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Executive Concerns, plus 4 BIG Manufactured Housing Exclusives!

I received a message recently from a respected industry executive. In part, the message stated that 30% of all Fair Housing complaints come from manufactured housing rentals in communities, even though the industry has only a small fraction of the overall U.S. rental housing stock.

This matters to us all, because negative news – like a fair housing complaint – hits local media. That in turn fuels the de facto 'anti-court-gavel-image-credit-wiki-commons(2).jpgmanufactured housing image' campaign that exists among the media in so much of our land.

But it is of particular interest to the tens of thousands involved in manufactured home communities (aka 'mobile home parks,' in what ought to be outdated jargon…and errors).

To my knowledge, we are the only national trade media in manufactured housing that has a column like Nadeen Green's, an attorney known as the Fair Housing Lady for her expertise in that field. Please share this link as a refresher on Fair Housing basics.

Then make sure your team and colleagues stays up to date on related legal issues by reading Nadeen's columns. Attorney Kurt Kelly will have a must read column in our June issue focused on an overlooked Fair Housing/ADA issue. Especially for those in the communities world, don't miss the columns by these experts!

4 BIG Manufactured Housing Exclusives!

In the current Cutting Edge post, we share 4 marketing tips for MH Pros. They are also among the 'secrets' for the runaway success of What follows below is one of those secrets in action.

We share this 'digital stage' widely with professionals across the spectrum that all share a keen interest in manufactured housing. Many of those articles are exclusives. For our upcoming June issue, beyond the many exclusives provided by our stalwart team of industry pros and experts, we will have no less than 3 more BIG exclusives, 'plus one.'

In less than a week, you can enjoy exclusives articles from:

  • A Cup of Coffee with…Joe Stegmayer. Cavco's Chairman and the prior chair for rhe Manufactured Housing Institute MHI. This is commentary you won't find anywhere else from this big time leader of the Industry's top mover's and shakers.
  • Congressman Paul Kanjorksi brings us an exclusive on successful political engagement for manufactured housing. The honorable Congressman was featured on a panel in Arlington, VA held by Manufactured Housing Institute last February during the MHI Legislative session. He will provide keen "insider" perspective on how Industry members can successfully engage senators and your congressman. A fine, insightful read that is ever so timely for HR 1779!
  • Stacey Epperson, CEO NextStep. Stacey Epperson leads an organization that is misunderstood by some in our industry, but is respected by a number of others. We bring an exclusive story on how Epperson, who was once strongly against manufactured housing, now just as strongly embraces it. This could be very useful for changing minds for influencers in your district or state, so be sure to read and share her article.

We may also have an additional exclusive interview by the time we get ready to switch on the home page from our May Featured Articles to out June ones. So stay tuned. All of these are in addition to the many featured articles – that are often exclusive too – found on the home page of, just below the Daily Business News module.

Plus one!

Please take a look at, because it is about to have a major face lift.  If it still looks like the image below: on laptop - version 1.0, version 2.0 looks better!

…then the face lift is not yet done.  If it looks way different, then version 2.0 of this site has gone live!

We are upgrading this tool so that it will be THE Image Building resource for Manufactured Housing. This will be useful for independents, corporations and associations alike. Anyone associated with any part of the manufactured home industry will benefit from

If you have been around the business for very long, you already know that the image of manufactured housing is an issue. The new will be a powerful tool you will want to link, bookmark and share often. Use it with front line customers who are thinking about buying, but need some facts to help them 'tip the scale' from interested to buyer. We've already had one retailing community's sale professional tell us that they used the video on manufactured homes and tornadoes to close a customer who had that concern.

The best way to appreciate the new version 2.0 of the site is to look at the version 1.0 of, so please take a look now, and we will let you know when we are ready to unveil the new, improved version. We listened to you on version 1.0, so we will look forward to your feedback on version 2.0 of

In the mean time, my thanks to you and to our sponsors, that combination is what makes this #1 platform – and all of the exclusives we bring you – possible. ##

(Image credit: WikiCommons)

PS: Check our many Exclusive and Red Hot Featured Articles for May and see the

other new stories at too.

l-a--tony-kovachL. A. "Tony" Kovach and Spotlighting the MHLifeStyle = Industry News, Tips and Views Pros can Use

Services:B2BandB2CAds, Proven MH Marketing & Sales Systems, Websites other Industry Solutions.

Office –815-270-0500 or connect with me on Linkedin.


Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. – Henry Ford

