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Is it Worth it? Plus Loyal Opposition.

Two topics today. The second, Loyal Opposition. The first, Is it Worth it?

An MH Industry colleague reached out privately to ask me this e-question:


I was wondering your thoughts on the Tunica show. I have been thinking about going. Is it worth the trip?"

Sans the name, here was my reply.

"Fair question. It would depend in part on what your goals for the trip would be? 

That question would lead to an objective answer that makes sense for you/your firm.

Stepping back from that, I'd say there are a number of reasons why the answer would be yes.

There are good presentations, such as Chad's that could prove valuable.  At Louisville, we had hitters in the room for the lending seminars, must be a good reason why. The networking ops during the lunches are good.

Then there are the product comparisons between builders or service suppliers. 

Personally and professionally, I get more jazzed at an MH trade show than at a meeting (even with good speakers) alone.  The photo ops for potential marketing uses…priceless.  I do that every year. Always helps sell homes…

Hope that helps :-) "

Well, that kinda sums it up. What I didn't say to my colleague is that over 2,000 professionals from every key aspect of the industry are planning to be there. 2,000 industry pros are voting with their feet and wallets can't be wrong!

Based on the sizable jump in pre-registrations for the Tunica Show, it wouldn't surprise me if 2,200 industry pros would be in Tunica, easily making it the largest event of its kind in the nation. There were jumps in every category, retailers, installers, etc.

But the two biggest jumps included a doubling of registrations in the manufactured home communities category – perhaps due in part to a number of Community Series Homes on display and the seminars that can build results for selling communities and retailers alike.

The builder/developer category also more than doubled over registrations for 2012.

The forecast as I write this is for 55 degress on Wed, 61 degrees on Thursday and Friday. 10% chance for rain Thu, 30% on Friday. I'll bring a jacket and umbrella, to play it safe! But compared to 37 degree high for today here, Tunica's temps sounds good to me.

Loyal Opposition: The MHI ByLaws Controversy

Our digital ink had barely dried when the first private comments on the proposed MHI Bylaws revision started coming into my e-box. Our stance is still the same, as shown at the midweek report, linked here. The state and national association parties are traveling to the Tunica Show to seek to resolve the issue in a face to face private meeting.

Let me stress anew a key point. That while there is a disagreement, both 'camps' are seeking the Industry's best interests. Those state execs who are vigorously seeking to protect the representation or their members at MHI can thus best be understood as a loyal opposition. For them, representation equals by-in from the grass roots.

Vigorous, honest discussion could be useful in our industry on this and other issues too.

MHARR members will be meeting at Tunica this week too.

So one thing seems certain. Tunica. It sure sounds like it is the place where the action will be next week!

Photo ID and Business Card, please!

Should you be one of those that didn't pre-register for the show, don't stress; just bring your driver's license and business card to register at the door. Over 300 did last year, don't be surprised if even more will this year.

The pre-show anticipation and drama is in the air. New home shipments are rising, as they have for 2 years. Manufactured housing is well positioned for growth, as we have often documented. Some project that new HUD Code MH sales will double in the next five years!

Be ready for the future. Stay up to date here on the #1 place on earth for Industry News, Tips and Views Pros can Use.

And come to the Tunica Show. For those who want to grow their business, or the lenders, builders and others who want to see their clients businesses grow, makes sure at least one key person from your firm sees the updated version of the popular Attracting More Customers with Cash or Good Creditworkshop. Those who want to fuel profits with this proven approach will be glad they did!

Our booth will be by the seminar room entrance in the convention center. Kindly stop by and say hi. ##

PS: Check our many Exclusive and Red Hot Featured Articles for March and see the

other new stories at too.

l-a--tony-kovachL. A. "Tony" Kovach and Spotlighting the MHLifeStyle = Industry News, Tips and Views Pros can Use

Services:B2BandB2CAds, Proven MH Marketing & Sales Systems, Websites other Industry Solutions.

Office –815-270-0500 or connect with me on Linkedin.


Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right. – Henry Ford

