MHARR v MHI Engagement and Communications re: Incoming Trump 2.0+HUD Secretary E. Scott Turner – Authentic or Symbolic? Genuine or Posturing? Revealing Evidence-MHVille Facts-Evidence-Analysis
The Full Speech Transcript – President of the United States (POTUS) Donald J. Trump’s 1.20.2025 Inaugural Address – ‘The Golden Age of America Begins Right Now’ ‘No More Taking Advantage of U.S.’ Videos
Company Announces ‘Tiny Tiny Houses’ ‘Mini-Mobile Homes on Bike’ to Benefit Homeless ‘Unhoused’ Working Poor; Implications-Importance to Inherently Affordable Mainstream Manufactured Housing
Top and U.S. Housing Markets for 2025 Interactive Graphic on Buying Power Based on Tax Foundation Studied Data by U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis–Manufactured Housing Opportunities-MHVille FEA
Donald Trump’s Election Victory Speech–Full Transcript plus CNN-Kamala Harris and Kevin Roberts-Transition Insights with Vichy USA Commentary and Analysis
Yardi-Linked Multi-Housing News Manufactured Housing Institute CEO Lesli Gooch Interview vs Mark Weiss Interview Responses Compared on Key Manufactured Home Industry Issues with Revelations
HUD Admits Decades of Delay as Election Approach-Manufactured Housing Association for Regulatory Reform (MHARR) say HUD Took 10YRs to OK Multi-Family Manufactured Homes After They Raised Issue
Housing Affordability Ranks High Among Voters-‘Forever Renters,’ Rising Homelessness, Out of Reach Housing Costs, and Most Proven Solution to Affordable Housing Crisis; Facts-Analysis
Patrick Waite – Equity LifeStyle Properties EVP COO and Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Executive Committee Member – Dumps over $1.4 Million in Shares of ELS; William Lutz on Doublespeak
Loper Bright’s Light on FHFA-Fannie Mae-Freddie Mac-Duty to Serve Manufactured Housing and ‘a Pimple on an Elephant’s Ass’ – Eye-Opening Warren Buffett-DTS for Manufactured Homes with Analysis
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Las Vegas = Lost Wages; Now that’s Marketing, Sales and Management! 

Imagine a product or service where the majority are guaranteed to lose, by design.  Be it Vegas, Atlantic City, those reservation gaming centers, river boat casinos or your nearest state lottery, that's what gambling is.  

Yet billions of dollars change hands – daily – that's a powerful example of marketing, sales and systems management in action!  Might our industry learn something from the gambling – err, excuse me – they've been rebranding themselves as the gaming industry…


…could we learn a thing or two from the folks who build those gleaming towers with their dazzling lights?

Wikipedia says,  “In 2007, gambling activities generated gross revenues (the difference between the total amounts wagered minus the funds or "winnings" returned to the players) of $92.27 billion in the United States.”


Those gleaming towers – such as Caesar's Palace, where the 2014 Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) Congress and Expo is being held again this year – are paid for by “lost wages.” Yet, the gambling industry does such an amazing job of marketing, you might miss that fact completely!

Gambling is process oriented. There are,

  • security systems,
  • hiring,
  • training,
  • management systems,
  • rewards for high rollers,
  • systems for bringing travelers to gaming destinations cost-effectively,
  • CRM, metrics and
  • a whole panoply of ways to motivate, monitor, entice, protect and project all that is needed to get and keep millions coming to 'play.'

By comparison, doesn't our industry look to still be in a kind of marketing, sales and management infancy?


We have a great industry! We offer an amazing array of products and services, from entry level shade and shelter homes to residential style manufactured homes to the modular mansions, suitable for the rich and famous. We have much to be proud about!

When we do our jobs well, we make people's lives better.

Which is a long way to introduce the various featured writers we have for our historic May 2014 issue!

We have suits, events, investment reports, marketing, sales, management, image building videos and inspirational featured articles all listed below.

Every one of these offers insights for those like you who are here to learn more so you can earn more by serving the public better.

Then there's our legendary exclusive interview – A Cup of Coffee with…Jim Clayton – and as you listen to Jim talk about success, processes and so much more, please think about the systems noted above in the gaming industry.

Then think about the processes needed for success needed for you, your business, location(s) and association(s).


We bring you these monthly featured articles as the building blocks for a successful career.

As you read and view the Jim Clayton interview, think about all the keys to success he speaks about. We are so pleased to bring you this interview, with my thanks to Mr. Clayton, Kevin Kimzey and Tori Watson at Clayton Bank and the fine folks at who did the video work.

As you savor this video and read the interview – the two are different, so you'll want to catch both – kindly consider the many lessons Jim is sharing that could move you, your team and organization ahead.

Then, look again at all that we share here daily, weekly and monthly. We do it with the goal of making you and your colleagues better informed and equipped to advance in your career.


Jim also speaks about the benefits of pulling together to achieve goals. The gaming industry does it. The RV Industry does it, and so do products and services of so many different types, we surely can do it ever better in manufactured housing too.



In fact, thanks to the authors, sponsors and associations who make this place possible – together – we've started that process too.

With no further adieu, dive into the factory built home industry's leading line up of Innovation, Information and Inspiration for Industry Professionals.

Here below – starting a bit early! – is our big May line up of Featured Articles.

Featured Articles and Reports for Vol. 5, No. 8, 2014

Alphabetically by Category



• 55 and Older Mobile Home Park Rule Enforcement

by C. William Dahlin, JD


A recent Hart King case result proved why it's essential to have clear, properly documented rules in your park. Partner, Robert Williamson, completed a six day jury trial which arose out of a mobile home park faithfully implementing its 55 and older residency requirement.

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• The Bad Seed can impact Manufactured Housing

by Nadeen Green, JD



I vividly remember from my childhood the movie “The Bad Seed” starring Patty McCormick as a child sociopath, capable of much evil. It was a well-crafted story, despite the censorship of the times, and quite impactful on me.

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• Are Your Residents in Manufactured Home Communities Growing Pot?

by Kurt Kelley, JD

kurt kelly american insurance agency aia 50x50-2Recently, a California landlord was hit with a surprise electric bill for $140,000. Apparently, a tenant of the landlord had bypassed the electrical meter and was stealing electricity.

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• Do Those Waivers and Releases Really Work?

by Kurt Kelley, JD

kurt-kelly-american-insurance-agency-aia 50x50It’s not unusual to walk into a diner and see a sign that says, “Not Responsible for Accidents.” Does this really protect the restaurant owner? Are we so litigious now now that everyone needs one of these signs posted?

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• What Does $550,000,000.00 Buy Today?

by Rick Rand

richard-rand-50-50You read correctly; Five Hundred and Fifty Million Dollars! In one case that money buys a National Basketball League Team who finished their season with 15 wins and 67 losses.

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• A Cup of Coffee with…Jim Clayton

a-cup-mhmsm-com1) Who, What and Where: (Your name and your formal title at Clayton Bank).

James L. Clayton, Chairman, Clayton Bank and Trust,  Chairman of American City Bank, Tullahoma, TN
Chairman of Clayton Foundation 

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• Donald Trump, Investors re Manufactured Homes and Communities

by L. A. 'Tony' Kovach


We have a few sources in the MH ranks that insist that Donald Trump has already invested in our industry. In contrast, a Trump Organization VP tells MHProNews they're “not in that sector;'” repeating that statement even after the evidence that Trump is 'in' MH was described to said corporate spokesperson, who asked not to be named.

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•, and Manufactured Housing's 2014 Spring Video Festival! 

by Brad Nelms and L. A. "Tony" Kovach

brad-nelms-manufacturedhomes-com-posted-mhpronews-com-50x50If a picture speaks a thousand words, then moving and talking pictures – videos – speak even more! Check out this Spring 2014 Video Festival of Factory-Built Home Videos, courtesy of, including some of the video interviews done in association with

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• Post-Easter Brings Hope and a Public Manufactured Home Show!

by Andrea Reichman

andrea-reichman-posted-on-mhpronews-com-50x50It has been a long winter here in Ohio, but Spring is finally here.  This year the change in season is especially important because Spring is about Hope. 

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• Developing the Positive, Academic View of Manufactured Housing and Influencing Public Perceptions

by Lisa Tyler

lisa-tyler-walden-university-posted-manufactured-home-professional-news-mhpronews-com-50x50-Manufactured housing represents an affordable choice for low and moderate income families (Kolodinsky & Roche, 2009) and offers a potential solution to the affordable housing crisis (Dawkins & Koebel, 2010).

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• Do you need to recharge your battery?

by Tim Connor


Few people can go a hundred miles an hour – day after day after day – without a break of some kind. I don’t care how invincible you think you are, sooner or later we all need to step away from the plate and take a new perspective and get a different view of our life, career, day, year or whatever.

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• Back to Basics – How To Create A Marketing Plan For Your Manufactured Home Business or Organization 

by Joe Karns


With all of the great new ways there are to market your business within today's digital world, many business owners often lose sight of their core marketing plan.

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• What are you doing different in 2014?


by Tim Connor, CSP


What can a lost sale cost you in sales revenue and personal income? Do you want to sell more factory built homes, or deliver more products and services in 2014 than you did in 2013?

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• Customer Lifetime Value, Part 1 – Upsells & Resells 

by Scott Stroud


A friend of mine, a well-known sales trainer, purchased a brand new home sometime back and told me of his experience. The purchase went smoothly, but upon moving in my friend was ready to add some features to his new home – a pool and pool house; a garage; some landscaping; finishing the basement.

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L. A. "Tony" KovachL. A. 'Tony' Kovach | | Business and Public Marketing & Ads: B2B | B2C Websites, Contract Marketing & Sales Training, Consulting, Speaking: | | Office 863-213-4090 Connect on LinkedIN: 

