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Life, Liberty, Property – Supreme Court – and Manufactured Housing


1776 to 2018 and beyond. The issues of Life, Liberty and Property were as important when Thomas Jefferson drafted the Declaration of Independence as they are today, or will be tomorrow. And it very much matters to our industry, investors, and related professions.


When Sam Zell said they discovered that at Equity LifeStyle Properties (ELS) that they had partners they didn’t expect, he was alluding to the forces of government, often driven by voters.

When you boil down what’s happened – and is happening – in our factory crafted home industry, outside forces impact your ability: 

   to invest,

  where you can place a home,

  what the image of our MH products and communities are,

and so on.

Furthermore, forces within our industry can and arguably have gamed or rigged the system in ways that unduly favors the large vs. the small. That in turn can disrupt the economy, politics, and jobs in a variety of ways.

Into this milieu is the not-entirely-surprising announcement of Justice Anthony “Tony” Kennedy’s retirement from the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). That retirement has arguably just supercharged the upcoming 2018 midterms.

Salena Zito Tweet Wakeup on Recent High Court Rulings, Touts the “Great Revolt,” SCOTUS Kennedy Shakeuppagesepsitename%%

For manufactured housing professionals who believe that the Trump Administration has been good for the industry, the following will be of interest. For those in MHVille who believe that the 45 th president and his GOP party has been a problem for the industry, this will be of equal interest.

From issues regarding monopoly, to private property rights, and more, manufactured housing is likely to be in front of the high court in the next 24-48 months. So the replacement of retiring Justice Tony Kennedy ought to loom large in MHVille.

But it’s also huge on hot-button issues like abortion. The political left is gearing up for that fight as we write. The right-to-life forces will too.


Having witnessed the appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS), and watching President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence repeat the themes of “promises made, promises kept,” and “we will enforce the law” – like it or not – there are numerous reasons to believe those claims.

That means supporters and detractors alike are going to gear up for the midterms. No hype, but this may become the most consequential midterm elections in our lifetime.

In North Dakota last night, the President of the United States (POTUS) Donald Trump laid out his case for taking Heidi Hiedcamp’s Democratically held seat, and turning it over to a member of the GOP. He and VP Mike Pence will likely repeat this in battleground states from sea to shining sea, between now and Election Day in November. 



Life, Liberty and Property

Life, Liberty and Property” were the core rights to be protected, in the initial draft of the Declaration. In the revision to the Declaration of Independence, which was signed on July 4,1776, Thomas Jefferson changed “Property” to read “the Pursuit of Happiness.” Both versions are timeless in their meaning. 

A millennial and self-proclaimed socialist – Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wins in New York –Tuesday over 10-term incumbent Rep. Joe Crowley in New York’s 14th congressional district.  Crowley was the number two House Democrat, a stunning primary upset.


MHProNews has been reporting for over a year the growing trend of openly socialist Democrats running for office, and how millennials are closely divided on the topic of free enterprise (“capitalism” is the normal phrase used in public opinion polling) and socialism.

“Political Necrophilia,” Tragedy in SloMo, Southern Economic, Political Lessons for Looming U.S. Midterms

“… Trade Minister Moises Naim said the pages of history books are filled with people hanging on to dead ideas. Naim, who created a highly critical TV miniseries about Chavez that was banned in Venezuela, calls it “political necrophilia,” per Yahoo News in their latest in a periodic series of reports on the socialist meltdown in that once thriving South American land.

A nation divided must learn how to engage the other side on thorny issues without threats of intimidation or violence.  

A nation in need of affordable housing must be engaged by manufactured home professionals in ways that make sense to clear majorities.

These are challenging, but exciting times.


The View from MHVille…

It’s gratifying to first hear and later read from industry professionals, “Tony, if MHProNews is writing about it, I want to know about it.” We’ve made several tactical adjustments over the years, and did again last year by moving into a transparent statement that every Daily Business News item is a mix of reporting, analysis, and commentary.

We have an editorial viewpoint, informed and shaped by experiences influenced by professional readers who call, message, and write. We are mindful that voices and policy makers inside and outside of our industry are on our pages daily by the thousands. The CFPB formally cited MHLivingNews as a source. The Congressional record includes a document that first appeared on MHProNews. Popular Value Penguin published an op-ed that includes both of our pro-industry publications.  

What happens in MH trade publishing here matters.

Every day in the evening market report, we do what no one else in the history of the industry’s trade media has ever done. We share headline bullets from CNN, and headline bullets from Fox Business.  We’ve done that for years. That’s fair and balanced.  An example is linked below.

Warren Buffett Strikes Deal with Lee to Manage Berkshire Units, plus MH Market Updates

Lee Enterprises in Davenport, Iowa, will run Berkshire Hathaway’s newspapers and digital sites in a five-year agreement. Why does it matter to MHVille? That will be our featured report this evening, found further below.

Those who scan those left-right headlines in our market report every evening get more news in 2 minutes than watching an hour of news at night on TV or your device.  We save time, and yield more insights.  

Those who check the evening market report data each business day are miles ahead of their peers who don’t do the same. Those who read our featured topic for the day get insights on issues that move America, and thus will move the markets, or impact business and investments.


The Dow to 30,000?

Barring a catastrophic event, the Dow could hit 29,000 to 30,000 by 2020. Yes, even with all of the trade war talk, that’s a realistic outcome.  You read it here first. Why? Read the evening market report every night for a month, and you’ll see why we believe that’s coming. 

The president draws each of his rally events to a close with a call for unity of the nation. He cites the reasons during his talks why blacks, Hispanics, women, workers, investors, and others should support his efforts. He does counter-punch, but he also puts out olive branches. He is controversial, but just accept it and watch. His opponents claim he is petty and vindictive. Really? Ask Nikki Hailey, Marco Rubio, or Mitt Romney – who opposed him. Yet, he’s called on them, and supported them.

POTUS Trump is arguably among the most accomplished people to ever occupy the White House. He’s lancing numerous festering boils, as my better half might say, using a medical analogy. It will be ugly, until it is over.

Life, Liberty and Property – the Pursuit of Happiness. Can the Republic find healing after what will be a bruising midterm? Let’s close with an excerpt from Psalm 79.

Psalm 79

R/ (9) For the glory of your name, O Lord, deliver us.


Remember not against us the iniquities of the past;

may your compassion quickly come to us,

for we are brought very low. R/


Help us, O God our Savior,

because of the glory of your name;

Deliver us and pardon our sins

for your name’s sake. R/ ## (News, analysis and commentary.)

(Third party images, and content are provided under fair use guidelines.)

Related Reports:

‘Tip of Iceberg’ – Rick Rand; Marty Lavin, Communities have ‘No Confidence’ in Manufactured Housing Institute, New National Trade Group Announced

” We are at the tip of the iceberg,” for the manufactured home industry’s opportunities, said Rick Rand of Great Value Homes in WI. Rand – a Manufactured Housing Institute (MHI) board member, and award-winning communities veteran – would not weigh in on the latest controversies about the Arlington, VA based trade group.


Only 3 Options – the Elephant in the Room


NorthStar and Manufactured Housing Radix

” This is why we operate with a “North Star Goal’, a light that represents the highest aspirations of a business. Like a next-generation mission statement, a North Star Goal orients the identity and direction of a brand, guiding all decisions, strategies, and partnerships.” – Bag the Habit.

To provide a News Tips and/or Commentary, click this link. Please note if comments are on-or-off the record, thank you.

Publisher and industry consultant, L. A. “Tony” Kovach.

By L.A. “Tony” Kovach – Masthead commentary, for

Tony is the multiple award-winning managing member of LifeStyle Factory Homes, LLC, the parent company to MHProNews, and

Office 863-213-4090 |Connect on LinkedIn:

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