MHARR v MHI Engagement and Communications re: Incoming Trump 2.0+HUD Secretary E. Scott Turner – Authentic or Symbolic? Genuine or Posturing? Revealing Evidence-MHVille Facts-Evidence-Analysis
The Full Speech Transcript – President of the United States (POTUS) Donald J. Trump’s 1.20.2025 Inaugural Address – ‘The Golden Age of America Begins Right Now’ ‘No More Taking Advantage of U.S.’ Videos
Company Announces ‘Tiny Tiny Houses’ ‘Mini-Mobile Homes on Bike’ to Benefit Homeless ‘Unhoused’ Working Poor; Implications-Importance to Inherently Affordable Mainstream Manufactured Housing
Top and U.S. Housing Markets for 2025 Interactive Graphic on Buying Power Based on Tax Foundation Studied Data by U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis–Manufactured Housing Opportunities-MHVille FEA
Donald Trump’s Election Victory Speech–Full Transcript plus CNN-Kamala Harris and Kevin Roberts-Transition Insights with Vichy USA Commentary and Analysis
Yardi-Linked Multi-Housing News Manufactured Housing Institute CEO Lesli Gooch Interview vs Mark Weiss Interview Responses Compared on Key Manufactured Home Industry Issues with Revelations
HUD Admits Decades of Delay as Election Approach-Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) say HUD Took 10YRs to OK Multi-Family Manufactured Homes After They Raised Issue
Housing Affordability Ranks High Among Voters-‘Forever Renters,’ Rising Homelessness, Out of Reach Housing Costs, and Most Proven Solution to Affordable Housing Crisis; Facts-Analysis
Patrick Waite – Equity LifeStyle Properties EVP COO and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Executive Committee Member – Dumps over $1.4 Million in Shares of ELS; William Lutz on Doublespeak
Loper Bright’s Light on FHFA-Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac-Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing and ‘a Pimple on an Elephant’s Ass’ – Eye-Opening Warren Buffett-DTS for Manufactured Homes with Analysis
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Jiu Jitsu January in Manufactured Homeland, USA

Stating the obvious brings clarity.

There are direct, indirect and a combination of methods that can be employed to deal with a given challenge — especially when it involves people. defines Jiu Jitsu as “the use of an opponent’s strengths or one’s own weaknesses to accomplish one’s goals: That was a kind of intellectual jujitsu…”

Almost everyone knows how much the media can help or harm a given business or industry.

Bad News Headlines credit: The Odyssey Online.

Specifically, we know that most media coverage on manufactured housing sadly tends to be more harmful then helpful.

Manufactured housing professionals therefore must be pro-active in teaching the truth about the industry – to professionals as well as to others.  We have a great story, but a complex history means it must be properly told.

Beyond positive messages, the problematic and the misunderstood also must be dealt with.

On the Masthead we’ve long believed – and have practiced for years – that the industry must make public replies to slanted or biased news as often as possible.

In the last half of 2016, MHProNews and MHLivingNews  increased the tempo of routinely engaging

  • states/community associations,
  • both national associations,
  • company leaders,
  • experts, and
  • a variety of industry professionals for comments on a variety of issues.

Some will reply off the record, some won’t reply on-or-off the record, but most others are quite willing to go on-the-record as well as provide useful insights on meaty issues.

MHAction is just one of several possible examples. They are recruiting members in manufactured home communities. Frank Rolfe and Dave Reynold lead RV Horizons and Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) are but two examples of operations that MHAction has targeted. See articles, linked below.

Those comments from you and your peers allow us to increasingly go beyond aggregating news – as useful and important as news aggregation can be – to:

  • generating news,
  • reactions to news,
  • commentary on news.

This is therefore a collaborative effort. Almost everyone who has provided reactions and commentary to us ought to get a glass raised in their honor.  Some of the associations, alphabetically, whose executives have provided us with on-the-record feedback on timely topics include:

South Carolina and

Others beyond those noted have previously shared their timely takes on important issues too.

Properly crafted, new reaction/analysis articles can often rank high on Google. So even an initial media blast looks and is bad, when we’re provided the needed support, the follow up stories can give researchers now and in the future some other perspective to consider.

Do you recall the Ozy Media blast last year?  Thousands in the media and in public policy do. Thus, reaction articles that clear up reporting errors is valuable. Credit, Google search at date time shown, comments and arrows, MHProNews.

That in turn has led to more good-news and favorable stories than the industry has seen in several years.

The essential point is that YOUR bottom-line is either helped-or-harmed by negative or favorable news.

Fact-based reports like the one above belies the pictures that NPR or MHAction present. Are there bad or problematic actors in the industry? Sure, and MHPros routinely condemn those who harm home owners and the industry’s image, see the articles liked below. 

The other bottom-line is that using jiu-jitsu in journalism can turn lemons into lemonade.

Combined with the kinds of commentary you’ve seen on Industry Voices last year, the comments of experts inside and outside of MHVille (the manufactured home industry, aka manufactured homeland) and you have potent mix that often devastates what others have said and written that is a costly slam on our industry.

NPR Mobile Home Parks Manufactured Home Masthead Blog Commentary, MHProNews.
The number two story under a Google search under news reflects our media release picked up by hundreds of sites, including Digital Journal, as shown. That Digital Journal response to NPR article, is linked here.

2017 Golden Opportunity – Captured or Missed?

For those who have forgotten, the Seattle Times pummeled manufactured housing’s biggest brand for the better part of 2 years.  That firm and Warren Buffett both responded. MHLivingNews and MHProNews did reports, commentary and analysis, under the presumption that an attack on the image of the largest was an attack on all.

Is our industry in for another round of such attacks?  This time, focused on investor owned communities?

These graphics of actual Google searches above demonstrates the value of doing response, reaction, and commentary articles after ‘bad news’ strikes. Scaling these efforts are worth millions in local markets and billions nationally, while protecting MH homeowners’ value and image.

The NPR reports in December and yesterday, along with the MHAction and other higher profile posts suggests that industry opponents or skeptics are engaged. Which is why manufactured housing professionals must be ready too.

A leading MH state association exec’s mantra we love to share.

Protect Educate Promote (PEP)

In conjunction with sponsors and supporters, and have worked with others to defend and promote the industry.  If you are invested in this industry in terms of career or dollars, look carefully at those who are supporting our efforts and do business with their services. Their support makes our work possible.

But much more needs to be done.  The results on this page can and should be scaled.

That in turn could increase the value proposition to home owners, attract better qualified customers – those with cash or good credit – and thus yield more sales and profits.

We know this works from actual cases with clients, some of whom have gone on-the-record to share those positive results.

Collage from MHLivingNews home page. Protecting, Educating and Promoting MHLiving to the public.

The Profitable Struggle Lies Ahead in DC, 2017

Those who oppose a pro-business, pro-growth agenda in Washington, DC are preparing for the hearings and legislation that are now upon us as the Obama era winds down, and the Trump era begins.

We’ll soon see who gains or retains the upper hand. The cold winds of the political establishment resistance will encourage the warmth of pro-growth, job creating ‘drain the swamp’ agenda will ascend. As one of our client firms recently told us, almost all of their retailers and community clients that talk politics were pro-Trump.

It took decades of regulatory increases to get our economy to point of low growth and skyrocketing debt.  So it will take some time to get that pattern reversed, even if the incoming President Trump is successful at getting his legislation swiftly passed.

In the meantime, we in MHVille are not just spectators. We can be part of the process of recovery.

The articles below will show the battles and opportunities that lie ahead.

Keep tuning into the Industry’s first and still only Daily Business News for the latest on the front-lines of what is happening in housing and broad world that impacts our industry, MH homeowners, prospective buyers — and your bottom lines.


Updates on Louisville and Tunica will be hitting the Corporate Press Releases, stay tuned. More articles will be added by the end of this week to dozens shown below, and keep your eyes on the corporate press release and other modules.

Against this Protect Educate Promote Jiu Jitsu backdrop, with no further adieu, we bring you Featured Articles for January 2017. ##

Featured Articles for January 2017

Todd Lamb on NPR’s ‘Mobile Home Park Owners Can Spoil An Affordable American Dream’
by Todd Lamb

ToddGLambLambInvestments1postedIndustryVoices_ManufacturedHomeCommunities-MHIndustry-MHProNews200x200-144x144Tony, you are the third person sending me this NPR article. I read it and have BIG problems with the way the article was written. Read more…

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Anti Community MHAction Targets Frank Rolfe, RV Horizons and ELS
by Soheyla Kovach

s-kSmall-to-large manufactured home community (MHC) operations are no strangers to the ire of anti-investor activists. Read more…

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Paul Bradley ROCUSA Reacts, NPR’s “Mobile Home Park Owners Can Spoil An Affordable American Dream”
By Paul Bradley

paul-bradley-50Part I of the NPR story needed a balanced industry response that came clean first and then provided many real examples how “the charges” are not typical.  Read more…

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Shocking Facts! Making 2017 Grrr8 for Communities, Retailers Starts in Louisville!
by Stan Posey

stanposeysunshinehomesfeaturedarticlemanufacturedhousingpronewslouisvillemanufacturedhousingshow2017-50x50Earlier…we wrote at length about the decline in US housing inventory being, in effect, the next crisis for the housing market,” said Myles Udland for Business InsiderRead more…

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HUD Announces Record $1.9 Billion in Grants to “End Homelessness”
By RC Williams

rc-williams-mhpronews-dailybusinessnewsOn December 20th, the Department of Housing an Urban Development (HUD) announced that it has awarded a record $1.95 billion to numerous homeless assistance programs across the U.S., including Puerto Rico, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Read more…

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Kelley Reacts, NPR’s “Mobile Home Park Owners Can Spoil An Affordable American Dream”
by Kurt Kelley

KurtKellyJDPresidentMobileInsurance-postedIndustryVoicesManufacturedHousingIndustryCommentaryMHProNews-There are bad operators in every industry that disgrace themselves and their fellow industry members. Read more…

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Security Mortgage Group Finances $40,853,000 for Communities in a Week
By Soheyla Kovach

s-kSecurity Mortgage Group – a national award-winning MH Community lending broker – provided $40,853,000 in  for several manufactured home communities nationwide, the Daily Business News has learned. Read more…

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Congressman Dennis A. Ross’ statement on Dr. Ben Carson for HUD Secretary
By Dennis A. Ross
USCongressmanDennisRoss-RFL15-OfficialPhoto-I fully support President-elect Trump’s appointment of Dr. Ben Carson as the Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Read more…

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What is the business of America?
By L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach

tony- kovachBoth America and our industry’s members face a similar set of challenges and opportunities.
Read more…

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FHFA, GSEs and the Duty To Serve Manufactured Housing – Mark Weiss, JD – Viewpoint
By Mark Weiss, JD

M-MarkWeiss-MHARRPresident-ManufacturedHousingAssociationRegulatoryReform-posted-MHProNews-com-50x50-Chattel lending is crucial to the availability of affordable manufactured housing for American families, representing as much as 80% of consumer loans for the purchase of new manufactured homes.
Read more…

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Media-Based Attack on Investor-Owned Communities=’The Private Equity Takeover of America’s Neighborhoods’
by Soheyla Kovach

s-kIn the waning days of December, 2016 – and just five days before National Public Radio (NPR) pulled their slanted Mobile Home Park Owners Can Spoil An Affordable American Dream – Washington DC’s The Hill published a column by Kevin Borden and Jonathan Westin.  Read more…

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Tim Williams, OMHA, Responds to Issues Raised by NPR Report on Manufactured Home Communities
By Tim Williams

tim-williams-ohio-manufactured-home-associatio-mhpronewsNational Public Radio (NPR) did a two-part report released this week on manufactured home communities, part one of their controversial story – “Mobile Home Park Owners Can Spoil An Affordable American Dream” – including initial manufactured home industry related responses, are linked here.
Read more…

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Inside Look – Tricon Capital’s Recent Manufactured Home Community Moves
by RC Williams

rc-williams-mhpronews-dailybusinessnewsToronto, Canada based Tricon Capital Group Inc. (TCN.TO), recently announced that its Tricon Lifestyle Communities (“TLC”) investment vertical has acquired a portfolio of three manufactured housing communities in California comprising a total of 421 residential pads for $30.4 million. Read more…

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FHFA Issues Final Rule on Duty to Serve GSEs Will Receive Credit for Chattel Loans
by James R. Ayotte, CAE
JimAyotteFloridaManufacturedHousingAssociationFMHA-IndustryVoices-ManufacturedHousingIndustryCommentary-MHProNews--144x144On December 13, 2016, the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) issued a final rule to implement the “Duty to Serve” (DTS) requirements.  Read more…

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More Investor Moves, Insider Action at Sun Communities
by RC Williams

rc-williams-mhpronews-dailybusinessnewsMore action for Sun Communities Inc. (NYSE:SUI), as investors and insiders are making moves. Read more…

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Skeptic on DTS Rule Having Much Short-Term Impact on Manufactured Home Lending
by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach

tony- kovachThose who’ve read this column for years know that your Masthead writer is:  Read more…

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Paul Bradley on the Pending FHFA Final Duty to Serve Rule
by Paul Bradley

PaulBradleyROCUSA-postedMHProNews-com-75x91-This and Leslie Gooch’s article both push for a chattel pilot in Land Lease Communities; ROC USA is right with them!  Like Gooch, I see the fundamental issue coming down to what we can work out with the GSEs relative to, as she wrote, “reasonable standards for land leases in conjunction with such homes.
Read more…

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R2D2? Seriously?
by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony- kovachImagine that your garbage collection worker vanished. No one takes that person’s place. Read more…

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Open Letter to Dr. Ben Carson – How You Could Lead HUD to Historic Achievements by Ending a Form of Discrimination
by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony- kovachTo: Dr. Ben Carson – named by President-elect Donald J. Trump as his desired Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Read more…

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Judge Reverses Controversial Decision to Close Manufactured Home Community
by RC Williams

rc-williams-mhpronews-dailybusinessnewsIn a hotly contested property rights versus residents rights case, originally covered by the Daily Business News in September, a Santa Clara County, California Superior Court judge has reversed an order to close Buena Vista Mobile Home Park, Palo Alto’s last manufactured home community, based on a court filing from its residents. Read more…

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Manufactured, Modular and PreFab Housing Industry News Never Sleeps
By L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony- kovachIt’s lunchtime somewhere on planet Earth. As reports we’ve done for years – and added more to this past week – there are international stories about factory-built housing. Read more…

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Loved. Hated. Misunderstood. Distrusted. Feared. Enslaved…and possible Breakthrough to Freedom?
by L. A. “Tony” Kovach

tony- kovachLabels, thinking, deeds and inactions all may have limiting consequences. Read more…

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Trexler Cites Regulatory, Economic Conditions in 2016 – Nobility Homes Announces Quarterly Sales, Income, Profit Results
by Soheyla Kovach

tony- kovachThe demand for affordable manufactured housing in Florida and the U.S. is improving,” said Nobility Homes President Terry Trexler.  Read more…

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It’s Not Just Stocks – Dollar Energized, Moving Up vs World Currencies – MH Impact?
by Soheyla Kovach

s-kRight now, there is an incredible amount of pressure to sell just about every type of currency and buy the dollar,” Financial Stock Market (FSM) reports that Sunrise Capital Partners LLC, chief investment officer Christopher Stanton said. Read more…

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U.S. Existing Homes Sales Reach Highest Level in Nine Years
By RC Williams

rc-williams-mhpronews-dailybusinessnewsData from the National Association of Realtors (NAR) shows that Americans bought homes in November at the fastest pace in nearly a decade. Read more…

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New Federal Lending Option “Opens” for Manufactured Homes in Quiet, pre-New Year Report
by Soheyla Kovach

s-kThe United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Rural Housing Service (RHS) announced it would begin a pilot project that would open up lending for manufactured home loans on existing (pre-owned, used) manufactured homes, per a report by Brian Collins on National Mortgage News. Read more…

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2017 Millennial Housing Revolution. What About Manufactured Housing?
by Soheyla Kovach

s-kAOL Small Business, and the Washington Post are two of several mainstream media sites reporting an anticipated surge of millennials into the housing market.  Read more…


Post above by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach.


