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Executive Decision

You just have to love movie titles. Most are short, pithy and just hit you with a

Sudden Impact

Sounds pretty Clint Eastwoodish, doesn't it? Or how about this one:

Shoulder to Shoulder

Are right, the last was a Brit mini series and not a movie, so enough titles for now. Executive Decisions. Shoulder to Shoulder. I like those two, don't you?


Shoulder to Shoulder = Dick and Danny.

MHI's Jenisson and MHARR's Ghorbani

Speaking of shoulder to shoulder. The photo above was taken at the recent RV/MH Hall of Fame induction ceremony. I like the symbolism, don't you?

Moving past the symbolic, there are real efforts afoot in DC that deserve our attention. We had the recent efforts to get S. 3484 on the books. We have 40 some Congressman who have signed onto HR 3849. Plenty of state execs, association members, MHI and others have had their hands in that moving ahead story.

Maybe the most exciting news of late has been this from the CFPB's initial draft on some Dodd-Frank regulations:

MH Could be Excluded from Definition of Higher Risk Mortgage Loans.

For those of you who have read the articles by TMHA Chairman Ronnie Richards or their Executive Director, D.J. Pendleton, JD, you KNOW how important that could be.

The TMHA's and MHI's Executive Decision to engage SNR Denton and the CFPB in their rule making phase is showing Signs of Life (yes, another movie title…sorry, couldn't help myself ;-).

MHARR has been engaged in the DC fray too. Let's not overlook the importance of this story, on how the MHCC is coming back this fall. There are plenty of backs to pat on the Congressional field hearings that have been held. Kudos to both national organizations and others who took part for their respective efforts would be fitting.

Some years ago, TMHA, MHI and MHARR all teamed up to get the Manufactured Housing Improvement Act of 2000 (MHIA 2000) passed. Could such an alignment happen again? It is way too soon to tell. But the efforts almost a year ago of MHI and MHARR going to HUD together almost a year ago suggest that it is possible. The fact that Dick and Danny are smiling in a photo together, standing shoulder to shoulder can mean that symbolism might move closer to reality.

Slow but steady can win the race.

Those who know say that Will Earle, a predecessor to DJ in Texas and some might big boots to fill, had a significant hand in bringing MHI and MHARR together to work Shoulder to Shoulder to make the MHIA of 2000 a reality. Could history repeat itself? Someday? Is it okay to ask and hope?

I promised DJ a review of their new quarterly magazine.


This isn't easy for a digital publisher to say. But I do like holding a print publication that is slick and appealing. MH Texas Quarterly qualifies outside and in, with quality content, great graphics and Texas sized tales to tell between the covers.

This too is a Sign of Life. Shipments are up 11 straight months. Can we make it an even dozen, a full year of rising shipments?

Some of the topics and business building opportunities that will be presented at the Texas Annual Convention could make what one state executive (no, not a Texan, but another good one!) called a 'fragile recovery' a more permanent and stable one. If you are anywhere near or far in Texas – or neighboring states – don't miss it.

We know what the threats are.

Learn what the opportunities are.

We know what many of the solutions are, more will be discussed.

Let's get in and just do it, shall we?

Make your own Executive Decision. I hope to see some of you in Texas starting tomorrow through Tuesday. I'm looking forward to being at the Iowa MHA's annual meeting this November. The formal start to the promotion of the Louisville Manufactured Housing Show for 2013, where we believe their strong comeback will continue.

It was a great time at the RV/MH Hall of Fame. It was a pleasure to see Dick and Danny standing shoulder to shoulder smiling. It is a pleasure to congratulate the 2012 Hall of Fame inductees and the new Chairman of the RV/MH Hall of Fame, Barry Cole, their new president Darryl Searer, who is doing amazing things in short order along with the rest of their board.

If you don't check in often – or daily! – here, you might miss more than a few movie movie titles.

You just might miss out on Industry, News, Tips and Views You can Use.

Maybe some occasional fun too.

Over a million visits by professionals like yourself since October 2011 suggest that you have plenty of company. More than any other B2B platform in Industry history. The mom and pops, the movers and shakers, they all gather here to see what's new.

My thanks to our associates, writers and to all those who make it happen here for you.

Until mid-week, thank you for dropping in. To close on some movie lyrics, Happy Trails, until we meet again. ##

l-a--tony-kovachL. A. "Tony" Kovach and Spotlighting the MHLifeStyle = Industry News, Tips and Views Pros can Use

Services:B2BandB2CAds, Proven MH Marketing & Sales Systems, Websites other Industry Solutions.

Office –815-270-0500 or connect with me on Linkedin.


Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. – Henry Ford

