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Frustrated I’m Sorry

Two of the post powerful words in human relations are the sincerely expressed "I'm sorry." Some say "I'm sorry" with ease and mean it. Others, it has to be pried lose, if it ever comes at all. That sort of apology wasn't worth the effort. Let me begin with "I'm sorry" to the many who will be frustrated about allusions to issues only a few hundred people in our industry even know about.

Last weekend, we looked at the topic of leadership. We quoted the pithy sayings of leaders. I didn't quote Jim Collins, one of my favorite business and professional leadership writers. Collins introduced me to Level Five Leadership. There are some quiet leaders in our Industry, who don't seek fame or glory. They are just putting their time, influence and money where their mouths are.

Those leaders put on their boots and work to "get 'er done."

podium mic framedSuch leaders may have to mount a stage or take a microphone for a few minutes, or be a part of an occasional column or story. They aren't shy, but they aren't about all that, so they'd rather let others do that stuff. What drives them is to get things done.

Those souls may be as real a leader as George Patton, Lee Iacocca or Jack Welch. They may work behind the scenes to advance change. They may be Jim Collins style Level 5 Leaders. Read Good to Great and How the Mighty Fall to better understand Collins' insights on Level 5 Leadership and why it's opposite – narcissistic hubris – is not sound leadership at all.

Nikita Khrushchev

A literally cancerous Hugo Chavez or a UN shoe banging Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev are emblematic of committed but destructive leadership. In the name or the people, such hubris-driven egos would lead the masses deeper into poverty and dictatorial rule. We don't want such in our great land or trying to capture a stage in our great industry.

So I'm sorry, but my mentioning them by name may only encourage or embolden them.

Sincerely wrong

I can think of a tiny handful of individuals in our industry who may (or in some cases, may not) be sincere in what they propose, push for or demand. Some are sincerely wrong. They won't listen to sound reason, but will lecture the rest of us on why it is their way or…

…or what?

They are entitled to their own opinions, but they are not entitled to their own facts.

Maybe a pair of those at one point in their career were leaders. But like the all star football player who waits too long to retire, they don't know how to exit the stage with grace. Instead, they point fingers of blame at others, while having nothing of significant merit to offer as reasons why they should be followed or supported.

When they protest, if you dig deep enough for the facts, you learn that "methinks he protests too much" applies. Please see that Leadership blog post linked above or on the right side column under our banner ads.

Enough on that, we are moving on!

MHAO's Tulsa Show Suspended

My team and many others are saddened by the suspension of Tulsa OK's Great Southwest Home Show. Louisville was suspended in 2010 and has come roaring back. So don't read too much into their event's suspension. The MHAO and their committee wants their show to come back too. There are times you simply have to regroup, chart a new course and then move ahead.

By Contrast…

We don't want their show's closure to reflect badly or cause concerns about other events or the Industry at large. So by contrast, here are some facts. The 2013 Louisville Manufactured Housing Show is ahead of this same time last year in every measure.

Yes, ahead. More attendees are signed up! More: homes, exhibitors, speakers, networking and deal making!

The quiet leaders of the Midwest Manufactured Housing Federation (MMHF) and Show Ways Unlimited made the bold decision last summer to support the launch of the Louisville Show's new website, linked above. Their decision will pay off for year's to come. It is all part of a broader plan we are collectively charting.

The Money Tree!

The Louisville Show's Money Tree will pay off for all of those who come to make THE BEST of Times out of our challenging times. As we noted in the mid-week blog post, the economy, the fiscal cliff, all of that negativity – which is sad for the nation – can play into YOUR hands as a professional win and an Opportunity In Disguise.

Strong line up

At the bottom of every page on the Louisville Show's website is the What People are Saying blog. Click on the Show Brochure link. See page 2 on that downloadable brochure for that strong Money Tree Seminar line up.

MHI and the NCC's leaders will be there. Come. Talk to them. See what is quietly being done. Let's not forget that members of MHARR and MHI manufacturers teamed up successfully the past two years to make the strong come back of the show a reality.

Calls and messages are coming in about all of the above, as well as about the largest lineup of factory-built homes and exhibitors at any all-indoor show in North America. Calls and messages are also coming in on the Introduction to Manufactured Home Opportunities Day special event on January 22nd.

Spread the word. Be a part of the solution. Be there.

Last weekend, I had to say "I'm sorry" to a few who expected a different blog post than what we ran. If any are listening to that tiny minority of the finger pointing and self-glorifying, ask yourself: what has that person accomplished for the industry lately?


Hardly! MH Shipments are UP over last year. Modular home sales are rising too. Factory home building can rise even higher, because some are profitably advancing while others are finger pointing.

Sadly, yes, some will fail because they fail to do the right things. Some know so much, you can't teach them anything.

Meanwhile far more are putting their time, energy and money into getting business growth done!

As we saw last weekend, good leaders are also good followers. If everyone on a team is moving rudderless in different directions and calling their own plays, no advancement.

We have some quiet leaders who are working hard to get things done. We have business building Opportunities such as Louisville and Tunica that should not be missed!

We will be at booth #115 at Louisville, walking the show, taking part in the networking, engaged at the seminars, talking to rank and file, movers and shakers and all those middle mangers who make it happen.

If you want to start 2013 out right, please do whatever it takes to be there.

Watch the videos on the Louisville Show's website to see why quiet leaders come to The Show. We are looking forward to seeing you soon. ##

PS: Check our many Exclusive and Red Hot Featured Articles for December and see the

other new stories and 'Purely Political' cartoons at too.

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Office –815-270-0500 or connect with me on Linkedin.


Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. – Henry Ford

