The free dictionary defines Jiu jitsu as follows:
ju•jit•su also ju•jut•su n. a Japanese method of defending oneself without weapons by using the strength and weight of one’s adversary to disable him or her.
This is the sense that we are using the terminology: our only weapons are words, images – sometimes videos – and how those are shared to take the weight of our digital adversaries attack and use it against them.
Make no mistake. Call it what you will. There is, as we suggested in our 2nd graphic below, A Media War is underway, and MH is in the cross hairs. The Jan 2nd, 2016 PBS NewsHour story is just the latest round.
Frankly, this is in part our industry’s own fault. Why? Not because the truth isn’t on our side. Its because too many in MH have allowed a vacuum to be created – a vacuum in understanding our MH home product and our MH home-only financing – and a clear-eyed understanding of the incredible value and appeal of the land-lease community lifestyle.
Nature abhors a vacuum, and the media loves an ‘if it bleeds, it leads’ story. So I’m not faulting the media per se, the opposition to our industry has better used the mainstream media than MH at large has done in recent history. Some in MHVille are trying, but too many are not or are making the wrong effort. The proof is self-evident.
Even before the PBS hit piece, we already had plans to devote significant attention this month for the long overdue need for MH Pros to organize and rally around PEP = Protect – Educate – Promote.
On MHLivingNews, we already responded to the Seattle Times/BuzzFeed attacks on MH. Yes, the Baker/Wagner duo are strictly speaking attacking Warren Buffett’s Berkshire-Hathaway, Clayton Homes and their affiliated lenders by name.
But make no mistake, they are attacking our industry – through a frontal assualt those larger players – as well.
PBS NewsHour, Other Media
We know that in 2015, PBS did an interview with OZY Media, which did a week long attack on MH. MHProNews’ rebuttal article comes up on Page 1 of Google for a search on the OZY Media hit-piece series.
The Daily Yonder did an attack piece on MH and lending too. Our
Correcting Errors in “The Hidden High Costs of Mobile Homes” – Lance George – Daily Yonder
critique/rebuttal likewise comes up on Page One of the kind of Google search that a serious person researching this topic might use.
The Foundation has been set, the Structure is steadily going up –
- but the time to man the walls and better engage is NOW
For 6 years on MHProNews and about 3 years on MHLivingNews, we’ve been setting the foundation, and building the structure needed for this digital media clash.
We can win over those in media who are clear thinkers, because the FACTS are on MH’s side
For those we can’t win over, they need to be clearly debunked – see the first round of our flash report on the PBS NewsHour hit piece, linked below:
This public comments thread below is a living demonstration of how this jiu jitsu approach CAN and IS working – it simply needs more support and sharing
The Old MH model is…”Letting the bad news blow over”
After 30+ years of that model, MH is now under 100,000 shipments for most of a decade now. It is proven not to work.
Far better is the intelligent media response model! Far better to use Jiu Jitsu! Or as Albert Einstein said…
Anyone and everyone in MH can play some part in this.
- That part can be as simple as sharing the links to what we produce to defend the industry via email and social media.
- That part can rise to a higher level by having Tony address your next corporate or association convention. It’s good for the meeting – we routinely get 4 or 5 stars out of a possible 5 from attendees – and its good for our ongoing efforts on the Industry’s behalf. If that seems self serving, pardon me, but there is no one else in the industry that is being called ‘the voice of manufactured housing’ by the industry’s own pros. We have real world experience that the Madison Ave style PR guns for hire simply don’t have.
- That support can go to a still higher level by supporting the work MHProNews and MHLivingNews do – which can be profitable for those who provide that support.
Let me try to say politely what is in fact boiling within. Judging from messages coming in, others are upset, mad and disappointed in MHVille too.
If the right decisions were being made, MHVille would not be in the mess that it is in with respect to the mainstream media and advocacy of our national legislation. That’s costing the industry billions of dollars a year. Its all avoidable, and it all being done for the wrong reasons. There, I’ve said it.
FYI, at this moment in time there are 2974 visitors on our site – per the guest tracker found at the bottom of our home page. We outnumber any group in the industry you can name. It is time we as MHPros organized and pulled together better, and acted like it.
With no further aideu, the full line up of our 18 new featured articles for Jiu Jitsu January in MHVille 2016, is found below. Enjoy, feedback always encouraged. Thanks for being here.
Featured Articles and Reports for Vol. 7, No. 4, 2015
Alphabetically by Category
• Partnership brings national institutional capital to resident-OWNED manufactured home communities
by Mike Bullard
CONCORD, N.H. — The country’s leading lender to resident-owned manufactured home communities has secured millions in national institutional capital, a breakthrough in the history of CDFI-financed resident-owned community preservation.
• Rumor Has It…About What’s Next from HUD?
by Nadeen Green, JD
This post is short yet not-so-sweet. It is based on rumor, so I absolutely do not vouch for its accuracy, but my source is fairly credible (how mysterious that sounds).
• Continuing Exclusion Of Chattel Loans From Revised Duty To Serve FHFA Implementation Rule Update
by M. Mark Weiss, JD
With widespread rumors and misinformation circulating within the industry regarding the proposed new/revised “Duty to Serve” (DTS) implementation rule published by the Federal Housing Finance Agency (FHFA) on December 18, 2015.
• Our Gift to You
by Larry P. Arnn
Dear Fellow American, One of the greatest gifts God has given Americans is our freedom.
• Energy Star Rated Builder Joins 2016 Louisville Manufactured Home Show
by John Bostick
Sunshine Homes Inc., of Red Bay AL, may be based in the south, but we are and have been building our homes ONLY to Energy Star standards.
• JLT Market Reports for Pacific Northwest and Minnesota
by Darren Krolewski
2015 JLT Markets Reports Now Available for Major Markets in Oregon, Washington and Minnesota
• A Reflection on 2015 and the Manufactured Housing Industry
by Stacey Epperson
We are all familiar with Margaret Mead’s quote, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”
• Buffett Seattle Times/BuzzFeed Takedown Story Paints Clayton’s Manufactured Housing Empire with Deception
by L. A. “Tony” Kovach
A Critical Analysis of Writers’ Charges of Racism, Minority Exploitation. (Editor’s Note – this story will be released to the media-at-large, in a PR format).
• Retailers! Communities! Want to Attract UPSCALE buyers for 2016? Video & Photos
by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
There is a purpose for every kind of commercially successful product under the sun, or it wouldn’t exist.
• 2016 Presidential and other Politics and Industry Advancement
by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
With the pace-setting Iowa Caucuses and New Hampshire primaries just weeks away, the focus of considerable media attention is going to the Republican and Democratic primary races.
• Warren Buffett, Clayton, Financing and Politics – What Didn’t Make the ST/BF Report
by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
In any report or story where you want balance and depth, you want to talk to multiple sources, and thus you end up with more statements, comments and quotable quotes than you can use, in order to keep the articles focus tight enough to be compelling.
• Why New Manufactured Home and Park Model Warranties from MHWC? For the Enhanced Value!
When you provide an MHWC manufactured home warranty, how does that benefit you and your buyers?
• Modular Home Builders Pushing to Dispel Myths of Factory Built Homes
by Matthew Silver
With a labor and available lot squeeze driving up the price of site-built homes, Bloomberg reports modular homes present a viable alternative, less costly and a quicker build time than site-built, although in appearance, they might be very little different than site-built.
• 2016 Tunica Manufactured Housing Show Update…
2016 Update…
The Tradition . . .
During its long history the “Tunica Show” has grown to include virtually every supplier and manufacturer who has wanted to capture the southeast market.
• What’s The Most Powerful Marketing over the Past 100 Years?
by Wayne Coakley
want to show you the biggest in shift in marketing that is happening that your competition doesn’t even know about yet.
• What Happens Daily – 2016 Reflections
by Tim Connor, CSP
The holidays have just past. Not to be negative, but let me share just a few statistics that I recently came across that might help you have a different attitude about this year ahead.
• ZigOn Overcoming The Odds
by Zig Ziglar
His name is Gabriel Hjertstedt (YERT-stet) and he participated in the 1998 Masters Golf Tournament in Augusta, Georgia.
• What will you do different in 2016? Why not start with E!
by L. A. ‘Tony’ Kovach
New Year is the time when millions make – and hopefully begin – their resolutions for improvement. What do you and your location(s) and operation(s) plan to do differently in 2016, to improve your bottom line performance?