AARP is short for the American Association of Retired Persons nonprofit advocacy group. AARP has at various times weighed in on affordable housing, including research on manufactured homes (see linked items further below). Right or wrong, for better or worse, AARP have become known by some as a left-leaning organization due in part to their curious support for ObamaCare, which critics said undermined U.S. seniors Medicare benefits. In response to the increasingly pro-Democratic policy stances of the AARP, several more conservative-leaning groups have arisen. Among them are Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC), which left-leaning Wikipedia says was established in 2007. “The American Civil Rights Union (ACRU) is an American legal organization founded by former Reagan Administration official Robert B. Carleson in 1998 as a conservative counter to the American Civil Liberties Union,” also per Wikipedia. Give the left their due, acknowledged several Bootcamp for Boomer speakers. Left-leaning nonprofits got a head start on several key policy, political, and systemic vehicles. Conservatives are playing catch up. So, the ACRU and AMAC teamed up to hold an inaugural event held in The Villages on 1.20.2024 dubbed Bootcamp for Boomers. A constellation of established and rising conservative stars from Gen Z and up headlined the event, giving talks and panel discussions on hot-button topics impacting the U.S.
The Villages is an interesting retirees-focused community in more north-central Florida that early in its existence was a land-lease community for mobile homes and manufactured homes. Later, developers began adding modular, conventional, and site-built housing in The Villages too. Several Republican political candidates have gone to The Villages to hold rallies.
Per left-leaning Salon about The Villages: “Welcome to the retirement community whose owner bankrolls GOP campaigns and where Democrats say they’re “invisible”” For example, The Villages News reported on June 14, 2020 “More than 650 golf carts participate in the Villagers for Trump parade on Sunday afternoon at Lake Sumter Landing and Spanish Springs Town.” June 14 is Donald J. Trump’s birthday.
Let’s note that this Sunday Weekly MHVille Headlines recap included this remark from the Texas Real Estate Research Center (TRERC): “Geopolitical headwinds and domestic election-year concerns weighed on the TMHS uncertainty index.” It is entirely appropriate for the Masthead on MHProNews to probe issues that impact the climate that affordable housing and manufactured homes are operating in, as that Sunday recap report explores along with other interlaced issues.
That segue aside, thus far, the AARP has issued no invitations for MHProNews’ family-focused leadership team to attend an event. That’s curiously true even though MHLivingNews and MHProNews have reported on AARP’s generally favorable research into affordable manufactured housing.
By contrast, one or more AMAC leaders issued several invitations for us to attended events, some of which ended up either as father and son, or mom, dad and son accepting and attending. Sometimes we had to decline. The most recent was yesterday’s AMAC-ACRU “Bootcamp for Boomers.”
To set the record for the tone for the Bootcamp for Boomers event, attendees were led in an opening prayer.
Attendees then said the Pledge of Allegiance together.
Black conservative firebrands like Congressman Byron Donalds (FL-R) and Lt. Col. Allen West, a former Congressman who now does work for the and declared himself to be a AMAC member, took part in live and varied presentation formats. West’s talk included the message: as a retired Army officer, ‘there is no expiration date on the oath of office to protect and defend the constitution of the United States from all enemies foreign and domestic.’ A fair percentage of the audience raised their hands when they were asked if they had served in some branch of the military.
This report and analysis will be a smattering of takeaways about practical, economic, and social issues using some spiritual notions and analogies. Because religious or spiritual literacy is down, part of this realty check will provide some definitions before moving into the headline issue of ‘in some ways, we choose our own heaven, hell, or purgatory and mention some biblical references for the punishment that comes from sin.’ Part of the theme of various speakers, male and female, is that the U.S. is caught up in spiritual warfare.
White House Resident Joe Biden (D) has periodically made a similar argument from his side of the political divide when he has proclaimed at various times since 2017 that there is a battle for the soul of America.
For instance, left-leaning Wikipedia says: “The Battle for the Soul of the Nation was a speech given by U.S. President Joe Biden on September 1, 2022, two months before the 2022 midterm elections. It was televised during prime time from the front of Philadelphia‘s Independence Hall. Biden was critical of Donald Trump and Republicans adhering to the Make America Great Again movement.” “Joe Biden had publicly used the theme of the speech prior to being elected president. In August 2017, a piece in the Atlantic was published, “We Are Living Through a Battle for the Soul of This Nation,” also per that same source. “Following his victory in the 2020 United States presidential election, Biden again referred to this theme, saying “in this battle for the soul of America, democracy prevailed.”[2]”
In his 9.1.2022 speech “given outside Independence Hall in Philadelphia” “A main theme of the speech was Donald Trump and his political allies, so-called “MAGA Republicans“, whom Biden described as a threat to the country and democracy. He contrasted them against “mainstream Republicans” whom he portrayed as less extreme.[6] Biden expressed his support for both the Department of Justice‘s and the FBI’s investigation into Trump.[7]
“Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.”
— Joseph R. Biden”
Seriously? Or is there some useful political spin involved for Biden and his handlers?
All that is per left-leaning Wikipedia. From that same wiki is the following.
The speech [Battle for the Soul of America on 9.1.2022] was noted for deviating from Biden’s typical approach towards compromise and bipartisanship.[9] An article in The Atlantic explains the rationale behind this alteration: “Ladies and gentlemen,” he said, “we can’t be pro-insurrectionist and pro-American. They’re incompatible. We can’t allow violence to be normalized in this country. It’s wrong.”[11]
Many Republicans harshly criticized Biden’s speech as divisive. On September 4 in a rally, Trump said it was “the most vicious, hateful, and divisive speech ever delivered by an American president.”[12] House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy wrote on Twitter that “President Biden has chosen to divide, demean, and disparage his fellow Americans—simply because they disagree with his policies.” The Washington Post editorial board criticized Biden’s speech for partisanship.[13]”
What Wikipedia didn’t say is as significant as what it did state.
Even though Wikipedia stressed that Biden denied that he was attacking all Trump voters in that speech, Biden’s own words quoted from the left-leaning Atlantic demonstrated the opposite. Nor did Wikipedia point out that political violence from the left became common place during the summer of 2020 following the death of George Floyd.
Kamala Harris, who ran for the Democratic nomination for president herself and implied during a debate that Joe Biden had long ties with racist views and anti-minority policies, eventually became his running mate against President Trump and his then Vice President Michael “Mike” Pence. Harris raised money for the bail of those who were rioting following George Floyd’s arrest and death. There is no mention by Wikipedia that claims have emerged from the Weaponization of Government committee that perhaps as many as 200 FBI assets were in the crowd outside of the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2020.
Historic Evidence and Facts Matter
One of those purported assets, Ray Epps apparently got special treatment in his sentencing for his part of “January 6th.” What left-leaning media like CBS and ABC described as a ‘conspiracy theory,’ Epps was given one year of probation for insurrection. By way of contrast, former Proud Boys national chairman Enrique Tarrio, per CBS was: “sentenced to 22 years in prison Tuesday for his role planning the Jan. 6 assault.”
Left-leaning NBC said Tarrio of “sentence [of 22 years] is the longest in a Jan. 6 case so far, surpassing the 18 years for Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, who was also convicted of seditious conspiracy.” NBC said: “Tarrio was not at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021; he was arrested about 48 hours before the attack because of his actions at a previous pro-Trump event in Washington.” “Tarrio spent most of Jan. 6 at a hotel in Baltimore, prosecutors said, “does nothing to detract from the severity of his conduct,” because he “was a general rather than a soldier.” “Tarrio, prosecutors said, is “intelligent, charming, creative, and articulate — a gifted communicator who excels at attracting followers” who “used those talents to inflame and radicalize untold numbers of followers, promoting political violence in general and orchestrating the charged conspiracies in particular.” “To Tarrio, January 6 was an act of revolution,” prosecutors wrote.”
Regarding guns at the Capitol on January 6, left-leaning PolitiFact in a clever bit of paltering said: “defendants used other weapons such as clubs, pepper spray, bear spray and flagpoles.” Some had firearms nearby, but apparently guns on the site were uncommon. “Guy Reffitt of Texas: Reffitt was charged with bringing a handgun onto Capitol grounds.” So, while it may be true that it can’t be accurately said that there were no guns whatsoever at the Capitol on January 6, it is also true that left-leaning Politifact essentially admitted that firearms on the scene were not common at all. What kind of insurrection does someone hold without a widespread use of guns? The case can be made that January 6 was a protest that got out of control, perhaps influenced by FBI assets. FBI Director Christopher Ray has declined saying how many undercover agents/assets were at the Capitol on that date.
When Microsoft owned and left-leaning Bing Copilot was asked the following, notice the reply.
> “Has FBI Director Christopher Ray ever said the number of undercover agents/assets took part in the January 6 2020 Capitol protest?”
FBI Director Christopher Wray has not publicly disclosed the number of undercover agents or assets that took part in the January 6, 2021 Capitol protest 12. However, according to a former assistant director of the FBI, the bureau had so many paid informants at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, that it lost track of the number and had to perform a later audit to determine exactly how many “Confidential Human Sources” run by different FBI field offices were present that day 3. At least one informant was communicating with his FBI handler as he entered the Capitol, according to Steven D’Antuono, formerly in charge of the bureau’s Washington field office 3.
It is important to note that FBI officials have not disclosed how many agents were embedded in the crowd, and FBI Director Christopher Wray did not deny the claim but testified that no FBI agents were involved in “the violence at the Capitol” on January 6 1.
So, the characterization by often left-leaning media that Ray and other possible FBI assets is a so-called ‘conspiracy theory’ ignores facts and evidence to the contrary.
A significant part of the Democratic, anti-Trump RINOs, and Biden regime narrative for their 2020, 2022, and 2024 campaigns about J6 is that it was an armed insurrection. That may be technically true in a limited sense that some people were armed, but not with the sort of weaponry or with a plan that called for an overthrow of the U.S. government. The claim ignores the fact that Trump himself called on protestors to “peacefully and patriotic” make their voices heard at the Capitol, because Trump surely suspected that Mike Pence and numbers of Republicans were not going to do what they were asked on that day. Namely, not certify the 2020 election results in specific swing states where evidence existed of election tampering.
The plan by Trump and his Republican supporters was to publicly and under the law call into question the evidence for dubious and disputed states to return to their respected jurisdictions for possible corrective action the claims of election fraud. Trump and MAGA supporters were hardly the first to do something like that in the 21st century. Right or wrong, Democrats have protested every presidential election result since 2000 that Republicans won. Where are the charges for insurrection against them? Or in the summer of 2020, even though some often-Democratic leaning crowds that included involvement by Democratic-leaning groups caused some $2 billion dollars’ worth of property damage and injured hundreds of police officers and law enforcement personnel in the process. Some of those groups have apparent ties to left-leaning billionaires Warren Buffett, Bill Gates, and George Soros. Note that Buffett and Gates have clear ties to manufactured housing, as well as to these leftist causes.

Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Sin and the Battle for the “Soul of America”
A nation, strictly speaking, does not have a soul. That is a metaphor, regardless which politician or political party may use that slogan. This report and analysis includes notions about practical issues using some spiritual notions and analogies. Because religious or spiritual literacy is apparently down, let’s next with some definitions before moving into the headline issue of ‘in some ways, we choose our own heaven, hell, or purgatory’ and what this battle for the proverbial soul of the nation means, and how it tied into the Bootcamp for Boomers event.
Note that using left-leaning Wikipedia’s definitions below isn’t meant to be an endorsement of that organization. It is apparently left leaning, for good or ill, as MHProNews has for years indicated. People on the left often trust Wikipedia, so it is a useful place to start. There are times, as in an example above, that we critique Wikipedia’s definition. That disclaimed made, let’s dive in.
- Heaven, or the heavens, is a common religious cosmological or transcendent supernatural place where beings such as deities, angels, souls, saints, or venerated ancestors are said to originate, be enthroned, or reside.
- In religion and folklore, hell is a location or state in the afterlife in which souls are subjected to punitive suffering, most often through torture, as punishment after death.
- Purgatory is a passing intermediate state after physical death for purifying or purging a soul. A common analogy is dross being removed from metal in a furnace.
- In a religious context, sin is a transgression against divine law or a law of God. Each culture has its own interpretation of what it means to commit a sin. While sins are generally considered actions, any thought, word, or act considered immoral, selfish, shameful, harmful, or alienating might be termed “sinful”.
- In many religious and philosophical traditions, the soul is the spiritual essence of a person, which includes one’s identity, personality, and memories, an immaterial aspect or essence of a living being that is believed to be able to survive physical death.
All of the above are per Wikipedia.
The left-leaning New York Times noted that 2020 (and apparently, since) “election has become a referendum on the soul of the nation.” That was Oct 18, 2020, and they said that both Biden and Trump have said as much. The more centrist, but perhaps modestly left-leaning The Hill in Washington, D.C. said on 10.9.2o23 that the 2024 election is “The battle for the soul of America: Round 2.”
Several of the speakers at the AMAC-ACRU Bootcamp said as much. Besides Lt. Col (ret.) and former FL (R) Congressman Allen West, Congressman Byron Donalds (FL-R), speakers, moderators, and presenters included the following personalities. Per their handouts, the following.
- Rebecca Weber, AMAC CEO.
- Lori Roman, ACRUS chairman and CEO.
- Erika Donalds, wife of Congressman Donalds. Erika is “the founder and Chief Executive Officer of OptimaEd and the Optima Foundation. Educational choice is their hot topic.
- January Littlejohn has a masters degree and is a licensed mental health counselor. Her focus was the dangers from the educational system and how for a period of years her own daughter became caught up in the transgender ideology.
- Andy Mangione, Senior Vice President for’ advocacy arm, AMAC Action.
- Riley Gaines was their closing and in some ways ‘keynote’ speaker. “Gaines is a leader in defending women’s single sex spaces, advocating for equality and fairness” in sports and beyond. Gaines famously tied Lia Thomas in the 200 freestyle in 2022.
Per Swimming World News: “I Left There With No Trophy” After Tie With Lia Thomas” said Gaines. “University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines continues to speak out about the effects of transgender participation in collegiate sports.” Mediate said: Riley Gaines, an activist working to keep transgender women out of women’s sports, praised GOP sponsors of the “Riley Gaines Says Real ‘War on Women’ is Biological Men Being Allowed To Beat Out ‘Most Impressive Females’ in Athletics.”
Each of those speakers, including participants from the audience, routinely spoke to political, religious, media, cultural and other issues that included election integrity, controlling the border, media bias, the fight for freedom in an increasingly authoritarian government that is largely biased toward the left. While each acknowledged the challenges ahead, they also stated that by organizing and doing what each person could in their own circle of influence, this battle for the soul of America is arguably being won.
Rev. Emmanuel Akalue is a Nigerian born Catholic priest who recently said and wrote the following.
Providentially, this weekend celebration ushers us into the “Week of prayer for Christian unity” (January 18th – 25th), toward promoting the realization of God’s will for His Church: “One fold and one Shepherd” (John 10:16). One concrete action of unity for all Christians – Democrats, Republicans, and Independents – is to collectively say “No” to abortion, contraception, assisted suicide, capital punishment, “unjust” wars, etc. Beloved, the Church is not prolife to discredit or to affirm any political party or ideological affiliation. This is not about politics or ideology; it is about the divine imperative to embrace the “Culture of Life” and reject the “Culture of Death” in all its ramifications. Jesus insists that every Christian MUST be prolife after His example, saying, “The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). To this end, our readings today call for repentance in any way we have knowingly or unknowingly deserted to the camp of the enemy.”
Gaines, a self-described Christian said per the left-leaning Des Moines Register said that beyond just athletic accommodations, Gaines has argued against the existence of transgender individuals in a Christian worldview. Gaines and others said God doesn’t make mistakes. At the root of the notion of transgenderism is the belief that someone might be trapped in the wrong body, that a boy may feel like he is a girl or a girl may feel like they ought to be a boy. That questions science, which clearly indicates through chromosomes and various gender-linked organs what sex an individual is, regardless of their feelings. Some of the speakers argued that just a few short years ago this push for transgender affirming care, which they asserted is harmful not helpful, would have been virtually unheard of in public schools. But now, in many states, parents are having to fight for their rights to even claim authority to keep their own child the gender he or she was born.
Left-leaning Bing Copilot was asked this question.
> “Bible verses that indicate that a sin has in it the seeds of its own punishment.”
Certainly! Here are some Bible verses that suggest that sin has in it the seeds of its own punishment:
> “Is it fair to say that Biblically speaking, free will choices for good or evil result in a kind of heaven or hell on earth?”
The Bible does suggest that our choices have consequences, and that we can experience the rewards or punishments of our actions in this life. For instance, Proverbs 22:8 (The Passion Translation) says, “Sin is a seed that brings a harvest; you’ll reap a heap of trouble with every seed you plant. For your investment in sins pays a full return— the full punishment you deserve!” 1. Similarly, Numbers 32:23 (New International Version) says, “But if you fail to do this, you will be sinning against the Lord; and you may be sure that your sin will find you out.” 2. However, it is important to note that the Bible also teaches that God is merciful and forgiving, and that we can experience His grace and redemption even when we have made mistakes.
In terms of whether our choices result in a kind of heaven or hell on earth, the Bible does not necessarily frame it in those terms. However, it does suggest that our choices can lead to blessings or curses, and that we can experience the fruit of our actions in this life. For example, Proverbs 11:21 (King James Version) says, “Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished: but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered.” 3.”
Several of the Bootcamp for Boomers speakers made it clear that in their view, when people sit on the sidelines and do nothing, that is a win for the leftists and their agenda.
Ignoring the controversial issues of our times does not make them go away. While it is understandable that most if not all manufactured housing trade groups may not opt to not even mention such issues, it is good that other nonprofits are diving into the full tilt. It is also arguably useful for trade media to periodically dip a few toes in the water and see which direction the cultural currents are going. Those currents will sooner or later impact you, your loved ones, friends, family, co-workers, religious community, and so on. They will most definitely impact politics and policies. It is apparent that transgenderism is being pushed by Democrats like Biden as a human rights issue. It is entirely possible that your firm could be confronted with bathroom use or other policies that leave you with no choice but to get involved in the matter, either by going along with it, or opposing it.
Gaines and others received standing ovations at times for their remarks about the battle for education, women’s rights, faith rights, stopping voter fraud (which was a significant part of the discussions), stopping Ranked Choice Voting (RCV), stopping the flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S. and more. The often-aggressive stance by many Democratic leaders, not just Joe Biden, on these issues makes it increasingly unlikely that someone will be able to avoid such topics. These battles are working in your neighborhood, county, state and nation. It is here and only increasing. As a final note, in response to our image generating request, Bing AI said the following: “Personal choices can have a profound impact on our lives, and the image below illustrates this point.” Some of those images are shown below, but also in the featured image at the top of this article. Stay informed and inspired with MHProNews, regardless of your personal stance on these and other issues. ###

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By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – for
Tony earned a journalism scholarship and earned numerous awards in history and in manufactured housing.
For example, he earned the prestigious Lottinville Award in history from the University of Oklahoma, where he studied history and business management. He’s a managing member and co-founder of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and
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