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Manufactured Home Industry re-Targeted?


We won’t talk in detail about the 3rd – and most recent – frontal assault by media outlet(s) that have targeted the manufactured housing sector. I’ll mention the first of the three articles immediately below, because we published a reply that included on-the-record comments from a variety of MH Industry pros.


The question for today is, what should MH Pros do when the industry gets unfairly slammed by the media?

Generally speaking, here are the 3 broad brush options…

1) Say or do little or nothing.

2) Provide some response, but don’t invest too much time, money or effort.

3) In addition to a response (#2 above), Energize the Long-Overdue Marketing, PR, Educational/Image Campaign.

Let’s look at each of the above in the same sequence below.

1a) Our industry has done this – “do nothing, hope it blows over” and people forget-about-it – for decades. Where has that policy landed us? If you like shipments under 70,000 new MHs a year, when we’ve been as high as 372,000+ shipments in 1998 – then by all means, this is the strategy to pick (yes, that is sarcasm).

2a) This approach is better than the “do nothing, hope it blows over” approach immediately above. It is useful in influencing the more serious researcher, who will ‘google search’ after bad news hits. Given good SEO on the response article or info, it is clearly better than nothing. See the screen-capture graphic of an actual recent demo result, above.

3a) There are those who realize that to get a better result, we must make a change that actually advances and tackle such issues, while promoting our own good name. This is clearly the way to go. Here’s why.


We either Define Ourselves, or Others will Define Us

Others may define us to our detriment. They may do so out of ignorance, malice, a hidden or visible agendas of their own, etc..

Good MH News Too!

Let’s be clear. There is in fact more good MH News than bad. I’m not talking about what the media publishes, but what the reality is with actual MH home owners and millions of satisfied MHC residents!

But you may not get that impression from recent media accounts, or from media accounts over the years.

We clearly must be engaged – in a collaborative way – to properly level the playing field for MH. There is an affordable housing crisis. In 2013, reports were published saying we needed 20 million new housing units by 2030. That didn’t include replacement housing for aged, storm damaged or burned out site built housing. That 20 million new homes needed was just the number required to keep up with population growth.

There’s more:

  • Incomes are down from 6 years ago.

  • Seniors are retiring at the rate of over 10,000+ daily.

  • Rents keep rising, rental occupancy is high.

  • The recent Great Recession has caused people to rethink many things, including housing. Our opportunities are at a historic peak.

  • We have plenty of lending capacity to finance people with good credit.

  • The facts about MH are routinely in favor of our industry vs. conventional housing, even on subjects like tornadoes, energy savings, environmentally friendlier, durable, quality and the like.

Those MH Businesses investing in our efforts to showcase the Good News about contemporary Manufactured and Modular Homes continues to grow.


Please see the recent links below. Catch the vision for what is needed.

We must tell our good news stories. Your story. The story about the happy MHC resident/home owner. The MH home owners who have homes on privately owned land. The story of caring, committed businesses and MH Professionals. We must also tell the viewpoints of those from outside our Industry who have had the light bulb go off! When they’re ready to speak out on camera and/or in writing, to say that they know that America needs what we offer.

Because what we offer is the American Dream of Home Ownership. Quality, affordable living that is eco-friendly.

That’s a key message. Our challenge to you and your colleagues is simple. Be a part of the solution. Work with us. There are many ways to do so. What other viable current options are even out there?

When you tell your own story on your online or in print, it’s an ad in the minds of people. When you are interviewed, it’s third party. Authenticity comes across!

See the confidence and candor exuded by Alan Amy in this video, linked below.


See the passion, wit and appeal projected by Bob and Chris in this video linked below.


See the passion, belief and commitment in Chet and James in this interview, linked below.


See the sincerity and pride in the home owners featured in this videos…


…and in the drone footage and home tour, all featured on this page:


See the sincerity of this contractor Wayne Hopper, who site builds and remodels houses, but praises modern Manufactured Homes.


These are the stories that will increasingly resonate with the:

  • general public,

  • investors,

  • government officials,

  • housing professionals,

  • and even some of those “bleed-to-lead” story media types, as well as with those responsible journalists who do want to do positive/balanced stories, not just slanted, negative ones.

No one person or company or association can do this Educational/PR/Image effort.

Rather, by working together, we forward thinkers and DOERS can unleash the production capacity of our factories! Because we can grow the respect and thus the demand for our homes among the credit worthy and cash buyers.

We can fill vacancies faster, turn homes in inventory more rapidly. All those vendors, financial service providers, associations and every profession our Industry touches has a stake in this.

We either define ourselves or others will define us. You have three choices, see them above. You vote not just with words, but also with your deeds.

We are better off working together. The good operations who care must pull together. Enough said for today, please check daily for MH Industry News, Tips and Views Pros can Use. © We’ll have a new topic for you here on the Masthead  this weekend. Until then, convert someone new TODAY to the MH Way! ##

latonykovach-louisiville2015-mhpronews-business-building-seminars-By L. A. “Tony” Kovach.


