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Engaging the Manufactured Home Owner and Resident

There are a variety of ways MH Pros can and should engage MH homeowners and MH Community residents. Clearly, they need to be respected and their interests understood. With that common-sense jumping-off point, we are able to tee up the following way to approach MH owners for mutual benefit.

While there are studies that suggest that MH has less and lower cost maintenance, still it is obvious that updates in MH will be needed or desired. Why not make that a touch point for MH owners and community residents?


A one-of-a-kind website was launched about 20 months ago, designed for the public at large, including MH home owners. People want to be affirmed. MH owners are not unique in this desire. They want to feel good about their home. And we pros should want to give those owners the tips and ways to improve their homes!

With that in mind, a new periodic series of how-to or do-it-yourself videos has been launched earlier today. The link is here below.

Here are some actual comments from readers, within hours of the post…



I think these video “home improvement how to’s” are a great idea.  Your looking to attract readers who are or soon will be home owners, so these projects are of great appeal to them.  Videos are great tutorials, so much better than reading how to.

Looks great.  Keep up the good work.


Looks good.  This should be useful to a lot of people.



A great vignette and informational!


Looks good Tony…it is a good constructive video.


Again, the link is here. This is one part of a multi-part plan to engage the public, including the MH home owners. Once more, the first of the kitchen vinyl installation handyman tips is linked below.

We hope to see you in Tunica, where we will show you how to firms like yours can SuperCharge your Marketing and Sales results, using proven concepts. The link to the full show program, including the seminars, is linked below. ##


By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach


