“Cool Cal Coolidge” once said to a group of journalists that: “After all, the chief business of the American people is business.” This is often misquoted as ‘The business of America is business,’ explains Robert Dies, who brings that topic into focus in an interesting article, linked here. Dies cites longer excerpts from that president’s talk, including this gem:
“Of course, the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence. But we are compelled to recognize it as a means to well-nigh every desirable achievement. So long as wealth is made the means and not the end, we need not greatly fear it…But it calls for additional effort to avoid even the appearance of the evil of selfishness.
In every worthy profession, of course, there will always be a minority who will appeal to the baser instinct. There always have been, probably always will be, some who will feel that their own temporary interest may be furthered by betraying the interest of others.” – President Calvin Coolidge.
Non-Partisan Associations
“You’re nothing but a bunch of Republicans.” That’s what the elected chair for an association told me was expressed to his group, during a meeting with a public official. That quote is loaded with insights, including that when applied to the crowd that is inside the DC Beltway, because there seems to be a large preponderance of Democratic-leaning bureaucrats in appointed positions.
Which brings us to the point that a trade association needs to have a bi-partisan component, in order to be effective.
Survey gives Insights into American Independent Business Views
The NFIB – National Federation of Independent Businesses – recently released two surveys, attached and linked from the images below. One reveals that over 60% of independent’s surveyed believe our nation is on the wrong track. The one immediately below shows certain trends from a small business vantage point.
That stands in stark contrast to Hillary-backing Warren Buffett, who thinks things are pretty great in America right now.
It has always seemed noteworthy that the Democratic-supporting Buffett, when asked, stands with the MH industry on chattel lending related issues.
Presidential Politics, Democratic Style
The following online (“not scientific”) polls from last night’s Democratic debate reveals that self-proclaimed Socialist Bernie Sanders won. Who came in second depends on the poll.
For business owners, the surge of socialist Sanders may seem alarming. But at this point, is it much different than Republicans rallying around “outsideers” Donald Trump, Ben Carson or Carly Fiorina? People are frustrated with the direction of the nation. They are picking the most ‘outsider’ they are able to find.
Among the points the NFIB survey reveals that independent business people tend to be heavy consumers of news and politics. Your Masthead scribe falls into that category. Since you’re reading here, odds are, you are curious or also care deeply about news and politics too.
Given the fact that DC, state or local policies cause so many issues for MH professionals, perhaps the only surprise is that an even greater percentage of independent business are heavily engaged in politics and news.
“After all, the chief business of the American people is business.” – Calvin Coolidge. ##
(Editor’s Note: When we as media – including trade media – are quoting someone, that doesn’t mean or imply that MHProNews editorially agrees with the quote, or with the person who originally made that statement. The quote is shared to provoke thought, discussion, because it fits a topic, etc.. For the record, this Masthead scribe is a true political independent, not affiliated with either major American party.)