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Leaders’ and Readers’ comments on MHARR and MHI joining hands on Dodd-Frank reform

When you get a lot of e-comments and calls on an article, it makes a writer think he has hit an important theme.  There is no easy way to capture all of the comments on our last column:

Can MHI and MHARR Join Hands on Dodd-Frank for Manufactured Housing’s Future?

But let’s provide a representative sampling of what Industry Leaders and Readers are saying about the article linked above.

Most of these emailed messages start with my name, but I will use that only in the first one to save space and time.  We are leaving most typos in, unless there is a character ‘gremlin’ which needs to be modified to reflect the writer’s intended word.  I’ve edit out obvious tip-offs or give-aways of the writer’s identity as well.

Let’s begin:


I applaud you for taking this public stand. You’re saying what just about everyone in the MHBusiness is thinking, and saying privately these days. And as far as that goes, Good for You!


Congratulations on what may be your best work yet! You have accurately
summarized the chasms that exist between our industry associations, MHI & MHARR.


…a ‘next step’ in this challenge, i.e. Good News! MHI & MHARR have worked together ‘in our behalf’ in the past, so precedent is present! “Hey you two, are you listening? We expect you to do so again – NOW!”


Back to MHI/MHARR: True, the two entities have come together for initiatives in the past (MH Improvement Act of 2000 for instance), but while their intentions are purportedly the same, they have gone about furthering those intentions in drastically different ways.

True, you can catch more flies with honey, but there should be a point of ‘enough is enough.’ I don¹t agree with Danny¹s broadside blasting style in every instance, but in his defense, he¹s been watching HUD running pretty much how they want to, disregarding the law (MHIA 2000), while the ‘get along’ guys seemingly just wants no one to get their feelings hurt.


I will begin by stating that I am a strong supporter of MHI and I am convinced that for the good of the industry and our deserving customers, this smoldering feud must STOP!  For the past decade, I have seen opportunities for industry unity vanish as a result of the egotistic attitude some of its leaders.


Manufacturers, retailers, community owners, financial institutions and our customers are all in the same boat. Will we be paddling together toward a better future or separately bailing our individual boats to keep them from sinking?


It is clear to me, that since my initial involvement with m/h in…that legislative advocacy between the manufacturing and sales of new homes and the needs of existing communities are as different as ever.  The creation of two National legislative advocacy organizations to support these two divergent interests could result in the most efficient application of resources for each separate industry interests.  Problem is: how to provide financing for both. With most of the financial responsibility currently being provided by manufacturers and related suppliers, will communities and their related support services be able to provide for a separate organization?


It is unfortunate that MHARR can’t cooperate with MHI for the betterment of the industry.  In my experience, though, cooperation in simply not in MHARR’s vocabulary.


Years ago, I watched a movie entitled Young Frankenstein. Gene Wilder played a young neurosurgeon Dr. Victor von Frankenstein.  He re-animates a lifeless body, but mistakenly transplanted an abnormal brain into it.  The huge, powerful ‘monster’ becomes a danger.  So Dr. Frankenstein does a ‘transfusion’ between the two of them to calm the monster.  Sometimes I think we need a ‘transfusion’ between Danny and Thayer, to balance each one for the betterment of our Industry.


…the writing deserved the recognition…


What we could accomplish by combining revenues and resources would probably amaze all of us.

Has this ever been pursued. ??


This is a sampling of the emailed comments on this topic.  There have been posted comments, and statements posted on LinkedIn relative to this subject as well.  Phone calls have been overwhelmingly supportive of the article:

Can MHI and MHARR Join Hands on Dodd-Frank for Manufactured Housing’s Future?

So can we encourage MHARR and MHI leaders to cooperate together for the betterment of all on Dodd-Frank and other key Industry issues?

Can each association support the other in key areas?

Can there be peace and cooperation between these Industry voices?

What say you?  Your posted or emailed comments are encouraged and appreicated. # #

Editor’s Note: Besides our ‘always new’ Daily Business News , we have three new Industry Voices Guest Blog posts on these topics; each worthy of your attention and comments!

