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Is Marty Lavin stirring the MH Pot again?

We all do it. Mistakes have been, are and will be made daily. Even billionaires make them, but what sets them apart from us (besides their account balances) is the fact they strive to learn from mistakes.


It’s obvious from our eMail bag and calls that some of you love Marty Lavin and his witty candor. Others are strongly opposed to what he says or fall somewhere in between. No surprises there! For those who’ve asked me words to the effect, ‘Tony, you do know that Marty appears to respect your can-do attitude, but that he disagrees with you that a more robust industry recovery will get done sustainably, right?’ Yes, that was understood prior to publishing Marty’s Pensées.


Agreeing with Tony has never been required here.

Healthy, spirited discussions are good for all!

Speaking of spirited, here is a publicly shared reply to Marty’sExhaustion Sets In.

Call me sentimental, but IMHO, Marty’s not being pessimistic. Rather, he’s trying with facts and humor to make the industry learn from past mistakes. That’s multi-billion dollar thinking.

As usual, private and for publication feedback are welcome.

Now, lets consider a common sense, proven path ahead.

Affirmation + Good Information = Manufactured Home Evangelists

Apple created raving fans – Apple ‘Evangelists’ – an important element of their success. Apple marketer, Ken Segall, made it Insanely Simple. Get people to love your product/service and they’ll bring you more customers.

Can that be successfully applied to manufactured housing? Of course. Some of our clients and other good companies are already doing it.

Stating the obvious can bring clarity. Affirmation + Good Information = MH Evangelists.

Not many want to be known as “trailer trash.” Duh, right?

So affirming manufactured home (MH) owners in their lifestyle is a no brainer! In touring a lender through a client’s clean, one star MHC, I made the point this was the Ultimate in Affordable Living. That lender looked at me and said, “I never looked at it that way before.”

How we say what we say matters!

MHC Residents and MH home owners deserve to be affirmed. They ought to feel good about where they live!


The same principle applies to MH employees, be they building the next MH on the factory floor, keeping the grounds tidy at an MHC, in service, delivery, installation, sales, office, management or investors.

Affirm MH owners, residents and MH professionals, lead them into being Gung Ho MH Evangelists, and a large part of the battle for going mainstream and selling millions of more manufactured and modular homes will be accomplished.

This is done by sharing the truth in positive ways.

Evangelize everyone…

The doctor, accountant, teacher, media, public official, retiree or low wage worker all must be MHEvangelized.

Take a Fresh Look

With that backdrop, look as if for the first time at MHLivingNews. What do you see?


1. Affirmation of MHLiving.

2. Showcasing the famous or wealthy – which is affirming and intriguing to all – who live in MH.

3. Any form of digital communication can be used. Articles, photos, cartoons, posters, videos, infographics, social media, etc.!

4. We showcase the positive, and re-look at negatives in ways turning bitter lemons into lemonade.

Everyone in MH can benefit

Clayton, Cavco or Champion all want to sell more homes. So do small to mid-sized MH independents. This applies to every retailer, MHC with vacancies, lenders, vendors, services and suppliers, etc..

The magnetic attraction of MH trade shows can be echoed for the public There are some 144 operating MH plants. If 30 sponsored the equivalent cost of putting one or two multi-sectionals on display at a trade show, we can fund more videos, staff, stories and reports with happy home owners, supportive public officials, industry pros, etc.. We’d influence media and politicos ever more. That would result in selling million$ in new MHs.


MHEvangelism informs and fire-ups MH pros and consumer base! Give residents the address via your company’s Facebook page or in print newsletters. Make sure your members and associates logon, learn more and earn more.

As a parallel path, we attract conventional housing renters, shoppers and buyers.

“Don’t tell me, don’t sell me, show me!”

1 million visits in under a year at can’t all be wrong! Companies we coach use that site to close more sales. This isn’t theory, it’s a case of don’t tell me, show me.

We attracted visitors without a big budget, using no Google Adwords, etc.. Good content, organic searches, links and RSS feeds worked. In fact, the annual budget for Manufactured Home Living News has been smaller than sums a serious MHRetailer or MHCommunity may spend on ads monthly at 1 location.

So imagine what can be done with a real budget. Imagine millions visiting monthly… and since we don’t sell homes, they’ll find thee.

Marty, They Vote with their Time, Talent and Treasure

Nature abhors a vacuum. We either define ourselves, or others will define us. We have a great story to tell, but we must tell it well and often. Apple, WalMart, McDonald’s, RVs and automakers are among scores promoting and defining themselves daily.

As more MHPros learn to attract and successfully engage customers with cash or good credit, we’ll sell more financeable people. Fear not change, the credit challenged will still come too.


If Marty Lavin ends up “correct,” look in the mirror.

For true MH believers – as we are by investing in the de facto MH image and education platform – proven correct by sound action, we’ll celebrate with MH home owners all the way to the bank. ##

la-tony-kovachBy L. A. “Tony” Kovach


