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Happy 36th Birthday Cartoons

No, I've not turned 36 (again…and again and, okay, you get the picture). But the HUD Code went into effect 36 years ago, on this date! How many of you are ready to celebrate this industry birthday…or anniversary…of manufactured housing?

Reader's Digest has run a department in their magazine for years, using the theme that Laughter is the Best Medicine. Humor – satire or sarcasm – can at times convey in a few words what it would take pages to do otherwise. Ditto cartoons. The 'funny pages' are still among the most popular in Sunday newspapers. Maybe we need some humor – satire or sarcasm – in manufactured housing trade media these days?
We are not professional cartoonists, but it is always interesting to take a stab at something new. Sometimes, you have to poke fun at yourself. Let's have some fun today, as we celebrate the 36th anniversary – June 15, 1976, the day that HUD Code Manufactured Housing – was 'born.'
Shifting topics just a bit…let's try another.
In case you missed it on one or more of these, why not ask the person who offices with you.
Okay, the next and final cartoon for today…
manufactured housing cartoon
manufactured housing cartoon
manufactured housing cartoon
Want more cartoons some time? Or maybe you want to send us YOUR cartoons? Your feedback is welcomed.
Please do take the tour of all that is going on in our trade media website. It is your industry. Let's make the most of it. If you are heading for Texas for their convention in August, I hope to see you there. ##

