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Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and The 2012 Louisville Manufactured Housing Show

The 2012 Iowa caucuses are now history. FoxNews reports that Mitt Romney, Rick Sandorum and Ron Paul have emerged as the winners in the top tier among Republican candidates, in that order. As of this writing, only 8 votes – 8 votes! – separated Governor Romney from Senator Santorum. Santorum's late surge was surprising to many, but clearly the result of months of meeting Iowan's face to face in their trade mark 'retail' political venue. Others among the GOP hopefuls may drop out soon, unless they catch favorable winds of voter support in the Granite State or South Carolina primaries. While Congressman Dr. Paul has done well, pundits predict his old newsletters (with racist comments, that he disavows), unique foreign policy stands and other perceptual issues will lead to his being "carpet bombed" by attack ads from PACs or other candidates, in a fashion that similarly made Newt Gingrich politically vulnerable. With Gingrich having dropped from the top spot in polls just a few weeks ago, to finish in fourth place in Iowa.



Graphic Credit: FoxNews

What the strongest Republican candidates could represent is an opportunity for manufactured housing to catch positive national publicity. How?

Candidates were covered by the mainstream media and by C-SPAN at locations such as the Pizza Ranch restaurant chain in Iowa and an advertising firm among many other stops and businesses, doing their campaign pitches. Why not invite the candidates to a manufactured housing event in 2012? Why not give three or four of them 12 – 15 minutes to make their stump speech, and let them be filmed walking through manufactured homes? Why not let a possible future president get caught forever on video and by the media, praising America's factory built homes as they walk through decorated models at a trade show or a congress?!

Event and meeting planners, our Industry should not miss out on making such an opportunity happen! Event planners could invite the president too, for balance.

Speaking of trade shows, the 2012 Louisville Manufactured Home Show is now in its final pre-show stretch. Barring a paralyzing blizzard, the show now looks set for an attendance record that will shatter last years totals! Pre-registration is trending up 20% over last years at the same time frame, when 970 attendees and 444 exhibitors – a total of 1414 manufactured housing pros in all – braved the snow and ice last year and came to shop the latest model homes, network, talk to suppliers and service providers, attend seminars and do business!

This is the year that "business gets done" at Louisville!

There is an energy and aura at trade shows you don't find at a regular meeting.

There are advantages to a trade show you can't duplicate any other way.

The time invested at a trade show is richly rewarded by those who come with a sound plan to learn more to earn more, who come to compare products and services and who will wheel and deal there way to success.

The Seminars and Finance Forums will give manufactured home retailers, communities and builder/developers the tools needed to sell more homes in 2012.

Besides the Midwest, I've personally received messages from out West, down South and from New England and Atlantic states that tell me community, retailers and other MH attendees plan to come! They are coming to seminars and finance forums that will shine the light for more business getting done in 2012.

ALL of these opportunities represent steps that will require effort. Here is where the 80-20 rule will come into play. 20% of the leaders and visionaries get 80% of the work done, it's said, and those willing to do what it takes to make the new financing opportunities a reality will reap the rewards. Those unwilling to do what it takes won't.

There is wisdom in having association members attend the Louisville Show from beyond the upper Midwestern states that is the typical draw. From the Dakotas and the Plain states, to states North, South, East and West, the grand-daddy of all trade shows is back!

We will be there. New lending opportunities for you will be there. New business building opportunities for you will be there. Movers and shakers like Cavco/Fleetwood CEO and MHI Chairman Joe Stegmayer will be there.

Will you be there too? I hope so! Please stop by our booth – #119 in the front row near the entry doors – or at one of the seminars or forums I will be at, and say hi. Our reporter will be there. Even my better half and son will be there!

Make the effort to make 2012 your year of the turn-around. Please be a 20%er and be there too. Bring your "can do" attitude, bring your trusted associates and come to do business. There will be energy at the 2012 Louisville Manufactured Housing Show. Get plugged in, and get turned on to do more in 2012.

Pre-registration online has now closed. But you can still register with your business card upon arrival at the Show. The event will be in the South Wing of the KEC.

The Show brochure and show layout, get business and profit building seminar information at this link, and click on this link to learn more about the 2012 Louisville MH Show.

If you need to talk, I'll be on my cell all next week – 832-689-1729, and checking messages morning and night; email is – see you in at the KEC, home of the Louisville Slugger.

Pulling together in 2012, "Let's knock one out of the park." ##


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L. A. “Tony” Kovach, MHM or
Innovation – Information – Inspiration for Industry Professionals

Office – 815-270-0500 or



