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It’s Axiomatic!

Google defines an axiom as:




a statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true.

“the axiom that supply equals demand”

synonyms: accepted truth, general truth, dictum, truism, principle…

The axiom for today is that if you want a different or improved result, we must begin to do things in a different and improved way. Duh, right?

The problem for many is that we mortals get stuck in ruts. One may not see that rut for what it is. While good habits are useful, a rut can be a trap that keeps you in a status quo.


Slow, steady growth has been the MH buzzword for the past 5 years. Meanwhile, mainstream housing – notably multi-family – has recovered at a higher and steady clip. Yet reading and research suggests that we in MH have far more and faster growth possible.

How do we tap that growth potential? One piece of the puzzle is image change.

reed-construction-us-census-bureau-mhpronews-daily-business-news3 (1)

Another, is energizing our existing customer base!

2 Pronged Attack

There is more, of course, but if we want two key prongs in the attack on capturing a bigger share of the Broader Housing Market, energizing our existing MH home owners and MH image change must be part of the mix. While many immediately think of image change as a pricey, national image campaign, we have something more practical, proven and less costly in mind that works locally, but that has a national scope.

In elections or in marketing, energizing your existing support or customer base is a must. It’s axiomatic. So why has MH failed to follow that maxim more broadly?

In almost any profession, product or service you care to name, you have good trade journals and/or online trade media. Some are professional facing, others target the general public. This is why we created:

> first, the runaway star of MH trade media, and more recently,

> This public platform is telling the story of MH through the lens of still and video camera, articles, graphics and more. It tells MH from the vantage point of those who know our product best.

Solid trade media are axiomatic for any ‘real industry.’ Leaders are readers. When leaders like Jim Clayton and others praise your trade media and team, well, that’s like getting an award for journalism in the MH industry.


The point is, we need to energize our ranks within the industry and among our customers too. Only then will we make serious inroads into capturing an ever bigger part of the mainstream home shopper market.

Look Back, Look Ahead

During this past week, with more coming in the week ahead, we’ve spent time ‘On the Road’ doing video interviews with:

> MH Industry pros,

> MH home owners and

> those other experts who have been properly exposed to MH.

Their stories are compelling. Videos are a key part of how we will tell those stories.

Videos done as third party interviews by the leading MH Trade Media will help people connect more personally with those who are talking. Studies suggest interviews and reports are far more impactful than an ad or commercial.

MH home owners don’t want to be known as ‘trailer trash,’ as more than one told me. That includes some we spoke with this past week. MH owners who are using exactly those words, I don’t want to be called trailer trash. Your home owners and residents feel that way too. Right?

For those who think that changing the MH Image is unnecessary, please think again. Better yet, watch the videos that we have coming out, and share them with others. These have strong image-changing potential.


Give them the Pride they Deserve!

As a committed MH Pro, help give those millions living in MH the pride that they deserve! Let them see themselves in these video stories being told.

There are levels a person can get involved, starting with virtually free and easy. Here are some examples.


If you have a newsletter, blog, Facebook page, email list, etc. that includes MH owners, you should want to share with them the links to these ever growing numbers of videos. Add an RSS feed to your website to There is nothing else quite like it! Read more about what is coming up at this link…

We either define ourselves, or others will define us. When other’s define us, it has often been to our detriment. Only by making the changes – like telling and sharing the stories of those who know MH the best – will we accelerate our growth. After all, it’s axiomatic!


LATonyKovach-Louisville-2015-mhpronews-com-275x156 (1)By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.



