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First Glance – 2015 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show – Rear View Mirror

We are waiting word from Dennis Hill on final cross-checked totals. But Dennis at Show Ways Unlimited has already told MHProNews that even with the last minute dash to change the venue, that the effort to move from the shuttered Harrah’s property to the new location for the show at the Hollywood and Resorts Hotel and Casinos was a clear success.

Turnout at the 2015 Tunica MH Show is said to have seen across-the-board growth among Retailers, MHCommunities, Builder/Developers and installers compared to last year’s show at the old Harrah’s location.


Photo credit: Tunica Travel.

Some 85 new model homes were on display. The builders and exhibitors we heard from we’re overall very pleased with the new location and the turnout.

Attendance as the seminars was far stronger than expected, given the unusual location. The feedback from attendees was strong, as you’ll see from applauding and cheering industry pros like you who gave the panels and presentations strong thumbs up.

Tunica MH Show, 2.1…

All that said, there are clearly tweaks needed. Some things ‘are what they are.’

For example, the seminars, luncheon and homes are at or by the Resorts location, while the exhibit hall and registration are next door at the Hollywood. A shuttle ran between the two, to offer an option for those who decide to skip the walk.

We plan to bring you a series or videos and interviews from and about the Show, starting in the month of April.


Other Industry Related Items of Interest…

Industry news continues to evolve, with the successful House vote on HR 650. This took place about 18 months faster than the last bill, the latest signal that there is indeed more momentum this year than last on MH Industry efforts to reform Dodd-Frank.

SuperCharged Marketing and Sales seminars drew positive responses.

What’s Read Hot

In my own version of alphabetical order, here are some of the videos and related articles that are drawing tens of thousands of hits on MHLivingNews.

As we settle back into the routine here in our base in sunny Florida, we’ll bring you more updates on the world of MH in the days ahead. Hint. Besides the rapidly approaching new home issue, there looks to be some announcements of broad industry interest about to be made. Of course, for those who surf in, we’ll keep you posted. ##

What You Missed in Tunica…

…why not mark your calendar now for 2016? 

latonykovach-louisiville2015-mhpronews-business-building-seminars-By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.

