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Loved. Hated. Misunderstood. Distrusted. Feared. Enslaved…and possible Breakthrough to Freedom?

Labels, thinking, deeds and inactions all may have limiting consequences.

Stating the obvious often brings clarity.

Those professionals who do not define themselves will find that others will define them, often to the professional’s disadvantage.

The truth well told is powerful.

The most powerful truth untold is a tragedy.

Timing is important.

You are entitled to your own opinions, but you are not entitled to your own facts.

Some people have their thinking and behavior “cooked in a squat.”

What’s wrong is that we don’t ask what’s right.

While good government can protect rights, government can often become oppressive too.

The power to tax and regulate are the power to destroy.

The time of big government is over. 

The past is prologue. 

The rear-or-side view mirrors and the windshield all exist for good reasons.

All souls are created equal before their Creator. All souls have different talents, skills, experiences, and abilities. 

We all need to get and give mercy, love, friendship, trust, respect, learning and courage.

Talent wasted is a tragedy.

Discipline will either come from within or without, or chaos reigns.

The pessimist sees only the dark side. The optimist may see the silver lining in the dark cloud. 

When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.

What football team consistently wins with only defense, or only offense? Sufficient balance and strength are needed in each position and squad for victory to occur.

There is dignity in all necessary human work.

People are not machines or commodities.

You can’t truly understand another person until you walk a mile in their moccasins.

We all owe some of our time, talent and treasure to the up building of our profession. Failure to build our profession limits each one’s potential.

An open mind, open heart and wisdom work best together.

Treat others as you would want others to treat you.

If we all practiced an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, then it would not take long for the whole world to be blind and toothless.

Mercy, discernment, understanding and forgiveness are all part of wisdom.

To keep doing the same things over and over and expect a different result is the popular definition of insanity.   

Be the change.

Loved. Hated. Misunderstood. Distrusted. Feared. Celebrated. Enslaved, and possible Breakthrough to Freedom? Reflections on the past, present and future, and how principles applied will lead to more growth in 2017 and beyond. Image credits,


It was a handful of years before my entering manufactured housing as a young sales professional that this writer sat in a library room, reserved for a meeting.

A veteran insurance agent was teaching me the ropes. The value of all that he shared in that room was not immediately understood.

Part of what he shared with me was this thought. The time between Christmas and New Year are a good time for honest reflection.

Decades later, a banker that not enough know – or know well – introduced me to the power of looking at the cold, hard and sometimes brutal facts. Then, based on those factual realities – and knowing ones resources and potential, a course could be plotted that can lead to success.

The one-liners above are hardly my own, almost all of them come from someone else. The individuals who are quoted sometimes spoke the truth at that moment, yet did not believe or practice that truth themselves. Meanwhile, others embraced the truth of their thoughts with such gusto that they could light up a room with their presence.

I’m not going to spoil the above by asking you to draw at this moment conclusions from the day, week, month, year or decades that have passed.

I’m not going yo ask you to look at any one or even several news stories or topics that we covered on MHProNews or MHLivingNews, because each one was intended to have its own value.

Let me respectfully suggest that you find time to reflect.

We routinely learn from you and your inputs. Whatever good that we do, is not possible without the effort and support – at every level and in every sense – of a number of people and firms who truly are forward thinkers. Thank you.

We all stand on the shoulders of others who went before us.

Principles such as Solidarity and Subsidiarity need to be better understood and practiced. Individual effort and excellence, in the best of the family or team sense.

However talented or good that you already are,
However successful you already are,
There is always a next level.

We hope your “holidays” – which is a contraction of the words “holy days” – were filled with light.

May the proper reflection make the new year more prosperous and bright. ##

Programming note: This article was first posted mid-last week, but was lost due to the technical problems described at this link here. please watch for R2D2? Seriously? This weekend. Again, my thanks to all.

Publisher and industry consultant, L. A. “Tony” Kovach.

By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.


