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Independent Party ID Tied Record High-Democratic ID New Low per Gallup–How that Matters in Affordable Housing-Manufactured Home Advocacy and Manufactured Housing Industry Performance-Reality Checks


A new Gallup survey released on 1.12.2024 under the headline: “Independent Party ID Tied for High; Democratic ID at New Low” has stirred news platforms across the left-center-right spectrum. It has also served to confirm the importance of a report drafted the day before this week by MHProNews. That report said “Indies are up” with “Indies” succinctly explained an abbreviation for Independent. “Iowa-2024 Looms-AEI’s Levin said ‘Democrats Became Party of Elites Republicans more Populist-Anti-Establishment’-Indies Up-NYT’s Edsel-Dems ARE Party of Elites-Facts-Analysis plus MHMarkets,” followed on the heels of a different report that will be touched on shortly: “Categories Blue States and D.C. Dominate In–Lessons Learned From ‘Can Do’ Pragmatic ‘New Dems’ Matter to Visionary Manufactured Housing Pros and Affordable Housing Advocates-w/Facts-Analysis.” This Masthead will next hit some highlights from Gallup and then will turn to its significance for manufactured housing advocacy.

This article will include current events, and a look back at key moments in history, to help frame a better understanding of our times. Because every profession, every career, is operating or occurring in the context of political, social, economic, and other cultural events.

Part I

Per Gallup’s Jeffrey M. Jones, these are their survey’s highlights.


  • 43% identified as independents in 2023, tying 2014 record
  • Record-low 27% identify as Democrats, tying Republicans
  • Republicans maintain slight edge in leaned party identification
  • Ideological identification steady; conservatives, moderates largest groups

“Political independents continue to constitute the largest political bloc in the U.S., with an average of 43% of U.S. adults identifying this way in 2023, tying the record high from 2014. Independent identification has been 40% or higher each year since 2011, except for the 2016 (39%) and 2020 (39%) presidential election years,” said Jones for Gallup.

“Independents first outnumbered supporters of both major political parties in 1991 and have continued to do so since then, except in several years between 2004 and 2008. Over time, the increase in the percentage of independents has come more at the expense of Democrats than Republicans, Independents first outnumbered supporters of both major political parties in 1991 and have continued to do so since then, except in several years between 2004 and 2008. Over time, the increase in the percentage of independents has come more at the expense of Democrats than Republicans,” stated Jones for Gallup.


U.S. Political Party ID 1988-2023 Independents 43 percent, Republicans and Democrats are 27 percent. Note, this analysis takes Gallup’s accuracy at face value. Some would argue that such polls tend to lean left, meaning, they may oversample Democrats. MHProNews Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. In some cases, you may need to download the image and open it (again, follow the prompts or options on your device.


“Gallup asks respondents in each survey whether they identify politically as a Republican, a Democrat or an independent. The results reported here are based on combined data for each year, including interviews with more than 12,000 U.S. adults in 2023.

Independent identification was up two percentage points in 2023 compared with 2022, while there was a one-point decline in both Democratic and Republican identification.

Democratic identification has now declined by one point in each of the past three years. These declines, and the new low registered in 2023, are likely tied to President Joe Biden’s unpopularity.”

Jones also said this: “All Gallup survey respondents who identify as independents are then asked whether they lean more toward the Republican Party or the Democratic Party. Last year, slightly more independents leaned Republican than leaned Democratic. As a result, a combined 45% of U.S. adults identify as Republicans or lean toward the GOP, while 43% are Democrats or Democratic leaners.


U.S. political preferences 1991-2023, at present, the Republican/Lean Republican leads Democrats/Leans Democrats. Note that in 1991, Republican/Lean Republican was also higher. When Barack Obama was elected President in 2008 was the year that Democrats/Lean Democrat hit is peak, per this survey topic. After Obama and Biden were in office, their policy outcomes apparently drove down their party’s support. MHProNews Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. In some cases, you may need to download the image and open it (again, follow the prompts or options on your device.


The 2023 figures are similar to those from 2022, when Republicans had a one-point advantage (45% to 44%). Republican advantages have been rare since Gallup first began measuring independent political leanings on a regular basis in 1991. In fact, 2023 is just the third time Republicans have had even a slight edge, along with 1991 and 2022.”

In 2023, on average, 36% of U.S. adults described their political views as conservative, 36% as moderate and 25% as liberal. Ideological identification has changed little in recent years; the latest figures essentially match the averages over the past 10 years.

From a longer-term perspective, the notable change has been the increase in liberal identification, which was under 20% from 1992 to 2000 and in 2002 and 2004.

Gallup might find it useful to further refine this survey of Conservatives, Moderates, Liberals by creating a distinction between “liberals” and “leftists.” There is an argument to be made that not every leftist is a liberal.


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U.S. political preferences 1991-2023, at present, the Republican/Lean Republican leads Democrats/Leans Democrats. Note that in 1991, Republican/Lean Republican was also higher. When Barack Obama was elected President in 2008 was the year that Democrats/Lean Democrat hit is peak, per this survey topic. After Obama and Biden were in office, their policy outcomes apparently drove down their party’s support.

Near the end of the Gallup report on their survey, it says under “Implications” the following: “As 2024 begins, the parties are closely matched based on political party identification and leanings. However, Democrats are clearly in a weaker position than they have been in any recent election year.”


Part II – Additional Information with More MHProNews Analysis and ‘Why it Matters’ Commentary

In no particular order of importance are the following points to keep in mind.

1) Like it or not, the political winds and governmental policies impact businesses which in turn impacts investments, employees, retirees, an essentially all of the ‘classes’ or groups in the nation.

2) On Real Clear Politics (RCP) at 9:21 ET on 1.2.2024 are these additional polling factoids.


President Job Approval
Approve 40.4
Disapprove 56.1
Spread -15.7
Direction of Country
Right Direction 24.7
Wrong Track 67.6
Spread -42.9


3) Gallup noted that Biden’s unpopularity is hurting Democrats. Fair enough. But the two snapshots from RCP above tell an interesting tale. As much as people dislike the direction of the country (right track-wrong track), the ‘spread on that is minus 42.9 on the date shown. Yet, Biden’s job approval is only minus 15.7 percent?  How is that explained and properly understood? Note that all of these observations are made from the perspective of a trade publisher who is independent but is also attempting to get the facts out to professionals so that reasonable people can not only see our views AND can form your own view based on evidence. “We Provide, You Decide” © based on evidence as opposed to pure spin or propaganda. That said, isn’t it odd that Biden’s job approval isn’t also a negative 42.9 percent spread?

4) The explanation for that may seem mysterious but is knowable.  Dig into the facts and analysis provided from the two reports linked below.


MHProNews curates topics with specific reasons. While we don’t necessarily spell out the motivations each and every time, as a disclosure, it ought to be a given that readers here should know that we are true believers in the need for and benefits from affordable, durable and consumer-safeguard backed by federal law HUD Code manufactured homes.


5) The ‘powers that be’ in America have been probed by sources that span the left-center-right spectrum. It is important that individuals cultivate the skill to think objectively and ‘critically.’ As the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday approaches, this quotable quote is timely now and year-round too.



6) Martin Luther King Jr was nominally a Baptist pastor. But there is evidence there is evidence that he may not have been a Christian in the normal sense. King championed the notions of the founding fathers and cited the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution on numbers of occasions.


7) There is a genuine struggle underway in the U.S.A. It is political, but it is also social, economic, religious/spiritual, and cultural. Politics is downstream from culture, observed the late Andrew Breitbart. “It’s the economy, stupid” famously quipped Democratic strategist James Carville, who was a top advisor to the successful presidential campaign of William Jefferson “Bill” Clinton. Both had points. But Breitbart saw the importance of religion and culture. After some back and forth to correct some apparent glitches in its initial replies, in response to inquiries Bing Copilot said the following.

You are correct. Andrew Breitbart was a conservative American writer, journalist, and publisher who was known for his political commentary and activism. He was a proud and playful Jew, although not always religiously observant 1Breitbart is known for his quote “politics is downstream from culture,” which suggests that cultural values and beliefs shape political outcomes 23Breitbart’s website, Breitbart News, has published articles on religious and spiritual topics as they relate to politics 1.

Regarding James Carville, he is a lifelong Catholic and has mentioned that he finds it in the moral basis of Catholicism to “do unto others.” He also mentioned that there’s some gift and virtue in poverty. However, I could not find any information on whether he has mentioned culture and religious inspired morality as important to his party.”

> “And religion and religiously inspired morality were certainly a moving factor for the advocacy of Martin Luther King Jr. isn’t that right? Did religious and moral beliefs undergird much of what MLK Jr expressed, even if he didn’t personally always live up to all of his own teachings?”

Yes, you are correct. Martin Luther King Jr. was a Baptist minister and his religious beliefs were a driving force behind his advocacy for civil rights. He was heavily influenced by Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of nonviolence and his Protestant faith 1King believed that religion could be a powerful tool for social change and that the church had a responsibility to fight for justice and equality 1In his speeches and writings, King often invoked religious and moral language to inspire his listeners and to argue for the importance of social justice 1. However, King was also a human being and, like all of us, he was not perfect. He struggled with personal failings and made mistakes, but his religious and moral beliefs continued to inspire his work and his vision for a more just and equitable society.”

Not to go to deeply into MLK being a Protestant, that is open for question based on evidence, but much of the balance of what Copilot said is broadly fine. This tees up the next points.


8. Democrats as a political party are arguably outperforming in the narrow sense illustrated in Part II #2. Most people think the country is on the wrong track. That includes large numbers of Democrats and Democratic leaning independents. Nevertheless, in national polls and in numbers of battleground state polls, Joe Biden trails Republican frontrunner and deposed President Donald J. Trump. But the percentages Biden trails by is relative narrow compared to the wide gap of the national wrong track polling. What explains this?


9. The answer, once more, goes back to what Noam Chomsky referred to in a book entitled Manufactured Consent. Chomsky is a man of the left. His observations are arguably meant to promote his views, which lean socialist. But what Chomsky didn’t do is spell out that the Democratic Party has to a significant degree become the party of the big financial, big media, and big tech elites that authentic Socialists presumably would oppose.

> “What is the net worth of Noam Chomsky? What is the net worth of Bernie Sanders?”

Noam Chomsky, an American philosopher, linguist, social critic, cognitive scientist, and prominent anarcho-syndicalist thinker, has a net worth of $5 million1.

Bernie Sanders, an American politician who has been a United States Senator representing Vermont since 2007, has a net worth of $3 million23. According to his tax returns, between 2009 and 2018, Bernie earned $4.7 million. He and his wife own around $1.8 million worth of real estate, though they carry mortgages on all three properties 2.”

> “Haven’t both Chomsky and Sanders self-described at times as socialists? Or “Democratic Socialists?””

Yes, both Noam Chomsky and Bernie Sanders have described themselves as socialists or democratic socialists at different times. In fact, Sanders is a self-described democratic socialist12, while Chomsky is an anarcho-syndicalist and libertarian socialist3However, it’s worth noting that Sanders has also been referred to as a “New Dealer” by philosopher Noam Chomsky4.”

What is the significance? Several points. Most people know Senator Sanders (VT-I-Democratic Socialist who caucuses with the Democrats and ran for the Democratic nomination for President). It is fair to say that despite the fact that the standard Bing search revealed that: “To date, Noam Chomsky has authored over 150 books. He first rose to national public attention in 1967 for his anti-Vietnam War essay…” that Chomsky is not as well known. But both are clearly influential. In a sense, both are posturing and projecting positions that often express facts accurately, but then fails to elaborate on points that might cause someone to understand those facts in a more objective fashion. It could be said that both have engaged in paltering, posturing, and projecting.  While Chomsky, for example, decried the manipulation that has occurred in the society, to the degree that he has paltered, to that same degree he has failed to properly connect the dots that his research claims to champion.

Chomsky’s “Requiem for the American Dream” is thus only truly useful to the degree that someone separates the proverbial wheat from the chaff. Otherwise, someone could swallow the portions that are accurate but misleading in a way that could lead a person to incorrect conclusions.  Fortunately, MHProNews has done just that for our readers, unpacked Chomsky’s multi-year project in a way that anyone, regardless of politics, could benefit from it. By separating the wheat from the chaff, and still leaving his claims intact, readers can both benefit from what is good in Chomsky’s work while learning how paltering, projection, and posturing can slyly mislead, distract, or deceive.


The ancient wisdom of separating the wheat from the chaff is Biblical. But separating the proverbial wheat from the chaff is also practical. An evidence-based case can be made that with every source, this principle should be applied. What is chaff should be identified and not “consumed” or followed. What is of value should be kept and is worthy of digesting, keeping, or applying. Note, this analysis takes Gallup’s accuracy at face value. It should be obvious that if the beliefs of faith are true then they are also pragmatic and useful. MHProNews Note: depending on your browser or device, many images in this report and others on MHProNews can be clicked to expand. Click the image and follow the prompts. For example, in some browsers/devices you click the image and select ‘open in a new window.’ After clicking that selection, you click the image in the open window to expand the image to a larger size. To return to this page, use your back key, escape or follow the prompts. In some cases, you may need to download the image and open it (again, follow the prompts or options on your device.


10. This inquiry was put to Bing Copilot.  While its response (and the question itself) could be refined, it is useful.  Note the point here is not to become a monk, but to learn from the ancient and time-tested principles they taught.

> “Translate and define the ancient wisdom of the phrase Ora et Labora into English. What are the practical insights from that maxim? Doesn’t this predate the Protestant movement? At the time Benedict said this, wasn’t there essentially just one Christian Church?”

“Ora et Labora” is a Latin phrase that means “Pray and Work” 1. This phrase is associated with the Rule of Saint Benedict, which is a set of guidelines for monastic life. The Rule of Saint Benedict was written in the 6th century, which predates the Protestant movement by over a thousand years 1At the time Saint Benedict wrote the Rule, there was only one Christian Church, which was the Catholic Church 1.

The practical insights from this maxim are that prayer and work should be balanced in one’s life. Saint Benedict believed that prayer and work were partners and that they should be combined to achieve a balanced life 1The Rule of Saint Benedict prescribes periods of work for the monks, as idleness is the enemy of the soul 2The Rule also emphasizes the importance of listening to the Word, study, making life better for others, and community building 2Life was made up of many facets, and only together did they form a whole 2Physical labor, mental prayer, social life, study, and community concerns were all pieces of the puzzle of life 2Life flowed through time, with time as its guardian 2.

In summary, “Ora et Labora” is a Latin phrase that means “Pray and Work.” It is associated with the Rule of Saint Benedict, which is a set of guidelines for monastic life. The practical insights from this maxim are that prayer and work should be balanced in one’s life. The Rule of Saint Benedict prescribes periods of work for the monks, as idleness is the enemy of the soul. The Rule also emphasizes the importance of listening to the Word, study, making life better for others, and community building. Life was made up of many facets, and only together did they form a whole. Physical labor, mental prayer, social life, study, and community concerns were all pieces of the puzzle of life. Life flowed through time, with time as its guardian.”


11. Our society has demonstrably drifted. That is perhaps unstated, but is a factor to be considered in the ‘wrong track’ polls. That societal drift is reflected in our politics, economics, social, cultural and yes spiritual aspects (or lack thereof) in our lives.  That has consequences. Note that the response below required Bing to be prompted to leave out a reference to another author, who said this after G.K. Chesterton did. AI is useful, but imperfect and it is prudent to double check as needed.

> “Who was it that said if we don’t believe in something like God we will fall for anything?”

I apologize for the confusion. The quote “When men stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing; they believe in anything” is often attributed to the English writer and philosopher G.K. Chesterton1Chesterton believed that when people stop believing in God, they lose their sense of direction and become susceptible to any idea that comes their way 1This quote has since been modified and popularized by various authors and speakers 1.


12. Religion isn’t a dirty word, it is an essential component of life if, If, IF we believe that God exists. If there is no God, then someone could make an argument that religious belief is not useful. But if God exists, then the truths of religion – which purportedly come from God – are relevant and it would be wise not to ignore them. That’s just logical.

In traditional Jewish and Christian thinking, God created humanity, and gave humanity free will. God gave people the ability to choose between right and wrong.  Choosing of our own free will what is wrong may seem to have (at times) some short-term benefit. But routinely, in perspective, wrong choices routinely lead to problematic outcomes. But before looking at that, and before looking at the question: does God exist? Let’s first look at the polling.

  • If polls are broadly accepted, religious belief in America is waning.
  • The numbers claiming no religious affiliation is growing.
  • Attendance among believers of religious service has been falling for decades.
  • People with no religious affiliation and the “unchurched,” per left-leaning Wikipedia hit an estimated “130 million ‘unchurched people’ in the US in 2021.”
  • Left-leaning Pew said: “about three-in-ten U.S. adults (29%) are religious “nones” – people who describe themselves as atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular” when asked about their religious identity.” As noted, that share of the population has steadily increased.
  • Long-term thinkers can’t – or shouldn’t – ignore these trends.

While it would be a mistake to overly generalize, much of the Republican party thinking is buttressed by their multiple decades of alliances with various Christian and limited government beliefs. Let’s note for clarity that this writer has been a political independent for over a decade. We are exploring facts and evidence, in these contexts, not personal beliefs.


13. Republicans made a de facto pact with Evangelicals in the 1980s and the so-called Moral Majority movement. So, it must not be thought that religious beliefs and practices are unimportant to politics. Faith issues are of vital importance to believers in limited government and other traditional American ideals.

So long as Americans are drifting towards agnosticism, atheism, or being functionally no different than agnostics or atheists, it should be incumbent upon believers to make that case. Part of that witness should be to articulate why we should believe in God at all.

Why? Because if more people believe in God, what does belief motivate souls to do?  For instance.

President Washington was arguably correct in saying religion and morality are necessary for patriots.

Thomas Paine insightfully stated: “When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of liberty quits the horizon” confirmed BrainyQuote,

While leftist “Freedom From Religion” types attempt to wrongfully claim Paine as one of their own, cited the following. The quote below demonstrates Paine wasn’t an atheist. Rather, Paine was a deist who believed in a Creator God.

  • “The Creation speaks a universal language, independent of human speech or human language, multiplied and various as they be. It is an ever-existing original, which every man can read. It cannot be forged; it cannot be counterfeited; it cannot be lost; it cannot be altered; it cannot be suppressed. It does not depend upon the will of man whether it shall be published or not; it publishes itself from one end of the earth to the other. It preaches to all nations and to all worlds; and this Word of God reveals to man all that is necessary for man to know of God.” (Age of Reason, pg. 69).


14. Can We Actually Know if God Exists?

Internet searches still reveal extensive evidence of what theologians have called “proofs for the existence of God.” As a personal aside, as someone who once did youth ministry, it seems odd why evidence or “proof” that God exists is not given the same level of importance today as it might, given the rise of secularism and the growing numbers of people with no religious beliefs or affiliations.  Because an evidence-based case can be made that as that drift away from organized religion has grown, so too has the rise of various social ills. If having no faith at all were a good thing, then why is the country so awash to the point that some 70 percent think that the country is on the wrong track?

That said, both simple and more elaborate proofs that an invisible, eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent and loving God exists. Believers should periodically mention such evidence in our speech and writing.

Secularists routinely believe in evolution and the notion of what came to be called the Big Bang.

Oddly, it requires more faith to believe in evolution than to believe in a loving, all-powerful God who gave humanity free will. The case can be made that literally every tribulation in human history is due to errant choices made by people abusing the gift of free will.

Any child can understand the following.

· Acorns come from oak trees. Oak trees come from acorns. If there is no Creator God, how does someone explain the existence of oak trees based on observable phenomena?

· There is also the classic: which came first? The chicken or the egg?

Similar analogies exist. However, for thinkers, those two are sufficient to put a smile on someone’s face while making the point that a Creator-God alone explains the chicken-and-egg or acorn-and-oak tree paradoxes. By contrast, evolutionists can’t solve these inconsistencies as readily.

More sophisticated arguments for the existence of God are found in these PragerU videos. The first is by author and speaker Eric Metaxas is called: “Does Science Argue for or against God?”



PragerU’s “Does God Exist? 4 New Arguments” YouTube page says the following about the next video. “Science tells us that the universe came into being via The Big Bang. But how do you get from energy and matter to a self-aware human being? That takes three additional Big Bangs that science can’t explain. Noted theologian, Frank Pastore, unravels this compelling mystery and, in the process, poses the ultimate question that every thinking person must face.”



PragerU has produced hundreds of videos with billions of views collectively. They tackle topics that are designed to upend the arguments that voices on the left have served up to the young and others for decades.

PragerU have several such videos on debates with atheists, or proofs for the existence of God.

Conservative Jew Dennis Prager and his team apparently believe – full disclosure, as this writer does – that proving God’s existence is important.


15. So long as the billionaire class has a lock on much of big business, big media, big tech, and has serious influence over big government, there has to be a counterbalance for that in our society if we are to get back on the ‘right track.’ That counterbalance is found in the profound and timeless lessons of faith.  There is propaganda and manipulation that the unchurched or unbelievers may readily swallow and follow that are less likely to deceive those who are well rooted in the timeless truths of faith.


16. Believers in affordable housing, manufactured homes, and the principles of limited (vs. all powerful) government that is essentially run by modern feudal overlords ought to seek out the possible alliances with the faith community. As important as the media and tech are, and they are important, the case can be made that even more important throughout human history has been the power of faith to move people to positive action.


17. None of the leaders in America, past or present, were perfectly saintly souls. None. That goes for some otherwise impressive souls. For instance. Martin Luther King Jr. was a womanizer, hardly something that a Baptist preacher wants to be known for, right? The FBI wanted to use that womanizing insight about MLK Jr. against him. But that should beg the question: what was the FBI doing spying on Dr. King in the first place? How was the Rev. King’s work for civil and voting rights for Blacks and all others a cause for the FBI to be spying on him, and plotting against him?

With those questions in mind, consider the following.

> “What was the rationalization used by the FBI to spy on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr and to consider threating to expose his infidelity to undermine his work for civil and voting rights for Blacks and others?

The FBI was obsessed with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from the mid-1950s until his assassination in 19681The FBI’s Mobile, Alabama, branch first put King under surveillance in December 1955, after the civil rights icon had helped organize the 385-day Montgomery bus boycott1The FBI recordings have “given us the most powerful and persuasive source of all for seeing how utterly selfless Martin Luther King was,” said David Garrow, a historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning author1However, the FBI’s surveillance of King was not motivated by any evidence of Communist Party ties or any nefarious behavior that warranted the years of wiretaps and eavesdropping1Instead, they discovered a man devoted to serving others, unafraid of self-examination and unconcerned with fame or notoriety1.

It wasn’t until 1963, when Attorney General Robert Kennedy approved wiretapping King’s phones, that the government ramped up its campaign against the civil rights activist1After King gave his “I Have a Dream” speech in August of that year, an FBI memo described him as “the most dangerous and effective Negro leader in the country”1The FBI’s surveillance of King was relentless and included wiretapping, bugs, and hidden tape recorders2The FBI kept the civil rights leader under constant surveillance, hoping to prove that he was under the influence of Communists2However, the FBI never uncovered any evidence of Communist Party ties or any nefarious behavior that warranted the years of wiretaps and eavesdropping1Instead, they discovered embarrassing details about King’s sex life, which the FBI was able to use against him2.

In conclusion, the FBI’s surveillance of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was not based on any evidence of Communist Party ties or any nefarious behavior that warranted the years of wiretaps and eavesdropping. Instead, the FBI was obsessed with King and his work for civil and voting rights for Blacks and others. The FBI’s surveillance of King was relentless and included wiretapping, bugs, and hidden tape recorders. The FBI discovered embarrassing details about King’s sex life, which they used against him12.”

The spying, treachery, slurs, and against King should not be forgotten. It is evidence that more recent misuse and abuses of the FBI, NSA, CIA, etc. are hardly new. Rather, they date back for DECADES.

What is strange (at least initially) for many is that it was often Democratic policies that manipulated and limited the rights of Blacks in America. The old South that tried to succeed from the U.S.A. were Democrats. Abraham Lincoln, a Republican, was trying to hold the Union together while working for the benefit of all Americans, including Blacks. The Civil War demonstrably gave Blacks their rights in the once solidly Democratic south. The main group voting against Black voting and Civil Rights were Democrats. The Jim Crow Laws were passed by Democrats too.

According to the Radiance Foundation is the following.

Per Bing Copilot:

The Jim Crow laws were state and local laws in the United States that enforced racial segregation and discrimination against Black Americans from the late 1800s to the mid-1960s. These laws were enacted primarily by Southern Democrats who wanted to maintain white supremacy and control over Black Americans5.

It is important to note that political parties and their platforms have evolved over time. While it is true that some Democrats in the past supported racist policies, it is not accurate to say that the Democratic Party as a whole has always been anti-Black. Similarly, while some Republicans in the past supported civil rights legislation, it is not accurate to say that the Republican Party as a whole has always been pro-civil rights. It is important to evaluate each individual politician and their actions on a case-by-case basis.”

The video below is by a Black professor, Carol Swain.



Per the YouTube video page for the video above: “Did you know that the Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, founded the KKK, and fought against every major civil rights act in U.S. history? Watch as Carol Swain, professor of political science at Vanderbilt University, shares the inconvenient history of the Democratic Party.”


18. American history and what used to be called civics, past and present, are often taught in a rather twisted fashion. The news, past and present, has often been skewed according to the ownership, agenda, and influences on the publishers, broadcasters, and tech giants that controlled them. If such truths became more commonly understood, a case could be made that might further purge the Republican party of its ‘establishment’ ties, for candidates like former Governors Nikki Haley (SC-R) and Chris Christie (NJ-R). The lock that the donor class long had on wide swatches of the Republican Party was upended with the election in 2016 of President Donald J. Trump.  The lock that the donor class or “Establishment” still has over much of the Democratic Party means that they are routinely posturing and paltering, while slurring their political rivals. This Establishment backing of Democrats helps explain why the wrong track polling can be so wide, and the lead Trump has over Biden at this time is relatively narrow (see Part II #2 above and the polling below).

Polling Data

Poll Date Sample MoE
Trump (R)
Biden (D) *
Kennedy (I)
RCP Average 10/12 – 1/9 38.0 37.1 15.0 Trump +0.9
Reuters/Ipsos 1/3 – 1/9 4677 RV 1.5 30 29 18 Trump +1
Quinnipiac 12/14 – 12/18 1647 RV 2.4 36 38 22 Biden +2
Harvard-Harris 12/13 – 12/14 2034 RV 2.0 44 36 20 Trump +8
Rasmussen Reports 12/6 – 12/7 892 LV 3.0 40 32 16 Trump +8
Susquehanna 10/17 – 10/27 1000 RV 3.2 40 47 6 Biden +7
USA Today/Suffolk 10/17 – 10/20 1000 RV 3.1 37 38 14 Biden +1
Yahoo News 10/12 – 10/16 1122 RV 39 40 9 Biden +1

All General Election: Trump vs. Biden vs. Kennedy Polling Data

Polling Data

Poll Date Sample MoE
Trump (R)
Biden (D) *
Kennedy (I)
RCP Average 10/12 – 1/9 38.0 37.1 15.0 Trump +0.9
Reuters/Ipsos 1/3 – 1/9 4677 RV 1.5 30 29 18 Trump +1
Quinnipiac 12/14 – 12/18 1647 RV 2.4 36 38 22 Biden +2
Harvard-Harris 12/13 – 12/14 2034 RV 2.0 44 36 20 Trump +8
Rasmussen Reports 12/6 – 12/7 892 LV 3.0 40 32 16 Trump +8
Harvard-Harris 11/15 – 11/16 2851 RV 44 36 21 Trump +8
Reuters/Ipsos 11/13 – 11/14 1006 A 4.0 32 30 20 Trump +2
Quinnipiac 11/9 – 11/13 1574 RV 2.5 38 37 21 Trump +1
Rasmussen Reports 11/8 – 11/12 987 LV 3.0 39 38 12 Trump +1
Quinnipiac 10/26 – 10/30 1610 RV 2.4 36 39 22 Biden +3
Susquehanna 10/17 – 10/27 1000 RV 3.2 40 47 6 Biden +7
USA Today/Suffolk 10/17 – 10/20 1000 RV 3.1 37 38 14 Biden +1
Harvard-Harris 10/18 – 10/19 2116 RV 2.0 42 36 22 Trump +6
Yahoo News 10/12 – 10/16 1122 RV 39 40 9 Biden +1
NPR/PBS/Marist 10/11 – 10/11 1218 RV 3.9 37 44 16 Biden +7
Reuters/Ipsos 10/3 – 10/4 672 LV 40 38 14 Trump +2


19. Chomsky made an important point in Manufacturing Consent. Whoever owns and controls big media and big tech has a significant advantage in society. What Chomsky and some others like him fail to clearly spell out is that those on the left have long benefited from that favoritism that big media, and later big media and big tech, have given to Democrats. After all, how many Blacks would embrace the Democratic Party if they clearly understood that the history of the Democratic Party is one of repeated examples of racial suppression and manipulation? While Bing Copilot is correct in saying that each candidate should be taken on their own merits, and that not every Republican was for civil and voting rights, and not every Democrat was a racist, there is an evidence-based case to be made that without Republican support, slavery wouldn’t have ended when and as it did. Without Republican support, the Voting and Civil Rights acts of the 1960s would not have become law.  But what occurred during the so-called “Great Society” programs of the 1960s were designed to create, some say, a new form of plantation politics that would ironically cause Blacks to support Democrats instead of Republicans. A case can be made that it was vote buying at taxpayer expense.  The infamous quote attributed to Democratic President Lyndon Banes Johnson (LBJ-D) below illustrates that mindset. While that is an oversimplification, it is a largely useful one based upon evidence.


How was that possible? Because of paltering, posturing, propaganda, a slurring of their political opponents, often possible because big media has often been more in the hands of Democratic leaning corporatists than Republican ones.



As the Heritage Society noted in the graphic below, the Great Society programs have not produced the results that they were pitched to the public as offering. Note that a source at Heritage recently told MHProNews that this graphic has not yet been updated by that organization.



20.  The need to learn authentic American history, to learn authentic civics, and to learn authentic principles of economics are as important as the need to learn the importance of timeless moral and religious values.


21. To wrap this up, let’s stress that we are political independents. These are what the facts and objective evidence should tell informed citizens. Republicans have had their periods where the so-called Establishment dominated that party too. But at present, while there are “Establishment” Democrats and Establishment Republicans (again, think ex-Governors Christie and Hailey as possible examples), the Democratic Party on this date is largely in the pockets of the wealthiest Americans.  Both major parties need work.  But as seemingly still rising talk radio pundit Dan Bongino has observed, Democrats are hurting the country, and Republicans are not doing enough to stop them. To vote Republican, says Bongino, is to not vote against your own interests. To vote Democratic is to vote for the very party that is delivering the policies that have put the country so far into the ‘wrong track’ column. And to support Biden is to support someone with a relatively easy to document history of racism himself.  What the Masthead said on October 15, 2020 in the post below has only been proven to be accurate since then.



It is essential that people ask common sense questions and seek objective reality. MHProNews has periodically shared insights on political, economic, cultural, historic, and yes spiritual topics because it all necessary to get and keep our country – and our profession – on the correct track.  So long as people can be propagandized into believing demonstrable untruths, then people can be manipulated to the benefit of the so-called ruling class.  The current trends, revealed in Gallup’s polling, is a hopeful one. But it is not a guarantee that enough of the nation’s citizens will take the logical steps to oust the powers that be through lawful processes.  There are more people of good will, who routinely realize that the nation is on the wrong track, than there are those who through habits and manipulation have been conned into voting against their interests and that of most of the country. ###


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Our son has grown quite a bit since this photo above was taken. All on Capitol Hill were welcoming and interested with the discussion of manufactured housing related issues on our trip and 12.3.2019 meetings. But Texas Congressman Al Green’s (D) office was tremendous in their hospitality. Our son’s hand is on a package that included the Constitution of the United States and other goodies. As political independents, MHProNews has worked with people and politicos across the left-right divide.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for

Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.

For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

This article reflects the LLC’s and/or the writer’s position, and may or may not reflect the views of sponsors or supporters.

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Related References:

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