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He Who Hesitates is Lost and Manufactured Housing MOmentum!

"The woman who deliberates is lost." in Cato, by Joseph Adler.

Let's run through, four quick snapshots of the Mo-mentum found in four industry advancing efforts, plus a positive CBS News video report and more!

Our industry has an amazing array of

  • perspectives,
  • frustrations,
  • opportunities,
  • hesitations and
  • advances.

Ideas are great, but they must be followed by action for advantages to follow.

Some fear loss more than they have the desire to gain, but its precisely those who risk loss – who put their egos, time and money on the line – who often gain the most. Abraham Lincoln is seen as one of America's greatest presidents. But he failed more than he succeeded!

The self-made millionaires and billionaires of America are precisely those who earlier in their career looked pretty run-of-the-mill, or in many cases. we're put down as day-dreamers or failures. Some bloom early, others later in life. What matters is the accomplishment, and it often stands on the shoulders of previous risks and failures!


Eastern Ohio Home Show, public day, courtesy of Ohio Manufactured Homes Association.

Event fatigue?

Like many of you, we hear from some about meeting or event fatigue. Indeed, there are hundreds of meetings and events in the course of the year for manufactured or modular housing. "Why do we need any more? " some ask.

Meanwhile others point to precisely what is new or revived as to where progress in factory built housing is taking place.

Let me run through some recent/current events as examples of where the factory built home industry is finding progress! These areshoppers=rona-homes-eastern-ohio-home-show-credit-omho-ribbon-cutting--posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-com pros who are stepping out and putting the time, money and effort into making good things happen!

Tim Williams gives Eastern Ohio Home Show day 2 bottom lines

While others have talked about doing public days since the last efforts for this were made a couple of years ago, Tim Williams and the sponsors of the Ohio Manufactured Homes Association have made it happen!

Official Head Counts under cloudy, cool and rainy skies provided to us by Tim Williams, executive director of the Ohio Homes Association, are as follows.


The 60% industry day event on Friday, 397 (9 AM- 3:30 PM),

Attendance for public day on Friday (the remaining four hours of the day, 4-8 PM), 337.

Public Day SATURDAY (9AM – 6PM)— 1,149.

Total Public through Saturday = 1,486.

Total public and industry = 1,883.


This already makes the Eastern Ohio Home Show the third largest event in the Manufactured Housing Industry for 2014! Sales and lead activity are being generated, from the early reports we've heard. Hats off to all involved!

We will give you a report at the conclusion of their show.

Jay Hamilton, GMHA – Atlanta Journal Constitution. Please see this link here.

Nancy Geer, New York Housing Alliance. Please see this link here.

Jay and Nancy both took different paths toward the same goal – industry image and understanding – advancement! Please see, view and read their efforts linked above, and ask yourself: how can we apply those ideas in our business or association?

An answer for some will follow in the “bonus,” later below.

Rick Rand, see this link for the outline, and let me note that the early reports are that hands are being raised (including some from BIG operations) to support and take part in what is being labeled as a trans-associational effort.

Most of the inquiries are understandably going to Rick. For clarity to those who have reached out to me here, Rick is happy to play a role in this effort, but my understanding is he isn't looking to be the face much less a one man band. Translation, you can put Your stamp on his plan!


Let's hereby congratulate each of those named above – Tim, Nancy, Jay and Rick – for their unique efforts and activities geared to advance the manufactured housing industry.

Let's remember that in 2010, the Louisville Show was canceled after a dreary death spiral in prior years. Many – wrongly! – thought it would never come back. But mutual, synergistic efforts and new online marketing efforts brought the show back, and have now made it the industry's top attended trade event in 2014!

There are many powerful lessons to be learned and applied from the Louisville Manufactured Housing Show.

As you face decisions in your business, association, operation or career, keep in mind one of my favorite quotes from this legendary pioneer:

"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right."
– Henry Ford


As you think about positive media – linked from items above and below – think about how this platform and its public focused sister site are increasingly impacting the media and investment community mix.

Plans for raising the bar more profitably for investors, owners, associations and business professionals like you are found on MHProNews and ManufacturedHomeLivingNews. Please click the link to learn more how you can be a part of the growth.

Let me thank all those who encourage and support this industry-leading trade journal for manufactured and modular housing. For thousands daily, we are a part of the daily rhythm of their professional life. Since you're reading here, that may already – or now may start – to be true for you too.

Steve Lefler at Modular Lifestyles Shared this positive CBS News report

If your web-browsing device isn't "flash friendly," you can find the CBS News video at this link.

Industry owners, pros, investors and association leaders, please note that some of the facts that came out from the CBS News report…sound quite like information found on our Manufactured Home Living News sister-site.


Take-Aways and Lessons Learned

From top to bottom in the reports on this page, what all of these examples have in common is that multiple people and organizations pulled together towards a common goal.

We have an opportunity to tap more of a trillion-dollar annual housing market with greater gusto than ever before.

Why not pick one or more messaging/image building vehicles or concepts mentioned on this page, and make it happen for your operation, state or the nation?

Remember, he who hesitates is lost.

Inspirational wrap up!

Barbara Erickson, Pat Curran and Larry Hahn have each supplied us with some thought provoking and inspirational items. Please see their latest contributions – among dozens of others – found on the Inspirations blog, linked here.

Let's close with some quotes by 18th century thinker, writer and politico – Joseph Adler – courtesy of Wikiquotes. FYI, when Adler says 'dispatch,' think 'rapid.'

  • "There is nothing more requisite in business than dispatch."
  • "When men are easy in their circumstances, they are naturally enemies to innovations."
  • "Nature does nothing without purpose or uselessly."
  • "There is no virtue so truly great and godlike as justice."
  • "Of all the diversions of life, there is none so proper to fill up its empty spaces as the reading of useful and entertaining authors."
  • "What an absurd thing it is to pass over all the valuable parts of a man, and fix our attention on his infirmities."
  • "The great art in writing advertisements is the finding out a proper method to catch the reader's eye; without which a good thing may pass over unobserved, or be lost among commissions of bankrupt."
  • "Reading is to the mind, what exercise is to the body. As by the one, health is preserved, strengthened, and invigorated: by the other, virtue (which is the health of the mind) is kept alive, cherished, and confirmed."

A number of sources say “He who hesitates is lost” was a paraphrase of Joseph Adler quotes, like the one we opened with. DictionaryReference cites the American Heritage dictionary as explaining the quote as:

He who hesitates is lost definition,

"A person who spends too much time deliberating about what to do
loses the chance to act altogether."

You see farther from the Masthead. We see farther thanks to the insights and contributions of readers and pros like you. Send your news tips – as Steve Lefler did and others routinely do – to:

and don't forget to sign up for the best twice weekly recap of industry news, tips and views you can use delivered = free = to your inbox. The link is here, sign up in seconds.

Many thanks, see you mid-week as we look anew at one of the most exciting industries, modern manufactured and modular homes! ##

(Image credits: Eastern Ohio Home Show, Tim Williams, "Mike N Mary Jo", Video credit: CBSNews)

L. A. "Tony" KovachL. A. 'Tony' Kovach | | Business and Public Marketing & Ads: B2B | B2C Websites, Contract Marketing & Sales Training, Consulting, Speaking: | | Office 863-213-4090 Connect on LinkedIN: 

