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Fan Mail and the Ego

It is Thursday, 3:10 AM. I was just looking at a nice message from a client of ours. We get x amount of 'fan' calls, messages and emails. The mail brought a letter from another client, gee, very nice, thank you. While all that is good, we as a team have to remind each other, to keep our egos in check. The ego is a necessary component for drive, but an out of control ego can cripple a person, department, business or organization.

Every politician who has a chance for success needs a certain level of ego. Ditto a business or organizational leader. Yet too much ego is as bad (or worse?) than too little in the long run.
Thus the Value Destroying Villains narcissistic leaders theme in a Masthead blog post a few days ago.

Who boosts your ego?
Who helps keeps your ego in check?
What sparks your drive?
What is keeping your organization or department from flourishing?

Some biz coaches ask clients: what keeps you up at night?

Okay, in my case tonight, it is a case of 'tummy wumpus!' Maybe a passing bug, or something I ate 2 nights ago that tasted great but didn't seem to land well. But the truth is, I happen to have an odd sleep/work cycle at times. Biology. Some of the best ideas come in the middle of the night, and it has to go on digital paper lest it be forgotten.

But for some, it isn't a stomach bug or good ideas, it is the gnawing grief that all is not well. Some tell me they feel they lack control over their once thriving business. They cite economic, political or other factors. They worry about tomorrow.

Worry keeps them awake or causes their sleep to be less than refreshing.

FDR said, '”We have nothing to fear but fear itself…”

Our best days as an Industry or a nation are not behind us! Darkness causes even a tiny light to seem much brighter. What may seem obscure or un-important in 'good times' may be clearly of vital necessity in tough times.

In this great land we are so glad to call home, we have forces that tend to balance out the ill with good.

That ego we need for drive needs tempering. Sometimes we need reminders of the good, sometimes we need a dose of humility. A friend, spouse or child can often bring us down to earth from our lofty aims or over-inflated thoughts; that same colleague or loved one may be needed to get our mojo going in a good direction.

At the end of the day, success is about team work; individual efforts brought together in a great collective.

When someone thanks me, I hope always to thank others who make what we do possible. If someone commends the self-made 'rich and famous,' say Warren Buffett, I would think the Sage of Omaha would turn to team and associates and say, thanks, but we all did this together.

Even with happy clients, the secret is this: truly working together. Team work. I learn daily, just as successful clients do. It is the chemistry of working together to achieve the common goal. It is navigating the inevitable road bumps and those sharp, unexpected curves.

To mix metaphors for a moment, success is also a process, not unlike cooking. The kitchen can look like a mess during the preparation of a great meal. Until it is all is finished, it can look (and taste) badly if you sampled something before it was ready. But once all the elements of the meal (the process) are in place, once the kitchen is cleaned up, the table is set and the feast is ready, only then can one appreciate and enjoy the effort.

Team work. Good Individual Efforts that harnessed together, can result in record outcomes. So with each of the happy clients noted above, or others past and present, it is always important to say, you made this possible. We did this together! I'm betting the same could be true for your career or organization too.

Team work require egos, harnessed for their good, but egos that are held in check. The "I in team" is there, but not when you spell it out. The word of advice, the caution to a colleague, these when heeded can keep our egos in balance. These are as important as the fan calls and emails.

Look in the mirror. See all that you and your organization already are. Picture all that you and your associates can be. If you need help with that, have the wisdom to ask for it and get it. Make the ego a tool to work for that common good, not a land mine that works against those mutual victories we all should seek. ##

post by

L. A. “Tony” Kovach, MHM or
Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals

Office – 815-270-0500 or


