD


It's the holiday season, time for parties and fun. So I thought I would be interesting to share a Fair Housing word game. Let me know if you get stumped. One important hint: just because you find a particular word, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is an answer! Enjoy…

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• Promoting Your Community: Introduction

by Chrissy Jackson


Were you a high school cheerleader? Dig out those pom-poms and megaphones! Join me for a fast-paced cheerleading effort for your community. On this and upcoming pages of this new series, you’ll learn the basics of promoting your community: who should be involved; what needs to be done;

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 Rent Increases: The Why, What, When and How

by Joanne M. Stevens, CCIM

Joanne M. Stevens, CCIMThe most frequently asked question I get from manufactured home park and community owners is about rent. How to raise rent, graciously, is obviously an important component to owning investment real estate.

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• Manufactured Homes Eligible for USDA Rural Development Home Loan Programs

 by Mary Beth Juergens 

Mary Bath JuergensI had the opportunity to speak during a session at the Iowa Manufactured Housing Association’s 65th annual meeting in Cedar Rapids held on November 12th. I want to again congratulate their entire association for organizing such an educational event. I enjoyed being among so many professionals with such enthusiasm and dedication to helping Iowans achieve their homeownership dreams.

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• The 50 Yard Line with a Ways to Go

by DJ Pendleton, JD



Where we left off previously, we were in our boat in the middle of a big, mean ocean. As much as I’d like to report we are now lying on a beach with clear skies and a drink in our hand; unfortunately, I cannot. I can report we have grabbed an oar and have been furiously paddling for months now.

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• Hospitality Returns Big Time for 2013!

by Keith Bennett

The Tunica Manufactured Housing Show brings out an array of new manufactured home designs, the latest in technology, the best in suppliers’ offerings and a look at all the newest amenities and system-built options the industry can offer. The Tunica Manufactured Housing Show has distinguished itself as the largest manufactured housing show in the world!

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 A Cup of Coffee with…Don Glisson, Jr.

1) Who, What and Where: (Your name and your role/job title at Triad Financial Services).

coffeeDon Glisson, Jr., Chairman and CEO Home of Triad Financial Services. Home office in Jacksonville, Florida with branch locations in Bourbonnais, IL, Newport Beach, CA and Wichita, KS.

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 Year End Review: MHI Pursues Advocacy on Key Industry Issues

by Richard A. “Dick” Jennison

It’s been a busy 10 months since I joined the Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) as President and CEO in February 2012. As I have said and written before, as I have gotten to know the manufactured and modular housing industries I have been struck by the growing confidence and cautious optimism that our industries are well-positioned and moving in the right direction.

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 The New “My Way”?

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

L.A. "Tony" KovachMy better half and I watch the acclaimed Asian movie "My Way."  To cut to the chase, we came away moved by this gritty tale of two rivals – who in the midst of trails that many of us could hardly imagine – somehow came together for the good.

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 The Chairman's Thought: Make it Easy

by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

L.A. "Tony" KovachWithout weighing them, it wouldn't surprise me if there is literally a 'ton of books' on my bookshelves. Besides various copies of the Good Book, many are on business, marketing, sales, management, motivation and the like. Among the thin volumes that deserves mentioning is Thoughts of Chairman Buffett, compiled by Simon Reynolds.

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 Today's Politics: Goodfellas or Bambi?

by DJ Pendleton, JD

Seen any good political ads in the last few months? I bet you have.

The billions have been spent, the commercials flooded the airwaves and the debates a now distant past in our minds. At the end of the day America’s president for the next four years is Barack Obama.

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• Sell out!

by Ron Thomas, Sr.

ron thomas sr 50x53

We are delighted to announce that as of press time, The Louisville Manufactured Housing Show is sold out. That means that all exhibitors will be coming to the show to focus on you. It means they are prepared to offer some outstanding deals, because they want you as a customer not only now, but in the future. You are, as they say, in the catbird seat.

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• Doing a Doctoral Dissertation in Manufactured Housing

by Lisa Tyler

Lisa TylerThe journey towards a terminal degree is rife with obstacles that must be overcome. The pursuit itself is rigorous and achieving the ultimate goal of a doctorate is more about perseverance than it is intelligence. The first leg of the journey consists of doctoral level coursework which includes courses in the chosen specialization.

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Why Blog?

by L. A. 'Tony' Kovach


One of the common questions you hear from those who are looking to expand their online marketing presence is, “why blog?” It is a great question, let's take a look at why this can be useful in manufactured housing for Business to Business (B2B) or Business to Consumer (B2C) outreaches.

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Tweet or FB for ZZ!

by L. A. 'Tony' Kovach

L.A. "Tony" KovachIf you are one of the millions who has been touched by Zig Ziglar's books, audios or live events, join the club! If you haven't…well, you are fortunate because it not too late. Either way, you can Tweet, Facebook or email these selected quotes below, or this article's link, in honor of Zig and what he has inspired in others.

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• ZigOn Being Nice

by Zig Ziglar


I'm seated in the Tampa airport on Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 2005. A gentleman recognized me and approached me saying, "Greater love hath no man for his wife than to always open her car door.

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The Holiday blues sales myth?

by Tim Connor, CSP

Tim ConnorMany salespeople believe that between Thanksgiving and January 2nd people stop buying. Quite the contrary! People are more in a buying spirit than at any other time of the year.


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