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Humility, Reality, Goal Setting and Manufactured Housing 2015

Super Bowl Sunday afternoon, and it’s MH – not the pre-game shows – that are on my mind. Most of this just finished-week has been occupied with post-Louisville Show catch up and trade show related conversations and messages. For the factory-homebuilders, MH Retailers and MHCommunities, lenders, venders, suppliers, associations, investors and aficionados reading this, many came away from Louisville with a renewed sense of the strong potential of our industry.

I’ve seen some of the footage from videos we shot during the show. Confidence and enthusiasm seems to flow from the people we interviewed. Some in our industry are more humbled than 15 or 20 years ago, and that can be a good thing for us all. But a different camera angle is also emerging. A growing number of MHPros see the modern realities as tailor-made for a new MH Renaissance.


For our clients, close MH friends and those with a keen eye to details, you know that your Masthead scribe tends to burn the candle at both ends, trying to get the most from every day on behalf of industry pros like you. This weekend, it hit me that there is no way short of a technology that could create a time-warp that we could do the new February issue, some of the videos, a great new interview plus more all in time for Feb 1, today.

So please expect the new February issue to go live by Tuesday evening. You’ll get a dose of reality from industry pros and myself that will spell out why a growing number of you are seeing that our potential as an industry may be greater in 2015 than ever before.

We should have some select videos from Louisville, commentary by others regarding the show, new featured articles by experts and much more for your insight and benefit.

Our next A Cup of Coffee with… will feature a president that is not nearly as well known as that pro’s amazing accomplishments have merited. We’ll change that as thousands of you will learn more about this CEO, once you’ve read the terrific interview. Here’s a hint; it’s a company on the grow, and already one of the larger players in our Industry!

Humility  comes from the Latin word for earth, meaning a person grounded in reality. We should not try to puff our chests out too much, or deflate them with a phony self-effacement. Reality is.

When we look at reality in a few days with our new February issue, perhaps more of you will see that our industry can and should set its sights on much higher goals than sub 70,000 annual new homes shipped.

Through grounded thinking, a solid plan with a go-get ’em zeal, we can achieve loftier heights, no doubt about it. Please check in with the Daily Business News, as thousands of you already do, and look for the new February issue in a couple of days. ##

(Image credits: top, GoGraph; bottom – DreamsTime)

latonykovach-us-supreme-court-washington-dc-posted-masthead-blog-mhpronews-By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.

