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Ending an Era in Manufactured Housing

The rumblings have gone on for some time, revolving around issues like timing. The whispers were heard earlier this year. The decision was informally made last summer. The formal announcement came yesterday.

When you have such a major change, as an organization or as its leader, you don’t make the decisions lightly.


Danny Ghorbani, the first and only president of the Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR), has announced his retirement. The news brief is linked here, which specifies he will be involved at some level as a consultant.

Friends and those from across the spectrum will all agree. This is change is not to be understated!

The changing of the guard at MHARR is a significant event for all of manufactured housing.

Giving Danny his Due

Anyone that ever dealt with Danny never forgets the man. Danny has strong, faithful loyalists. He is in the RV MH Hall of Fame for good reasons.  Even his opponents admit he is perhaps among the strongest on many details of the HUD Code, the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA 2000), etc.. His background in engineering is part of that expertise.

Those outside of MHARR must acknowledge that the longevity and continuity of that organization compared to many others is quite remarkable.

For example. Compared to the the tenure of MHARR staff, MHI looks like a revolving door – where once again – yet another staff member is leaving MHI this year. That’s not a slam on MHI, it is simply a fact.

After some 4 decades of working in the manufactured housing industry, Danny has earned a good retirement. As the MHARR press release stated, he isn’t exiting the stage completely, he will continue on as a consultant for MHARR. Perhaps over time, Danny may consultant for others in the manufactured housing industry.

One question might be, will Danny do a book someday?

Past Turbulence

While yours truly is writing as an independent publisher, MHARR members like to remind me, that I sit on one of the boards at MHI. That statement is true enough.

That said, in news and in commentary, we’ve kept many a secret for MHI (or people there), just as we’ve kept a lid on this MHARR transition announcement and other ‘secrets.’  

There are plenty of examples for both associations (and others in MH) of our ‘failure to report’ some details at certain times.  Those failures to report are for reasons intended to respect the organizations. as well as what we hope is the good of the industry at large.  

We’ve not shied away from bringing to light issues for either group, when we thought necessary.  The point is, we strive to be ‘fair and balanced,’ and our readers generally seem to think we do that well in a tough industry.

It’s no secret that Danny and I have had our share of disagreements over the years. But disagreements – even passionate ones – ought not deter people of good will from seeing reality or working with each other.  Danny and I have and still know how to get along!

Just as politicians or attorneys might vigorously fight for their respective causes, the best among those professionals can still have a friendly drink or meal after hours. Some opponents are even friends.  Mutual respect is a given.

So our team’s and my personal wishes to Danny, Mark Weiss, MHARR and all those connected and touched by this transition are only for the best for all of them and for our industry.  champaign-toast-by-w-flickrcreativecommons-posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-com-247x-

If Danny is in Louisville – and I’d be surprised if he wasn’t! – I’ll try to be the first to buy the man a drink!

M. Mark Weiss, JD, and the Future of MHARR

The 411 news brief on M. Mark Weiss, incoming President and CEO of MHARR is linked here.

It is not unusual after this kind of major transition that the first few months of the new CEO be something akin to what occurred under the outgoing president.

While I don’t speak for Mark, what I’m hearing is that we can in time expect changes. What those might specifically be, and when they will start to be manifest, time will tell.


There is a possibly significant change that Danny himself may announce in December before leaving the MHARR office as its president and CEO.

We will of course watch for statements from MHARR in the days ahead.

There is plenty more that might be said, but let’s conclude today as we began.

This is an important event for all of manufactured housing. Danny has fought for preemption, to keeps costs down on homes and to keep the regulatory barriers as reasonable as possible during thought times in DC.  More recently, he’s fought for pro MH GSE reform and financing related issues.

Let’s raise a glass, wish him well and all work for the advancement of the cause of quality, appealing affordable Manufactured Homes, just as Danny has strived to do for so many years. That’s the best testimonial we can possibly give the gentleman! ##

(Image credit: Joe and W/FlickrCreativeCommons, and MHProNews)

