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Literally Historic Changes are In Process In Manufactured Housing

Sources tell MHProNews there are visible and not-yet-visible changes in process that relate to activities in Arlington, DC and manufactured housing in general.

1) Potentially billions from capital investors continues to pursue manufactured housing communities (MHCs), that’s not new. But what may become public knowledge in the next few months – that would signal a tidal shift among factory builders – are deep pocket investors who can tilt the landscape as dramatically as Berkshire-Hathaway did roughly a decade ago.

Structured agreements and/or

  • outright purchases,

  • significant orders,

  • marketing,

  • enhanced professionalism on the front lines and

more are elements described in the mix.

2) Changes known and not yet revealed in Arlington, DC and beyond by or around the new year could – in relation to the above – see a shift in how power is perceived in the MH association world.

3) Another kind of revolution is also underway…


…and it started in part because of events allegedly triggered by so-called ‘disloyal opposition’ forces (revolt? – note, of course, they don’t see themselves that way) within an industry association.

4) Take note! Non-profits are going to make themselves increasingly felt in MH. For those who may not yet appreciate all that these organizations bring to the table, think: billions and millions. Millions in their audience reach – including the politicos of DC, states, etc. – and billions that the foundations and others who love them are capable of applying to MH related causes.

On all of the above, “Stay tuned.” Those living will see.

What can all this mean to you?

5) Public and private firms will likely be impacted by what we are being told – and common sense suggests – would follow the weather forecast above.

6) As we have a number of good sources on these matters, we think it prudent to now signal the attentive ones in MH.

This is the time for smart players to advance their own cause, individually or in concert with others. Be prepared! Because should these sources proves true (and since much of this is already known, the only question is the visibility date), the value of your business  and career  for those forward thinkers planning advancement should be expected to rise in the foreseeable term.

Hint. Remember those MH buy outs in the late 1990s?


A “deep pockets” residence.

When approached, smile and be reasonable, but don’t get greedy. These deep pocket players won’t overpay as happened in the past.  They can always turn to others. Some are even exploring new ground-ups!


7) Aggregation has been taking place. New kinds of consolidation and synergistic efforts, resulting in power shifts, are allegedly close at hand.

Factory-built housing is the future. Smart money is increasingly aware of that; they aren’t just thinking “low end” (entry level) either!  Sadly, in some cases, they may better understand MH’s opportunities than those now in the MH ranks.  

Those stuck in status-quo-thinking or backward-looking behavior will wake up oneday with surprises.

Programming note

The 5th Anniversary of MHProNews issue is going live on the home page next week (Oct 1-2). Thanks for the many kind calls, messages and quotable comments.

We treasure the opportunity to serve manufactured housing through publishing and our client work. Our sincere thanks to all who – in word and deed – make this resource and our sister site possible. ##


(Image credits: WikiCommons or MHProNews)

